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  1. It is registered, which is great news. I have the feeling I like the CA dmv about as much as the N.Y. dmv.....
  2. Lincoln LS. Just a decent car to do a road trip with my 18 yo son. Is saturday pch north a bad idea?
  3. Will do! PCH north from Santa Barbara to Monterey, catch 50 in Sacramento, loneliest road thru Nevada, up to Idaho, 90 home. Should be some good photo takin'
  4. Thanks, guys. This forum is way better and faster than the CA DMV website! Really sets my mind at ease.
  5. Thanks. Do I need previous owners permission to drive on his plates/registration?
  6. I am looking to buy a car in California to drive home to New York. Is it difficult to get a temporary tag to Drive my used car home?
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