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  • Gender
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  • Location
    Red dirt desert
  • Cars
    85 720 4x4, various 90's beaters
  • Interests
    Conservation and destruction

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  1. Eureka, hoss, that did it. I tried to pinch it in place through the covers tube while hand tightening the bolts, seems like progress. Where I had a decent spurt when throttled and a drip when idling, I now have a drip when throttled and basically nothing when idling. Here I was thinking about new manifold this, and junkyard that! https://m.flickr.com/#/photos/143334550@N05/28399308152/ Thats my new rat. I like this thing WAY more than the 93 d series I had. Maybe junkyard later just for fun. \0.0/
  2. Upon closer inspection it's coming from directly underneath on the "housing." Only the housing appears to be connected to the rest of the intake manifold, not individually removable like the one in your picture. So I might venture a guess that I cracked the housing/intake around the bottom bolt when I overtorqued it...? Sure wasn't doing that before.
  3. Can't even tell if changing stat did any good or not cause it's still leaking out the flippin gasket. Rtv was useless, went to town, got another gasket, installed...still just drips right out of there. I'm lost.
  4. Burned about a quart in 500 miles. I'm thinking of starting an abuse test thread. See how long I can btfoo (beat the fork out of) this already abused rig.
  5. No rattle when I tap, the thing ain't movin at all to shake it though. It's got three ubolts on the front end and two on the ass. Friggin solid. I am entirely against dealing with decrepit exhaust bolts if at all avoidable, so I figure I'll wait til this gasket sealer cures and see how the tstat replacement truly affected the thing. Nothing to do til then but read more ratsun walkthroughs. Did I mention how awesome this place is?
  6. Leak hopefully mended. Found some blue rtv from 1986 in one of my buckets of petrochemicals. I think my dumb ass overtorqued the bolts and ripped the gasket, but I'll see how it does after it dries a while. OP had the glowing headers, I just have the heat. How does I check cat? Remove and inspect? Is there a less bolt-breaking method perhaps?
  7. Shroud is good, fan clutch seems pretty packed still. Changed thermostat this morning, went for a drive and she still getting too hot. Limped home and found a pretty steady couple drips at a time coming out the new stat gasket. Thought I did everything by the book except applying silicone sealer. Old tstat was burnt looking. Mightve been 10-15+ years old. No "jiggle valve" on it either. Rad looks relatively dirty inside, but I've had dirtier ones function properly on 80's fords. There was a decent bit of pitting on the stat housing and cover. Sanded out best I could, but I'm wondering if this leak wouldn't make temp climb as well... Any more thoughts for an idjit?
  8. Ride on with your right on, brother man. Thanks to all you contributing members for the vast wealth of information here. If'n that don't do it, I'll read the whole section again before I trouble y'all.
  9. Oh yeah, left plug in pic is intake, right plug is exhaust.
  10. No collapsing of rad hose. No real loss of coolant, though I do notice now that the crimped line is dripping a negligible amount. Both banks of plugs are getting spark. The wear is a good bit different on both banks, and the gap on the exhaust side plug I just pulled is less than .02 inches (won't slip on my little gauge at all). https://m.flickr.com/#/photos/143334550@N05/28443229576/ That would be pretty sweet if a thermostat is all I need to keep burning oil til she does. I was just reading on this forum the soup test, maybe I should try that next.
  11. Sorry for the necrobump, new owner of a 85 720, having overheating issue. Figured I'd bring this back up as some of it may be relevant, instead of starting a new "derr my truck runs badd derrfr" thread. Drove truck 500+ miles after purchase, had it losing power and getting hot on every grade. Not too badly, but now I can't make it the thirty miles to town without temp gauge going past 3/4. Read the bit in this thread about the clogged radiator overflow hose, checked mine and found it quite clean, but the metal line coming from the cap area crimped in half. https://m.flickr.com/#/photos/143334550@N05/28474749625/sizes/m/ That's as close as I can seem to get to actually posting a pic. Would this cause pressure buildup enough to heat my block up so much? It's burning a good bit of oil as well, but I feel (perhaps incorrectly) these problems are unrelated. Haven't checked timing, or even mixture yet, as I am wrench stupid. Any advice or info would be groovy. Also; been lurking, dig the community.
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