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  1. Very sorry for the late response, work had me stationed out of town for a bit but if I remember correctly I did everything you told me to do and still nothing but I did have another co-worker tell me that it could be the ICM on the distributor and I’m curious if that’s the problem?
  2. I will check those things but the thing I find odd is that my new carb does not have a sight glass. And no I live in Texas.
  3. I put the parts into it because I didn’t know when they were replaced so I just said why not. And I did test for spark but one coil had a burned mark like it fell on the exhaust manifold I had bought it like that.but I do have the original carb.
  4. So I bought this 1996 Nissan 720 with a 5 speed manual, 2wd a year ago, ran good for a few months then clutch fork broke then didn’t touch the truck for about a 6-7 months because of work, so I decided to put a new clutch pressure plate and pilot bearing or bushing and new flywheel then got it running drove to the gas station ran but on the way there it ran sluggish in 1st and 2nd but when shifted into 3rd it took off so then I decided to buy a new carb because the linkage to the choke had broke and installed new carb (regular carb) and ran good for about a week then after it would warm up it would stall out tried tuning the carb and still nothing so then I decided to change all the ignition system like the wires,plugs,coils, cap and rotor because the previous owner never told when he changed them, I also did the fuel filter and pump I had changed then when I bought the truck so I know that one works I even tested it. I also redid all the vacuum lines and still runs like it did. Any help cause I don’t know what to do at this point.
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