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Newbie Brian

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    82 720
  • Interests
    Fishing hunting working on my truck

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  1. i replaced the whole signal switch, there was a wiring issue i found, how ever when the head lights are switched on there is no light on for the dash. i just need a block of c4 and a demolition range at this point.. also when put into drive or reverse now all of a sudden it dies it use to drive... about to abort this project and get a yota
  2. tommy let me know who you find to rebuild your motor i have the z22 in a 82 that needs rebuilt. im not too far behind you with bringing my 82 back to life.. where did you get the pain did? im really contemplating sanding my own down and making my own plastic paint shed or sending to maaco.
  3. Having trouble with my 720 going into drive. truck will start and will take forever to warm up, have to press the gas pedal to lower the rpms after about 5 mins. But soon as i put into gear (reverse or drive the truck shuts off. ive tried checking time, adjusting the rotor cap, adjusting the fuel on the carb and nothing works. Damn near about to drag it to the demolition range slap some explosives to it and trial by error with my fellow 12Bs figure out how to dismantle it with one shot...
  4. Hello looking for advice. I have a '82 datsun 720. I have read a couple of these threads and am lost. I have replaced the turn signal/ wiper switch on the column. As well as the two flashers under the dash. How ever I do not have any type of turn signal or dash lights operational. I've tried cleaning the hazard switch as well as wiggling it and turning it on amd off multiple times. I am not at a loss of what else to do or look for. I'm assuming chasing down the wiring or directly re wiring the blinkers would be a no go cause I would short something out.. the 15 amp fuse is good as well. Thanks for your help before hand if you can help me figure this out..
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