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    Redmond, Oregon
  • Cars
    '72 Datsun 521, '72 Datsun 510
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  1. You sound like my dad. lol . I like that. And you're probably right. So it could be coming rom the intake? Which was my main question from the beginning.
  2. I have an A87 peanut head. not sure what it came off of... maybe the 240z or 260z... assuming thats where the SU carbs came from as well. likely same motor? I did not put it together. There is a water hose going into the intake manifold. which is why I was thinking maybe thats what is causing the problem. (aside from maybe the head isnt torking down right) I am not sure how the intakes are designed. there is one hose going in... does it return through the head in that case? or is there no outlet. (sorry if this is a stupid question.)
  3. Thanks for all the help guys. Ill probably jsut deal with it until I find a VG30 or a KA24. Not a huge deal really. Just was mostly curious if anyone has encountered the problem before.
  4. Yea. the engine ceases when trying to start. i take the plugs out of 3-4 and turn it over and green water shoots out. and yes then it white clouds for a few minutes till it stopps missing. then runs fine again. Water only goes down on the days that this happens. I also forgot to mention that last time I took the head off when i thought it was a blown gasket. The gasket didnt even look compressed . IT was like like brand new, basically just slid right off as I was pulling the head. Thas also why i was thinking of putting some washers to try and get it torked down a bit better.
  5. ok. sorry for the miss information guys. its averaging 170-180 psi all the way accross. Could be a crack i guess or warp. but wouldnt that make it a chronic problem. It didnt do it all winter. seems to do it only in the summer.
  6. Ill go check compression again if i can find my tester i could be wrong on that. :P
  7. I would add washers because the head bolts could maybe be bottoming out if the head was shaved?
  8. Hi guys. I hope this is the right place to ask this... As you can see I have mostly just read on here the last few years but never posted. Anyways. My issue is that I have water getting into the rear 2 cylinders(not consistantly). Once a week or so. I changed the head gasket last summer thinnking that was the problem but the head gasket looked brand new. No problems with it at all. So my question is can the water be getting in through the intake somehow? I have inspected the head and maybe jsut a few valve dents from a previous owner busting a timing chain or something? but no real issues as the car runs great. Compression is somewhere around 80psi last time i checked. I do not think the head has been shaved but I was thinking of adding some washers to the head bolts just to see if it helps. There is enough water to stop the engine from turning when trying to start. No water in the oil either. And its only the rear 2 cylinders. Here is my setup. L20b A87 Peanut Head dual SUs Please help with any ideas will be appreciated.
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