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  • Location
    South Africa - Durban
  • Cars
    1200 datsun gx coupe, 1400 nissan ldv,620 datsun ldv
  • Interests
    Electronics,cb radio (27mhz), Ham radio, and Mechanics.

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Hi I am looking for 1 wheel rim cap for my 620 Datsun LDV. The OD is 25.4 mm,and clips on 3 round headed studs on the rim. Can some one help me? How do i load a pic on as a sample of what i am looking for?
  2. Hi to all Thanks for all your help (realy). As you all know , being a hobby motor rebuilder for years i have never came accross a problem like this. i have to share this in shame with you , after all your help. Condition: Motor start with choke out and will rev with very difficulty. Todays condition: Motor idle only when excilerator is being tapped on and of and when the little arm on the side of the carburettor (squirts fuel when exellerator is pushed) is pushed in a pulsing manner , the motor idles in some way. Conclution:The idling cuircuit is dead and the first mai jet circuit is dead , SO IT BE THE PRIMARY MAIN JET. Please kick my but for me now, here is the fault - The Main jet hole was still blocked after the jets was twice in my hands for cleaning but never tought to clean the simplest thing on it - The hole on in the center of the main jet. I took the LDV for a spin and it was like the van was asking me "you can be very stupid if you want to" and carry on running as if it came brand new from a car dealer ship floor. I can derust the inside cabin floor and driver side window winder now. Thank to all you guys Cheers from South Africa Durban. This forum is the greatest!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Hi I am taking a fat chance to ask, but here it goes. Does any one have 4 original hub caps for me? or pleasedirect me where i can find some. I have a frend that can do pay pal. It is for the 14" standard rims with the 3 stud type. any one. Boxie
  4. I have experianced uneven idling be for with my GX1200. The compression tester indicated more than 1 bar pressure diffrence between cylinders on the dry test. So i added 3 squirts of new car oil on the pistons and it made no diffrence, so i confirmed it was the valves that wes not seating properly and had the haed overhalled and car is running like new. Hope this helps Boxie
  5. Hi to alll my helpers in time of need. The carb was striped compleatly (exept for the butterflys) again and i used carb cleaner and a spray nozzel with etended tube to get in all the ports. I dit found some thing strange about the carb according to the manual. Carb no:214282-30 185 02 - The senter part of the carb is a J16 model and the rest of it is according to spec of the 15 model. I have noted that there is some wear on the butterflys by the shaft side about 0.3mm. not big enough to worrie now about that , but will replace this soon for fuel consumption reasons in the near future. I will install the carbi back to morrow and see how it goes. I will use minimal locktite gray sealer for the bace sections and the manifold gaskets , just to ensure no air leakage is present. I will post you guys tomorrow again to let you know. One thing i know is that the engine must at least idle and have some driveability. cheers Boxie
  6. Hi The engineer did the reboring and i am dealing with him from 1999 and not one come back jet. The piston rings was placed as follows when assembling top: gap facing the rear of the engine second: facing the fron of the engine and The oil rings was spaced also 180 degrees appart with +- 20mm of set from the gudion pins. I will let you guys know tommorrow what if find.Will post more or less same time. Thank for the help so far. Boxie South Africa Durban
  7. Hi Pistons: I have not checked the old pistons hight when i removed it. I have sprayed under arm spray at the intake manifold side and did not nitice any increase in revs. I am going to strip the carb tomorrow and double check the idling curcuit . A fter a long relax and cool down in the house , i have come to that only conclution The idling curcuit. It behaves just like a fuel starvation senario. Thanks for the shap reply, i will keep you posted. I will also ask my engineering guy who did the machining for me and ordered the spares. I am trying to look for the specks on the new pistons (part no:PNS407802X) and the original ones, because i suspect it might be forlift pistons and not ldv j15 pistons. Boxie
  8. Hi Datsun 620 J15 motor compleate overhalled.(assembled my self) Problem:1)The piston top of no1 and no4 is not level with the block when cranck is on TDC. When measured it was found to be 0.95mm short from the top of the block. Is this normal? Futher investigation: Measured compression and found 6bar only (Same on all pistons)and manual says 8.3bar. gave 3 x squirts of oil on 1piston and compression rose to 8bar. Must the rings wear in first to have the right compression? Problem:2)Engine starts with choke on 80% and when pushed back the engine dies imediatly. carb cleaned, new ht wires , condenser, points,dist cap, rotor. Any idea what my be wrong? Frustrated big time. Engine was using 5 liters of oil every four days of 20km/day. that was the reason for overhalling the motor. Please help Boxie
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