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    1985 Nissan 720

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  1. Okay I will double check for 12v. Any tips on adjusting the choke? you do it when it's completely cold right?
  2. here it is after going on a drive to get it to operating temperature. waited about 15 minutes. wouldn't start still. It's to the point i can't even drive it. the first initial start of the day is fine but it just dies when it's in neutral for too long after being driven for a bit.
  3. Yes i do have the electric choke. What's the best way to see if the choke is on? Sorry I don't have much carburetor experience.
  4. As of recently my truck has been having a lot of issues starting when the vehicle is warm. i'll go into the store and come back and i have to put my foot to the floor on the gas and hold it until it starts and after it does start it runs horribly for a while. I took off the air filter and I could see fuel boiling. I don't see how this could be happening since my weber is hooked up to the factory fuel hard line with the return line. It seems to be getting worse to the point that my truck barely even runs now. Do i just need to rebuild my carb or could this be fuel pump or something? I was going to buy a fuel pressure guage tomorrow and see if anything is being weird. any advice would be much appreciated
  5. ah i see. thank you. it sounds like my alternator was the issue after all.
  6. i'm not sure. it's an oem remanufactured alternator. i have AC if that can determine it
  7. just tested. got a solid 13.4v with lights and other accessories on
  8. battery should be good but I should check. I will have to give that a shot
  9. all that has been done. i mean yeah that's a solution to it not being completely dead but it still doesn't charge.
  10. I believe i checked this a while back and it was good but i'll have to check again. That makes sense but that's been my only option to get home when it dies.
  11. I kill my truck a lot by leaving the lights on since my chime doesn't work so I always carry a portable jumper (which has saved me so many times), anyways I have noticed after I do kill it and jump it, my truck doesn't seem to recharge so from that point on, I have to jump it at almost every start until I can get home to hook it up to a charger. It doesn't matter how far I drive either. I also bought a brand new battery. Yesterday I took off my alternator and took it to autozone and it passed the test. Does anyone have any advice on what else could be the issue? I do have an aftermarket head unit installed but I wouldn't think that would keep the alternator from recharging my battery. The generator dash light isn't on or anything but yes the bulb does work. Any help is appreciated.
  12. oh gotcha. i thought i read somewhere one of them cuts out at a certain range. it seems to be working i just went for a short drive. although im not sure if its accurate. it seems like the rpm are very low. i was opening up the throttle but i never went above 3000 because it almost seemed like it was sounding too high. i've never put a tach on these trucks so do they just have a low red-line?
  13. it seems to idle okay on the other coil, but i also wired my ground somewhere else. which coil should i be running my wire to?
  14. just tested both coils. strong spark
  15. mine is under the dash. i also have my stereo grounded around there. i will definitely try grounding to the battery.
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