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    86 Pickup 720 King Cab
  • Interests
    Blacksmithing, jewelry making, tinkering, electricity.

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  1. Thanks Mike, I appreciate the help. I did finally figure out the problem just a few mins ago. The module in the distributor had corrosion on the terminal for the exhaust coil. I pulled the connector off (it was kind of loose too), cleaned and tightened it, now the coil is firing. I will have to wait till tomorrow for a test drive but everything seems to be running smooth now. Not bad for an engine with 397k miles on it lol.
  2. Oh, and a little more info, after checking the fuse, I tried just running a jumper from the - side of the coil to ground. But then I realized there was no power getting to the coil in the first place.
  3. I did check that and the fuse is good. I had hoped it was going to be that simple but no such luck.
  4. Hello folks, I have been searching the forums for an answer to a similar problem I have been having with my 86 720. It has all the symptoms described above and it turns out my exhaust side coil is not getting any voltage. So only my intake side plugs are firing. I have tested both coils and they are good. But I am not getting any incoming voltage to the coil for the exhaust side when running. I chased the wire (the red one) and can't find any breaks or damage. Does anyone know if it is possible that the ignition control unit can have one output line go bad and the other still be working? Or maybe I overlooked something else?
  5. Thanks for the help guys. I do not have another gear set, so if the differential is bad, I'm gonna have to buy a new one I guess. I will drain and check the the gear oil, see if there are any metal chunks like you said datzenmike.
  6. Thanks wayno, the differential oil was dark brown, almost black. I will change that. I did not remove the drive shaft, but i did disconnect it at the differential to check the u-joints on the rear half and they seemed okay. I think i will check them again, a little more thoroughly. As far as when the noise happens, it doesn't make any noise when idling in neutral or with the clutch in. It only seems to do it when i'm moving and it is louder under load. When it's moving on level ground at constant speed, it doesn't make much noise, if any at all. I did notice that the metal grinding sound seems to speed up when vehicle speed increases. That is what makes me think its something past the transmission.
  7. Hello everyone, I'm looking for a little advice before I get into too much of a mess. I bought my truck real cheap from a friend last year, it has 280,000 miles on it. It needed a little work, leaky vacuum hoses, tune up, that kind of thing, easy stuff I fixed myself. But the guy had kept it up pretty good otherwise. A few weeks ago, I noticed a metal on metal grinding sound and some vibration coming from the rear end. It only seems to do it under load, going up or down hills, but it is getting worse every time I drive. First thing I checked was the u-joints but they all seem fine. I'm not sure how to tell if the carrier bearing is okay. When I push and pull on the drive shaft, the rubber around it seems fairly stiff, there is not a lot of play. I checked the oil level in the differential, it's topped off. The next thing I am thinking of doing is checking the wheel bearings. I'm really hoping that there is nothing wrong with the differential itself, I am trying to rule out everything else before messing with that. If anyone has some suggestions or has had a similar problem, tips will be greatly appreciated. I'm too cheap and stubborn to take it to a shop just yet, I'm a DIY kind of guy.
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