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    '82 Series 1 910 Bluebird L20B, 2001 Series 1 VX Holden Commodore Executive.

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  1. Damn. Any other bolt ons that might have a ball valve? It can't have come from nowhere and I'm not going to throw the motor in until I know, in case I can't get to it. Going insane
  2. Not that tube, but the one that screws in there.
  3. Nah not that one Mike. I was referring to the threaded tube in your hand. Probably doesn't go there but it's all I can think of.
  4. Hi guys, First post. It's been a while since I pulled this motor apart and it's getting a full rebuild. Until now (closed up) its been coming together quite well, however, I have come across a small steel ball (bearing) that I remember shot out at me when I was dismantling the car, but can't for the life of me remember where it goes. The only Idea I have at the moment is that it was from the oil filter mount itself (in addition to the relief valve) for anti-drain-back. Does one go in there? Is it spring loaded? I know there's one in the casting for pressure relief if the filter gets blocked but I'm wondering if this goes in the spout that screws into the block then has the filter mount push onto it. I'll attach a photo if I can figure out how but any help would be appreciated. The ball itself is about 11mm in diameter
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