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    San Clemente
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    73 Datsun 510

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  1. I figured out the wiring locations, disregard the photo above, those locations are not correct. The pictures below are the correct locations. The regulator I used from Amazon is posted above. I put shrink wrap around it because I did not want that metal on the regulator to short anything out on the board. I put double sided tape to mount it. It’s working great now!
  2. Banzai510, I think you are right about the pinout for the new voltage regulator. But do you happen to know on the circuit board if I have identified the soldering locations correctly for (input/ground/output)?
  3. Hi everyone! I wanted to see if someone could help me out. I am changing my gauges on my 73 510 2 door, but I am keeping my original fuel/temp. During this process I created a brief short by accidently testing it with the wiring harness connector 3/4 on. I saw a moment of white smoke and immediately turned the ignition off and discovered that the plug was not all the way on. I put the plug on all the way, no more short, but I noticed that both my fuel/temp gauges are reading low. I took the fuel/temp gauges out to check the voltage regulator and the thin white wire that heats the bimetallic element appears burnt. I think the voltage regulator is shot but the gauges are still functioning. My plan is to change the regulator with a modern one as suggested in this article. The LM7809 is available on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07L22J7F9/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?smid=A11MW2DTLMFD3&psc=1 What I need to know is where to wire the 3 tabs to (Input, Ground, Output)? My plan is to unsolder the old voltage regulator but leave it on the board as it is riveted in, then solder on the new regulator. Can someone tell me if I have I have identified the location of the Input / Ground / Output locations correctly? (SEE DIAGRAM BELOW) Any help would be greatly appreciated!
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