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  1. took the goon a part an noticed that I need to replace or rebuild the carburetor. let me know what you guys have. I dont feel like paying $1000 at the shop
  2. thanks for all info, I'm going to have a buddy help me out. he knows wiring like the back of his hand so hope he can find out whats wrong. no sounds, an no click
  3. ^^^^ can anyone help? I dont want to buy all new parts if I dont have to.
  4. I'm going to sound stupid agin but how do I check the fuse box, alt, an ingnition? every time I try them I get nothing. So far I have voltage to fusible link, starter/solenoid. I'm a total noob when it comes to wiring. I want to get this bitch up an running before the new year
  5. yes I made sur every thing was good this time. yes the wire is there
  6. well i changed my fusible link an still nothing works, what els can it be?
  7. ok I might sound stupid but can any one tell me where i can get a new fusible link because I suck at rewiring. wish i had my camera to show you guys the previous owners hack job, cut an taped wires every were
  8. thanks I'll check that out after I get home from work tomarrow. no they stay on when I turn the key. thanks of the correction on the battery hook up
  9. hey guys, I'm still a il new to the goon world an I NEED HELP. ok so I was changing my head gasket, an when i was all done with that I was working on sum inter. stuff an a buddy of mine was hooking up my battery(hes not so good at cars an hooked up positive first). when I was in the car I hit the brake pedel by accident with out the negitive hooked up yet. I hooked up the battery the right way, went to start my car an nothing happend. nothing is working but the headlights. I changed most of the fuses an tryed to jump start it an still nothing is working. can any one help me out? relay, battery, fuse box?
  10. thanks for all the help guy. i got it to stop back fireing.
  11. sorry, yes its the stock L20b. havnt had time to look over everthing, but thats a great idea, thank you for you help
  12. ok so my 78' 510 goon always back fires when shifting into 2end, and when i let off the gass in 4th. is this ok or is there somthing wrong? (i know its a noob question)
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