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    Seattle, WA
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  1. Dataholic

    Crank bolt

    Thanks for the advice man.
  2. Dataholic

    Crank bolt

    Yeah motor is still in the car, I was replacing the head gasket and tensioner popped out. Thanks for help I think I'll try blocking the tires while it's in 1st and break it loose that way.
  3. Dataholic

    Crank bolt

    Hey guys how would I break loose the crank bolt on my L20b with the head off?
  4. Hey guys is there a trick to getting off the serpentine belt on an l20b, I screwed around with the idler pulley but the belt didn't loosen, and I'm not too sure how the belt on the alternator would loosen. Thanks.
  5. Thanks man, you've managed to ease my frustration.
  6. Man so every post I've made I get at least one response about the timing tensioner popping out, and in the back of my mind I say yeah...yeah. Well apparently I underestimated how hard the the block needed to be shoved in there because I'm almost certain it popped out. I am frustrated, depressed and feel like an idiot. Anyone know if it's possible to take the timing cover off and fix the tensioner while the motor is in the car, I feel like if it is possible it would be damned difficult with the oil pan and all. Thanks.
  7. Hey guys so I'm replacing my head gasket on my L20b. I've got it on what I think is tdc -- the base of the number one cam lobes are on the rocker arms, so the valves are closed, if I'm not mistaken -- and what appears to be the only mark and notch I can find on the crank pulley is lined up on the 0 marker. The only issue is that my bright link is on the opposite side of the chain when at tdc. It looks like someone changed the timing chain because it says made in USA, maybe they just screwed it up? Either way any ideas on what I should do about setting my timing and any ideas about problems this could cause while changing my gasket. Thanks.
  8. Sweet lots of help, while pulling everything apart I noticed three thin plates separating the exhaust manifold, the intake manifold and the carburetor. Do these serve any purpose, I know one holds the air breather in place but I can't see any other reason for them being there. Since it is already cramped in those areas I'm debating leaving them off when I put everything back together.
  9. Alright guys big noob here. I'm changing the head gasket on my L20b and I've taken off the carb and am trying to take off the intake and exhaust manifolds. I'm used to small block chevy's and this is proving to be difficult for my rather large clumsy hands. I've unscrewed 4 bolts from the intake manifold and 4 bolts for the exhaust manifold, and neither seem to be loosening up from the head, can someone help me locate where the other bolts are that need to come out. Thanks for the help.
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