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  • Location
    marietta ga
  • Cars
    1981 datsun 720 st
  • Interests
    Love my truck

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  1. Would it pick up more speed in a higher rpm just changing out the differential gear? Right now if I’m gunning it in 2nd gear and get it up to 4500, it stops accelerating as fast as it did like at 3000. And if I rev it out all the way to 5500, it just stops accelerating in general until I shift again.
  2. dat_sun720

    Z22 power mods

    Looking to get more power out of my z22 but don’t really know what I can do. Was thinking on getting a Weber carb but want to know what else I could do to get a little more power
  3. Problem is no more, I got a timing gun and my timing was way off and got it to 5⁰
  4. New problem, when ever I go into a drive thru I turn off the truck because it's pretty loud. When I go back to turn it on it takes quite a few tries to get it back on. The battery is brand new and all the connections are solid
  5. Ever since I've tuned my carb and timing, starting the truck has been challenging. The starter would barely turn the motor over when its cold and just wondering if it's a electrical issue or I just need to replace the starter. I asked some techs at nissan and they were as confused as I was.
  6. I mostly got them for the halos so it gives the front more character. But don't really see much snow in georgia so the heat they produce won't really affect me
  7. I managed to fix the dim problem by putting the headlights on separate wires instead 2 of them on the one wire for the lows and they visually appear more bright during the day.
  8. I'm using these headlights... https://www.ebay.com/itm/275517988773?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=NVr4dgHYSHC&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=xPsHabBlRWa&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=EMAIL
  9. Yea I'm probably not going to run it off the starter. I'm probably going to have to stick with the original way the lights should be set up because it's just alot of power. But can I just put a higher amp fuse to make them brighter or is that even possible? I'm not very good with wires and stuff
  10. If I do get power from the starter, would that make the lows and highs brighter? Right now when I was cruising at night, the lows were barely visible and I mostly had to rely on the day time running light part of the headlights. I'm probably going to hook the lows up to my m12 battery just to make sure it's not a headlight problem more of a wiring problem.
  11. I'll look into a custom relay system. Any tips I should know when making one?
  12. So I just did that for the lows but not sure what I should do with the highs. Should I ground the red wire or the red/black wire? When I hit the highs, the lows turn off and I get no highs
  13. I just checked and none of the fuses are blown. I got the lows and highs to work all I needed to do was bend the right tab on the connector and plugged it in. Ideally I would like to have all the headlights working with lows and highs instead of just the 2.
  14. I just got some new projector headlights and having some trouble installing them. I know the new headlights are for a camaro but are not as simple as I thought they would be. If I plug them straight into the socket, only the high beam is on
  15. dat_sun720

    Tail lights

    Is there any sort of aftermarket led tail lights? I all I can find are oem ones and was thinking just to make some custom ones
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