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  • Location
    Kansas City
  • Cars
    1980 210

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  1. I got the new vacuum advance in and that fixed the stumble. It still idles too fast but it gets from a stop up to speed as well as a Datsun 210 automatic is going to. Thanks for the help! The old advance was not only shot, but stuck in position,.
  2. Thanks. I have a new advance coming from Rock Auto and it should be here Monday and I'll check the secondary out. This was a one owner car and is super clean, but it wouldn't go over 62 without surging. With the new carb it made it to 75 on the freeway with no issues, now I just have to get this corrected. Heck, the AC even works.
  3. Any trick on removing the vacuum advance? I undid the screw but it feels like it's hanging up on something when I try and pull it out
  4. The vacuum advance didn't work. I took my little hand vacuum pump for bleeding brakes and connected it to the hose and when I squeeze the handle it starts to move and then goes right back, and it barely moves at that.
  5. Yes it does, in fact after cycling that a couple of times when I started the car it was momentarily flooded
  6. I got a new to me 210 last month with the 1.5L and automatic and the carb on it was original and the car had not been driven much. I got a rebuild carb from National and it idles fine, runs at speed great, but when warm stumbles when you start out in low and then goes away as it shifts into second. I'm not sure what to adjust for this.
  7. mkmskm

    Engine surges

    Took my recently acquired 1980 210 out for a spin and it runs fine until it gets to 65 and then it starts surging badly. If I back it off to 62 then fine. I changed the fuel filter but it didn't help. Its the A15 engine with an automatic. Ideas?
  8. Here are a few more photos. This thing is amazingly clean. That is the original paint.
  9. We just purchased a nice one owner 1980 210 hatchback and although the electric clock works, the time is off. The manual states the obvious, turn the knob in the middle of the clock to set the time, but the problem is, there is no knob protruding from the dash, nor is there a hole in the clear plastic gauge cover. Everything looks original, and the dash cover still has the original "Unleaded Fuel Only" sticker so I'm at a loss.
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