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    1970 Datsun 521 with L20B Engine
  • Interests
    Datsun, VW

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  1. Thank you so much Hainz. I'll check them out. But if you know of someone who sells metal ones that have that 70's look, please let me know.
  2. Does anybody know what window crank handle could fit a 1970 521 besides the original? My original one lost all its teeth. I've looked for the original one, but couldn't find it. I wonder if the one from a different vehicle could work. Thank you all. Apologies if this has been talked about, I looked in the threads and couldn't find it.
  3. Thanks a lot. And you're right. I found it at Nissan in Alhambra. I'm gonna install it and see if the leak stops. Thanks!
  4. It's true. It's called Multiple Discovery in science. I'm not sure if it's the same case in philosophy. But I guess we're all driving around in life with more of less the same equipment and more or less on the same roads, so I guess we're bound to see the same landscapes. Know whatta I mean? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multiple_discovery
  5. Hahahahahahaha! I can barely concentrate on the pinion. Good one! 🤣🤣🤣 BTW, you know you're quoting Socrates, right? "The more I know, the more I realize I know nothing."
  6. Thank you so much Datzenmike! You really know everything. I just hope you're in fact that cutie in your profile. It just makes the whole thing much better.
  7. Hello everyone. I wonder if any of you knows how to identify a transmission while it's installed. I have a 521 that came with a L20B and a 5-speed transmission from a 720. The transmission is leaking a bit from the speedometer pinion. That could be an easy fix, but I can't figure out what year/model was the transmission taken from, and I believe I need that info to get the right part. Per Charlie69 suggestion (thanksCharlie), I'm adding some pics (not very good ones) that maybe a Datsun guru can decipher. Thanks so much for you help!
  8. Hello guys. My truck has been running nicely for a while now. But recently it doesn't want to start in the mornings. It seems that the fuel doesn't reach the carb when cold. If I add gas to the carb manually then it starts right away and will start and run fine for the rest of the day. I can see that the fuel filter is empty in the mornings and only after I prime the carb it fills up. So I'm guessing the fuel pump is working fine, but can't figure out why it does this. Any guesses? Thank you all.
  9. Well, I have to eat my hat. It’s was my fault after all. The pump wasn’t positioned correctly. The arm needs to rest on top of the cam circle not below. So now that I moved it to its right position with the valve cover off, the pump is working like a champ. Thanks everyone. You got my permission to use this thread to show what happens when you're a dumbass and don’t know what you’re doing. But I guess that’s how we learn. Thanks
  10. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1G9AhqpZFDccMbR7JhR2dCtWphBi_x_v4/view?usp=drivesdk here’s the answer. The fuel pump leg isn’t touching the cam. And it looks like it got sanded off a small chunk. Which now that I look at the other pump, it also lost a small chunk. Any guesses what is going on. sorry for the link. I’m not sure how to add images from my phone.
  11. Thank you for the advice. I’m gonna give one last try to the mechanical Pump but if it doesn’t work, I’ll go with this one.
  12. No, I put a short hose dipped into a small container with gas in the INPUT side of the pump while I had the truck running and it didn’t suck any gas. But today I’m gonna do what you say when I get home. thank you
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