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About wendell42

  • Birthday 07/18/1961

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  1. Awesome. That is a relief. Thanks for the info.
  2. I have a '76 B210, when I got it from a friend, he had just re-built the an A12 engine and put it in the car. I am not entirely sure what year the engine was, but was told it came out of a 1200 (I guess that narrows it down a BIT). The number stamped on the side of the engine on the tabs is A12 699854 do any of these numbers indicate what year the engine is? I dont want ot order the wrong part for the engine because I got the year of the engine wrong. Any assistance would be appreciated.
  3. I think I found a cam. Thanks for the help.
  4. Hope someone can help me out. I am looking for a cam shaft for a '74 A12 engine. It is the one with the distributor at the front of the engine. Does anyone know where I might be able to get one of these? I would like to get the engine running again so I can get the car on the road for my daughter. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Wayne
  5. Well, the A14 motor I picked up needs to be re-built before I can do anything with it. the number 4 cylinder only had 25psi for compression. Going to start getting the parts in to re-build it so that I can get the old girl back on the road. Thanks everyone for all your help and insights.
  6. ggzilla, I think you are right, once I get that A14 engine in there I will be a LOT happier. Picked the engine up this evening, turning it by hand it seems to have pretty good compression. I will get the starter hooked up on it tomorrow and do a proper compression test. The engine was sitting for a few years, but was under cover so it should all be OK. I figure between the two engines, I should get one decient one! gpimm, I did notice right as it died, the oil light did come on. I Was able to do a more thorough check at the cam, and it is definately the gear on there that is shot.. Once I get the old girl back on the road, I will pull the cam out and take some pics and see if I can get the posted on here. Thanks for the input everyone, I will keep you updated on my progress.
  7. I pulled the distribuer out, the gears on it are fine and the gears spin with the shaft, no problems with it. I looked down in the distributer hole and can see the gears on the cam are chewed up, I havnt drained the oil yet, but I am sure it is full of metal. I got a few big chunks out already, just sticking a magnet down the hole. There was an A14 engine it the car at one time, the guy I got it from had the A12 engine re-built and put it in there. They modified the left engine mount bracket, so I have to get that sorted, but I do plan on putting the A14 in there. Hopefully it will hold out till I can get the parts and time to pull it again to re-bild it. I would like to do fix the A12 as well, if nothing else, fora sutiable spare.
  8. I am going to go pick up an A14 engine tonight for the car. Hopefully it is in good enough shape to get me by for a while. I have heard that the distributers are located in different areas on the A12 and the A14 engines, so I think the only hope I have to bring the old A12 back to life is to get an A12 camshaft. The guy that re-built the engine about 3 years ago is real good, I am sure if there was ANY wear on the cam gear he would have said something. Does anyone know if the computer for the electronic ignition will be OK or am I going to have to try to hunt one of thse down as well??
  9. OK, so I had an oil leak and decided to pressure wash the engine after tightening down the obvious bolts (valve cover ect) to see if I got the leak stopped. A few hours later, I went to start the car and had gotten water in the distributer cap. Left the cap off so that everything would air dry. About 6 hour later, put the cap back on, and she fire right up. Got about a half mile down the road and it died! would crank, but not start, lots of backfiring. Took the distributer cap off, and the distributer is just spinning! Got the car home (did I mention that this happened at 10:30 at night on the way to a fire call as I am a volunteer firefighter??) Seems that the gears on the camshaft that drive the distributer have stripped out! I have NEVER seen this happen in a car before. Its like someone held the distributer in place while the car was running. Funny thing is, the gears on the distributer look fine! So, anyone know where I may be able to get a camshaft for a '73 1200? Anyone ever see anything like this before??
  10. Thanks for all the help. I think I will be able to order parts with a lot more confidence now.
  11. The distributor is under # 1 plug. I did some research and the only US car I could find with the A12 was the Datsun 1200. Would still like to figure out what year the engine is though. Wayne
  12. I have a '77 B210. I was told when I purchased the car, it had an engine out of a '76 510 pickup. The engine identification reads A12 699854. Is there any way from this number to tell what year the engine actually is an maybe any other information that will make it easier when buying parts?? Thanks in advance for any help.
  13. Here are a couple of photos. One question I have is where does it get the power from? it has 3 wires on it, one goes to the temp gauge, one to the fuel gauge and the other to the speedometer. I am very seriously considering just putting in an external gauge. Any suggestions with that?? I wal looking at sunpro, they have some nice ones http://www.sunpro.com/product_category.php?id=277 Anyone try that? Anyhow, here are a couple of pics of the relay and the back of the instrument panel
  14. OK, I got the relay out for the temp and fuel guage. It has a part number on it, but the local nissan dealer says it is not a nissan part number. The number on the relay appears like this: 68600- 005900 473 According to the nissan dealer, there is only supposed to be 10 numbers. I tried to put the number into nissanparts.cc with no success. Anyone got a better part number for this relay? I would be willing to give try a part number for the same relay off of another model Datusn, hey, they can't be that different, and if they are, I guess I will see what happens! Wayne
  15. Thanks for the info. It does have the relay on the back on the panel, I will have to see if there is a part number on it so I can get a new one. I think the signal light problem is with the switch, I left it on when I took a break and when I returned, they are working. Still having issues with the parking lights. They work fine if the headlights are on, but if I just try to put on the parking lights, they don't work. I guess I can just make sure that I only use the headlights! Other than that, I am almost ready to get it on the road. I will post some photos when I can give it a bath!
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