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Radim last won the day on July 1 2010

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About Radim

  • Birthday 09/06/1990

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Santa Ana, CA
  • Cars
    '73 620, '91 LS400, '74 Z, '01 GS300 '69 521 '74 KZ400
  • Interests
    Wheels, Cars, Photography, Paranormal, Horror, Gore, Music.
  • Occupation
    Hotel Service/Importing/Wheel Refinishing and Whoring

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  1. So I'm upgrading from Pathfinder calipers to Z32 on the truck, Instead of having new lines made I just got these with gasketed crush washers.... http://www.ebay.com/itm/M10-x-1-25-METRIC-STAINLESS-STEEL-BANJO-BOLT-20mm-LONG-/141155308307?pt=Race_Car_Parts&hash=item20dd831313&vxp=mtr

    1. heretic


      fuck yeah... I hope you're gonna had this to your build. I'm very interested :)

    2. jvb5577


      Same here! I am curious if there is a noticeable difference.

    3. Radim


      Yup, Will report back!

      Just thought I'd let ya'll know in case you're going through the hassle of having to get new brake lines made or making your own with AN adapters.


      I already had Stainless lines from the Pathfinder swap so I didn't want to make new ones, specially since these are like 2 months old.


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