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About Ed_zaz17

  • Birthday January 14

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  • Cars
    1969 datsun 521 pickup
  • Interests
    Cars, hunting, fishing

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  1. Little update so that part number for the vacuum advance from oreileys works on a j13 distributor but you have to change out the end clip that hooks onto it
  2. Ohh ok thats actually quite a bit i understand now and honestly im gunna change over to one now when im able too
  3. I definitely plan on doing this soon but i kinda already bought the part so still wouldnt hurt to check if this vacuum advance would work. Ive heard that with a electronic distributor it starts alot easier? Is that correct bc that would be really helpful if so.
  4. Ok so i did a little research and a friend of mine said that if you go to oreilys and look up part # 33-0162 it looks the same as the one thats on a j13 (he wasnt too sure if it fits or not) i bought it and will update you all if the vacuum advance will fit on the distributor of a j13 p.s its a special order so youll spend at least $50😅
  5. For a j13? I havent seen any distributors for my truck at all. New or used
  6. I remember seeing that thread awhile ago i completely forgot about it, im gunna see if i can spot any midgets today at the junk yards then, thank you guys so much!
  7. Oh ok that makes sense, i may just reassemble everything for now then until i find it bc im eager to get it running for a car show coming up
  8. Well now im curious what exactly does the vacuum advance do? Also im headed to some junk yards tomorrow to see if any datsun models used the same type as mine
  9. So if i take the spindle off can i possibly change it out with the one on my truck and get it going?
  10. Hey guys i was a bit curious can someone tell me if a distributor with dual points off a L16 work on a j13? Cant find the vacuum advance for j13 so looking at that other distributor email me please if possible (edwin.ale814@gmail.com)
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