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  • Gender
  • Location
    Washington State
  • Cars
    1964 Datsun 1500, 1997 Toyota Tacoma, 2009 Subaru Forester XT, 1988 Toyota Corolla
  • Interests
    Stuff and things.
  • Occupation
    Toyota Technician

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  1. Check spam/junk folder in your email. Thats where mine ended up.
  2. +1 for another datsun. I signed up and sent payment, but notice nothings been charged yet. Just want to make sure im in the system! I did get an "order has been received" email but $ has not been taken. Lookin forward to the event.
  3. This thread has sat idle for nearly a year but the datsun has not :) I overhauled the G engine and cleaned up the engine bay. Overall she is now in reliable mechanical condition. Ive been driving the car as often as weather permits and loving every bit of it. next will be cleaning up the rest of the car and trying to salvage the paint job! Looking forward taking the car to some local events at some point...until then here are some pics.
  4. Got the carbs off, the hole is a mount hole. Here are some pics of the spacer.there were no gaskets!from what I'm reading there should be gaskets between the manifold and carb spacer/insulator block.I assume its stock but not positive
  5. Cool link,thanks. I have completely been infected by the Datsun bug. I've been working on or learning about this 1500 every second I can. It was my father in laws, I found some old documents that shows he bought it on Jan. 1st Of 1964. it has the dual carbs and 1500 emblem on the back so it had to have been built sometime between June and December of 1963. I'd guess more like between June and Oct...
  6. Can I join your club? We could make fun of square headed jeep owners. Lol I should see what drops is about. Any other datsun clubs around Puget sound?
  7. Got the thermostat housing off. No thermostat in there....but there is lots of nasty corosion. Switched gears pulled the distributor to check its condition. Overall good but the breaker plate is gummed up and needs replacing. Next is to drain all the rust water from the block and find a way to flush out the junk. Do all Datsuns use a mish mash of sae and metric fasteners or am I just one of them lucky phucs?!
  8. Wayno do you think this could have been one of the factory single barrels that was swapped to dual? The was purchased new in January of 1964 so definitely built in 63 I assume. Here are 2 other engine bay pics.
  9. Oh yeah. I suppose people live on the other side of the mountains too huh? Lol I'm actually close to Aberdeen. I live in Olympia and work in Puyallup... Thanks for the suggestion. I reread my post and noticed auto correct helped again. I do want to fix this one, not replace it!
  10. This one, AFAIK, has the same dual su carbs it came with from the factory. This used to be my father in laws car, he bought it new from "clean car center" in Orange California. I plan on testing his memory banks about the car when we go visit. He has told story's of towing a ski boat with the datsun and people looking in disbelief as they passed him. Lol!
  11. There is some bad and ugly to go with the good.... Broken thermostat housing bolts Cooling passage for Water pump (any suggestions for flushing?) And this is one of the phenolic spacers for where the carbs fit to the intake. The other one is just as bad! It's not even the right shape anymore. See the gap at the top? Lol Does anyone in Washington state know of a reputable Radiator place? The radiator needs some lovin too but I'd like to repair this one by getting a new one.
  12. I already know I get a failing grade for lack of updates and pics, but better late then never right? If anyone is interested I could take more / specific pics of the car if it could help someone out there with a roadster. I had to first build a home for this datsun before I could work on it which is why it took so long to here... Excuses right? Think it could attain survivor status? I don't want to restore it, rather preserve it. It's in excellent condition and don't want to erase any of the patina lol. But I figure a super thorough cleaning and buffing shouldn't ruin that, would it?
  13. I work dammit! LOL. It's dark and or raining by the time I get home. This weekend. I promise! Lots of pics. It's driven me nuts too. I haven't even got to open the hood on her yet since she has been up here. :-(
  14. It has the rear seat, but dual carbs.
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