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  1. These are all really good ideas.. Im not buying it tomorrow... Im just going to look at it.. I.ll take pictures and post tomorrow and post em em... Yes I think its ugly... But also cool because theyre so ugly and unique... I.ll tell him that the cars only worth 300 as scrap... And voice my concerns of the unkown condition of the engine and other stuff King Rat mentioned.. I.ll get back to u all tomrrow.. Thx to all.. Keep the iseas coming
  2. well its not running... he says he has the title, but no carberator and the ignition switch is messed up but he has a replacement for it. So it that is all, then hopefully a new carb is all it needs. i'm no mechanic but i'm hoping its a simple install. i'll take pics of it tomorrow. exterior, intirior, and engine bay. I do think they are ugly but i refuse to believe that i cant make it respectable. like you said, a drop, some rims, and maybe paint and fender mirrors. the only thing i'm really pumped about is the weird shifter in these. I have never seen one of these cars in person.
  3. Yeah its a 200sx... but i plan to make it a respectable datsun... any advise before i go see it tomorrow? http://elpaso.en.craigslist.org/cto/2914885001.html.. ive had my eye on this and a beat up sunny... what should i pay too.. thanks.
  4. I've had my eye on a sunny parked in this guys yard half covered with a tarp for the last few months, I need to go see it and make an offer... however, I came across a 1977 200sx manual 5 spd also. I guess i'm just wondering what u ratsunners like more, the sunny or the 200sx? If i got one, I'd drop it and make it look as japanese as possible or give it BRE style look. So just a quick survey i guess, if you could have either one, which would it be? I know the 200sx is completely missing the carberator.. what does a new one cost like 200-300? thanks.
  5. I wasn't slow trying to buy it. As mentioned in the OP, I had already texted him, and then I posted here, and then texted him again.. no luck.. Yeah i'd have to check the vin.. its getting shady...
  6. You thought this because in the original post he did say he had the title, now he says he doesnt after an edit.
  7. i dont know whats up with the seller. I texted him twice already. He updated the listing since then about no title, but hasnt contacted me. SO FRUSTRATING! i'll try again in the morning. does anybody know what "SMC-VODA" stands for? He claims thats where he went to make sure the vehicle wasnt stolen or anything. Makes me wonder where he got it from and how long hes had it. SMC-VODA doesnt ring a bell for anything locally.
  8. Im on it im on it! I.ll keep I all posted.
  9. http://elpaso.en.craigslist.org/cto/2798325759.html Im contacting this seller about the post above. Trying to see what all it needs. Just judging by the pics the body looks pretty good. How bad does that rust look to you all? I requested to see it in person. I requested more pics too. As the post reads its a 69 for $400. no wheels. Thoughts?
  10. tthanks for the responses... i feel exactly how you all feel... even tho answers contradict! Part of me says... this is a $50 car, not $600... but then part of me says $600... i can get it for $400... lol.. yeah this would be my first "rebuild and i have little experience... I guess i'll pass on it.. wait for a better deal.. the wife was like.. you are not spending any money on that@! I did go see the car and it started after pumping the gas pedala few times.. My worry is that i won' t find a new dash.. not cracked.. completely missing... and i don't know how it drives.. sounded good when it was on but have no idea about if the gears work or if the engine is 100%, plus it had like 250k miles! freaking datsun engine! Yeh its a 5 speed for sure but oh well.. i'll keep looking.. Thanks for the replies, i'll keep u updated on my hunt..
  11. did the pic post.. want it to look like this
  12. Hi all.. long time stroller, first time poster... I came across this 1982 b210 for $600. I went to go look at it. The car starts, but i didnt drive it because the tires were flat. New tires and wheels are already on my to do list no matter what i buy, as well as reapholster seats, carpet and headliner.. but Aside from this... -struts and shocks are shot -Missing the entire air conditioner unit -door dings -not original paint (needs new paint) -needs entire new dash - shifter is super wobbly -rust/ not bad throughout, but the driver side and passenger side floor have holes in them. the frame and even under the spare tire doesnt have rust.. just the floor boards. - Its a 5 speed s1.4 I can't post pics but here's a link.. or just search clist/ el paso/ datsun. http://elpaso.en.craigslist.org/ctd/2695378898.html. My goal would to end up making it look like a clean Japanese b210 with the big front lip and front quarter mounted mirrors/ dropped with 14 deep dish wheels. How much money and how hard would it be to a) find the new air conditioner/ B) find a new dash/ c)what to do about the holy floors. I guess what bugs me is that i see some of you guys pick up some sweet looking datsuns for like $500 and I feel like i'd be overpaying for this b210 that needs a ton of work. Should I hold off and wait for another datsun to cross my path hoping that it will be in better condition for the money? Thanks.
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