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  • Location
    Oakland, CA
  • Cars
    1969 SRL311, 1977 280z
  • Interests
    Cars, boxing.

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  1. Here's a link to our route. Two start locations- 830am in Santa Rosa; 9am in Petaluma. We'll be driving out to Point Reyes and through to Sebastopol. https://goo.gl/maps/Zz24VDaiYeez5tLD6
  2. People of Northern California: a couple of us have been doing a loose gathering & drive the last couple of months, and our next outing is this coming Saturday, June 20th. We meet up in Santa Rosa at Acre Coffee in Montgomery Village at 9am, and head out through some amazing roads around Sonoma and Napa. We aren't fussy about car makes- there may be Porsches and MGs with us, anyone is welcome, but obviously it's great to get a bunch of Datsuns together. Let us know if you're interested in coming and I'll get a route to you.
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