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  • Location
    Bay Area California
  • Cars
    1974 Datsun 710 Wagon

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  1. Thank you iceman510 and yenpit for your replies!! I will check out rubbertherightway.com and see what I can find. I will definitely tell Clayton that TJ sent me! Thank you all again! ✌️
  2. Thank you datzenmike for your reply! I was afraid it was a 710 only piece. I haven’t really found anything to similar that seems like a good match yet but I’ll keep looking. Honestly, I may just skip it all together because I doubt it will be noticeable at all without it.
  3. Hello everyone! This is my first post here! 😊 👋 I’m looking for the rubber strip that goes on the metal edge of my dash and the windshield area. I’m going to attempt to post a link to a photo of the rubber but since this is my first post, I will see how it goes. If anyone has any ideas, I would greatly appreciate it! Thank you! Rubber for dash https://share.icloud.com/photos/09f2T5yQhOVO8_L84sH-Ys2tA My ‘74 710 Wagon https://share.icloud.com/photos/0edsZVZKa0K1jTwT9h2IA4BCw
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