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Replacement cover for the thermostat housing for an L20B


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this is a better one.

Nissan might even be cheaper if somebody has a part number


how you now its bad? maybe gasket? usually the lower s crack cause people change the temp sender and the hex nut is stuck in there.


  I cant open those photos.


You need to stop shopping at Vatozone as your first go to spot.



Edited by banzai510(hainz)
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Clean the cover neck of corrosion and replace that top radiator hose if it's gone soft.




Remove both parts. Get a sheet of 180/220 grit emery cloth and tape to a glass surface. Work all surfaces back and forth till they look like above. (the 3 hole are for '79 and '80 L series engines)



Go to NAPA for gaskets or even better don't pay a cent for gaskets, it's easier to go to dollar store for a hole punch, trace outline on cereal box. Use punch to nibble bolt holes and make hole big enough to get scissors in to finish large holes. Don't use RTV or sealer it's unprofessional and messy looking, excess will squeeze into the cooling system and plug radiator and heater cores and you'll never get parts apart next time. I have home made gaskets for oil and water pump and the two for the thermostat. You can make them both faster than driving into town. Been on there 8-10 years.



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Thank you guys. I found the original part at 

https://autopartsobsolete.com/1968-1974-datsun-nissan-240z-260z-510-521-610-620-710-engine-thermostat-housing-new-nos-nissan-11060-U2001.html for $20!


I'll report if it doesn't work. I would love to be able to do what you suggest Mike, but I think I haven't told you guys that I have two left hands, so a lot of manual stuff ain't my forte. But if the replacement doesn't work, I'm freaking tryin'.


BTW, Rotarded wins the best name competition! Hahaha

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21 hours ago, Rotarded said:

Love this post with the ebay complete kit.  this is the best and best way to do it if its exactly the same set up

but there was 2 kinds of lower housing one with the bypass hole for the water line to carb. Uses a U shape hose.

the other is as in ebay photo. the water line doesnt have the bypass. so more is less 2 types of metal water line to the intake manifold was made



Yes ytour correct on the 2 left hands. Thats why you should sell to me  for 1000$. So I can keep this truck going


to me the upper part never goes bad unless totall corroreded. This happens when people dont change out the antifreeze and use tap water.


buy the 50/50 premix at Walmart and run that and replace every 3/4years


when you changed the water pump you can see the front cover inside and if lots of pitting that means that lack of changes(looked like termites when threw it).  front cover will go bad over time and water into the oil pan


use antiseize on the bolts. dont be cheap

Edited by banzai510(hainz)
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It may be an L20B but the thermostat housing is from earlier L16 maybe the 521 engine? Which is fine, it'll work, but L20B use a bypass to force circulation of the trapped stagnant water around the thermostat.


Occam's Razor: The simplest answer is usually the correct one.


1/  Can only leak where parts are bolted together and that's the gasket. Might even be seeping from the radiator hose. Most likely.


2/ Corrosion of mating parts surfaces. Sand them down as I showed and new gaskets.


3/ Crack. They don't crack by themselves only by owner or previous owner. Least likely

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