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About trout104

  • Birthday 09/02/1967

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  • Gender
  • Location
    pincher creek alta
  • Cars
    '73 620 78 510
  • Interests
    I have owned this truck since 1993,second owner.
  • Occupation
    unable due to health/physically not mentally

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  1. Been trying to figure out what the numbers are on the cover of the choke.. L20B. Engine size.. AY 1 M7 13 2KT 60-1. I happen to find a NOS one still in the box, the one I have is L20B AY-1 D5-18 2KT60-1 But being 40+ it is worn out, looking forward to seeing how the wagon runs now. Gotta wait for about 2 ft of snow to melt first.lol...thanx
  2. Ya it's glued in, and glued good to. Also it does have a small scratch from PO not having wiper blade. Thanx
  3. Unfortunately we are having a hard time finding a windshield for the car..I found a used one but it is still in the car.. Hopefully we can get it out without shattering it. Anyways, my mother winters in Yuma during the winter..Anyone down in that area have a good one that she could bring back..We are in southern Alberta, I'm continuing to build and look for another.. Hopefully someone down that way can help me out.thanx in advance I'll try to get some pics up soon, as it is coming along, and almost to the painting stag, and the interior is almost complete less front seats.
  4. I've got a line on a carb from a z22(84. 720).. will this be OK on our 78. L20b..it's new in box for $100..
  5. These manuals are great, still looking for '78 A10 manual..in our car, there seems to be a lot of wiring not hooked up and trying to make sure they are not needed...it wasn't running when we bought it..PO said it was running when parked, but they all say that.
  6. No I haven't, but I will now. Thnx
  7. That's what I figured, so I didn't put any effort out...thnx for your help..
  8. Got the pic thing figured I think.
  9. The wind is blowing 100km today, so head removal out. But I did talk to owner,he wants $100 for it,but I don't know if I can get it out. it's in the middle of a bunch of crap. Might have to piece it out. No 219 on the front but a87 on side. Oil look OK, parked because of clutch. No hood for 5 years. Wondering if it's worth the effort, everything else is rough. On another subject..how do I post pictures, my search doesn't work properly. Thnx
  10. I've checked several times, hoping to see 219, but to no avail..I remember you having a conversation with datsunahloic, he has the same setup as I do. I'm going out today and rip the head off and check it out.ill get back to u when I get it off. fingers crossed....lol I get the parts free so I'm only out my time.
  11. If a L16 with A87 is a no no. How did they get away with on our 620. It's totally original. I bought off of original owner. I've had it since 95 and it has never been touched. Did they put flattops in, or is the compression that low.I know of several like this.
  12. Ohya I did the hei today,It looks good. I'll post pics when I figure out how to do that again.it been awhile.
  13. Here in southern Alberta there are very few Datsuns period. So when you see one, you try to get the most from them. What ever good part has probably been snapped up by now,but occasionally you find something good.Todsy a radiator for his A10 goon, and a new glovebox.tomorrow hopefully a closed chambered head....lol
  14. It's a 72, the tag on fender and door match 01/72. The engine is a L18 says so on block, and A87 on the head. I thought I read somewhere on here that they shipped boatloads of used jpdm L18 over with closed chambered heads as replacement engines. We have a 73 620 with the L16 and a A87 head but it is an open head.Im not looking at replacing it, just looking for a closed chambered one for a future build.
  15. I was out today looking at a 72 620 today and it had a L18 in it with a A87 head on it. What's the chance if it being closed chambered. I thought the 72 came with L16. Being in Canada did that change anything with the USDM. Or was that a north American thing. I can pull it, but thought I would ask the guru's here their opinions first,as I have learnt more here than words can say...thanx in advance
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