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  1. Can't figure out how to post them on here.
  2. I have it tore apart right now. What would you like to see and I'll take some pictures of it.
  3. Thanks for the info on how to figure the ratios. No keeping the MG engine, just wanted a 5 speed because it's geared to low to run interstate speeds. There's a company that builds an engine plate that takes the Nissan trans. No point in changing rear axle to a higher gear since I'm only working with 95hp so acceleration would suffer.
  4. Thanks for getting back to me. I'm just trying to make sure I know what I have. Like I said it's supposed to be out of a 79 ZX. The more I look I don't think I will be able to just change 5th since mine has the steel synchro 5th. Correct me if I'm wrong on any of this. My tooth count for 5th is 19 on the main and 31 on the counter shaft. I havnt even seen this combo available when looking. Maybe it's because it is an odd ball and it's no longer available or wasn't commonly used so it's not available. I'm building this trans to put in my MG just really wanted a little taller 5th to bring RPMs down but want to keep everything else the same because it's close to the original MG ratios. Still would like to know how to correctly figure the final ratio for each gear if anyone can explain that.
  5. So I'm posting this in hopes datzenmike see it. I have been looking at a post from years ago about changing ratios in the FS5W71 transmission. I understand dividing the drive and driven gears to get the ratio in the middle. What I don't get is how to come up with the final ratio I'm seeing on the right side. Anyone able to help on this? Next question, I have a 5 speed out of a 79 280zx. Is it possible to change only the 5th gear ratio to something a little closer to the .745 5th in the later trans. I know the synchronizer set up is different because mine has the odd ball 5th. Anyway is it possible and what does it take if it is?
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