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gasket and heat insulator?

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On my L16 intake there was a heat insulator about a 1/8 inch thick. Do I use the insulator and two gaskets? Or can I leave off the insulator and just use 1 gasket between the carb anmanifold?



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1 hour ago, jerryt said:

I found an extra Datsun 510 carb gasket. But it has a small tear can this be repaired?





Ok. Two answers here. 1. if it is just the little tear near the bolt hole, a dab of silicone and it will be ok as that is not really a part that is sealing anything. 2. HOWEVER, you can buy a roll of gasket material (same kind of paper) from almost any auto parts store (~$9-$12 from Autozone or so) and just cut a new gasket. Put the old one on top and trace it out and cut the shape out with a razor blade. The roll of gasket material will make many gaskets. 3. you might be able to find the gasket to purchase online, although I was not finding any good sources.


If the gasket looks like this:

Part image

a FEL-PRO 60287 or VICTOR REINZ 711508500 (and several others) will work and cost $1-2 or less. 


If it looks like this:

Part image


It is a Walker 310F or equivalent. Which is about $3 if you can find it 


Edited by Dguy210
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Round dollar store hole punch and scissors. My water pump, oil pump are all cereal box gaskets and have been for years. Thermostat housing and cover I bought material. I have a diamond shape punch for hard to get at straight lines that scissors won't reach.



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10 hours ago, datzenmike said:

Round dollar store hole punch and scissors. My water pump, oil pump are all cereal box gaskets and have been for years. Thermostat housing and cover I bought material. I have a diamond shape punch for hard to get at straight lines that scissors won't reach.




Oh, that is a great tip! I'm stealing that one.


I sharpen spent steel cartridges for hole punches too, works on leather and gasket material and I have a whole box of them as they can't be easily reloaded. 

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