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About Macklen

  • Birthday 11/07/1977

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    85 Nissan 720 Z24

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  1. Macklen

    Soft brake pedal

    I did not bleed that valve, I wasn't aware of it till now. I'll do that next, thanks for the advice.
  2. Macklen

    Soft brake pedal

    Hello. I recently started working on a truck that had been sitting for a couple of years. I noticed the brake pedal went almost to the bottom, gotta pump it once or twice for it to get firm with the motor running. Front pads are good, I replaced both rear drums and shoes, bled the system and it keeps doing the same. Pedal goes too far at first, then after one or two pumps it gets fine. It can be driven like this, but I know it's not safe, I don't think it would stop right away if I gotta brake suddenly. What else should I look into? Bleed again? Booster issues? Thanks.
  3. Thanks for the reply. I thought about that but t's so corroded I'm afraid it's gonna break and leave a piece in the hole. It happened to the Y piece under the intake and after cracking the intake trying to get it out I had to get another intake from the junkyard. It REALLY was stuck in there. Maybe just cut the hoses nice and short and plug them. Heater core is out now. Took a few grunts and two units of blood but it's out. Thanks Mike, you the man.
  4. Hi. I need to bypass the heater core on my 85 720 permanently. One hose to the heater core goes from the bottom of the intake, from a metal piece with two outlets. The second from another single outlet coming from the block itself behind the oil filter. Can I connect these two water takes or is it better to just cap them? Also, both hoses seem the same size, I overlooked to mark which goes where when I took the head off for machining. Is there a flow direction in the heater core? I'll be removing the whole heater core assembly from the dash anyway, it's leaking a bit and it never gets cold enough to need heating where I live. Thanks.
  5. I think A is the way to go. The one in the truck will be properly done, it's way cleaner too, unless there's damage I haven't seen yet. I'll continue to update so other folks can use what I learn as well. This forum rocks.
  6. Well, it got home and it was parked running. Sudden heavy stuttering and blue smoke out the pipe. I figured a ring blew and I parked it before further damage. I have not inspected it, I took it as a pretext to do what I wanted to do for a while, which is a full rebuild. It had been losing power the last year. Been riding a motorcycle since.
  7. It'll definitely get done, I'm actually excited to do both engines right. It's really a matter of getting a couple rides into town on someone else's truck. I don't think parts will be an issue, the 720 is pretty much everywhere around here.
  8. I really appreaciate the feedback. I'll think it over and post more pics as I go.
  9. https://www.instagram.com/p/CKZvaNDDqwD/?igshid=a92zhn9nwm8w
  10. Sure, pic of head coming. That would be best, since I do need the truck running to get to a machine shop, and I have no problem with doing the whole thing twice. I can half-ass this one as a temporary solution, do the other properly and then go back on the first one. Now, does it make sense to throw in new rod bearings now, or wait for the second time around? Also, when new rod bearings do go in, does the crank need to be messed with? Not for crank bearings, but rod ones.
  11. On second thought all pistons feel like that, so maybe it's normal? Like the pin rotation stops a bit before the "ear" thingies on the piston bottom hit the rod.
  12. https://www.instagram.com/p/CKZc8T5D6xR/?igshid=qgpb2s49ee39
  13. Here are more detailed pics of the piston. I cleaned it as best as I could, I can tell it's been heating more than the others from the crust in it. Also, it doesn't quite rock freely, it feels as if it kinda catches, like the pin is out of round a bit. The oil hole its unobstructed, the markings on the top are gone. Pics coming...
  14. Thanks for the quick reply. I'll post the pics you requested early tomorrow, for sure. I live in a small town in the mountains in Mexico, a trip to a nearby city to get to a machine shop is not out of the question, but certainly not the most practical, so I'm considering options. Pics tomorrow, promise.
  15. https://www.instagram.com/p/CKXa6_SjcAs/?igshid=1mfj633jhazi5
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