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  • Location
    San Antonio, TX
  • Cars
    210 wagon

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  1. I could use some advice again. It's inspection time and last inspection I was told to get some things fixed. First one, Can someone tell me the name of the part missing in the photo It is on the lower driver side of the engine block. I saw it on the link Sierra gave me (thanks btw). But I don't know what it is called. The other item that I don't know what about is the pic below. It's the round piece located directly in front of the block Again, thank you for the help. Sorry if they're dumb questions
  2. Here's some pictures of my car. She's a bit dusty looking but gets me where I need to be every day. Also, after all the help I disconnected the after market radio. It's been 2 days and still starting up. It doesn't seem to have all the power cranking it should after its been sitting a while, but I can get to work every day!
  3. [/url]">http://s120.photobucket.com/user/rtt327/media/datsun2_zps8d20fada.jpg.html][/url] Yes, the horn works. Thanks for all the quick and good advice. I'll get on this after work tomorrow. I'll also add some pictures
  4. Hello everyone. I'm looking for some help. I fell into a good, running 79 Datsun about 18 months ago. Since then no trouble.....then I left my lights on!! I had to get a jump. After the jump the aftermarket radio that had never worked turned on. When I drove home it DIED:( Small burning smell. Got a new battery took it the local auto part store. They said I needed a new alternator. Here's the best part. No one could help me tell if I own a 1.4 or a 1.5. They did however say that it didn't matter because the bigger alternator was only rated at 60 amps instead of 50. I was told it wouldn't hurt anything. I used all my car smarts and changed the alternator. Now it runs, but if I leave it too long without running the battery dies. The parking brake light also randomly turns on. It turns off when I press on the brake pedal. The battery light also occasionally flickers. I would have it fixed, but $$ is a little tight. I guess my main questions are: 1) How do I know what engine I have? The metal plate is rusted over. All I can read is what looks to be an A14 2) Are they right about the alternator being ok? At one point one of the employees asked me if I reset the computer. I am not the smartest car guy around, but COME ON!!!! 3) Are there any ways (for a novice mechanic) to find what's draining the battery I tried to post a couple pictures, but my computer skills are as equally poor as my mechanic skills. Thanks
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