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  1. thanks for all the help but I'll look else where perhaps a forum with less shit talk and before you say it - I came here for some help and got bs back at me for a hard to find radiator - nothing more to say
  2. and I posted in two threads to gain a wider audience - one for the part and one for the possibility that someone has had the same issue - it's called playing the field
  3. Ok so to end this thread lets remember we're all here because we have a common interest, that being datsun vehicles. Everyone who posted please look at the post right above this one by izzo. It is the only one that has information relating to what I had originally asked about. I'm not going to argue the points I made as I think I was clear when I said the truck had an engine swap and I was not sure what it was exactly, this probably being that the guy I bought it from didnt know anything about the truck as well as myself. As for being told I was crying like a noob by a senior member of this forum. Thats just where you need to check yourself buddy. I would think you should have more common respect for new members here and realize that if someone is asking for help it probably means that they actually need help and are not just running bs to clog shit up here. This, as far as I know, is not high school so grow up and stop being a douche. Thank you izzo btw, your info helped in narrowing my search for what I need, however I do believe that that rad I need is just not made and it would be too pricey to have one fab'd. I'm just going to modify the space for a new 720 rad that wont have me in the spot again.
  4. Thank you for those insightful options that I dont think I ever would have thought of. However if any of them were viable I would have done them by now. Radiator is trash thus me wanting to replace it, the size of radiator seems to be nowhere I have looked and I would rather not get one from a junk yard because who knows when I'll be in the same boat again. My post was asking for help in identifying and finding a replacement so if you have any ideas that go out side that tiny box I would so much appreciate it.
  5. Ok I figured that much out but all the replacement rads are 25 inches long. - Am I missing something here?
  6. Hi All I have a '73 620 that has had an engine swap done to it. I believe it is a z24 engine but dont know the year - I was told perhaps 83. Any way the radiator is shot and I need a replacement however I am unable to find one that fits. The dimensions are 16.75 wide by 13 high - core measurements - 17 inches right to the top. I've included a link to a picture if anyone can tell me what it is and where I can find another that would be great. (yes its a link to my Facebook because thats where my pics of my truck are) https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151217517076005&set=a.123667621004.136178.582266004&type=1&theater Thank you all in advance
  7. if thats how you respond to someone wanting some help pls dont bother.
  8. Hi All I have a '73 620 that has had an engine swap done to it. I believe it is a z24 engine but dont know the year - I was told perhaps 83. Any way the radiator is shot and I need a replacement however I am unable to find one that fits. The dimensions are 16.75 wide by 13 high - core measurements - 17 inches right to the top. I've included a link to a picture if anyone can tell me what it is and where I can find another that would be great. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151217517076005&set=a.123667621004.136178.582266004&type=3&theater
  9. ok well Im trying to post more pix but this seems to be beyond my knowledge
  10. No idea this is pretty much how I got It, body wise that is
  11. Hey all ~ Just wanted to share my first Datsun project. Any feed back what other ppl have done to there 620s would be great to hear. ">
  12. That would be great - When is the swapmeet? - I looked for a date on here but could not find it. Thank you
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