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  • Cars
    260Z, 240SX
  • Interests
    restoring datsuns and drifting

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. yes it's real early notice for a show, but the president of the of the club is trying to have this be the biggest show in the colleges history. i'm just trying to do my part to help and show that the import community has a large classic movement. so far there are only 2 datsuns that are going to be there a '72 240z and my '74 260z and that's not enough.
  2. McPherson college's automotive restroration department is hosting a show at the school on May 4th, 2013. i'm am a graduating senior and one of the few japanese car guys in the program, before i leave i would very much like to see a good import showing for the show. please help me out. the show is in central kansas but open to anyone that wants to come. for more information go to ww.mcpherson.edu or message me.
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