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(720sx) ka24e swap in 720 rwd


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so i know I've been in and out of this project for a while now, allot has changed but this project still remains. so far  i got the oil pan off the ka24e (240sx motor) and  the oil pick up. realized the motor chain guide had been damaged and didn't want to risk damaging the motor. put a new chain, guides and gears on the motor and resealed it back up. in the process of cutting the oil pan to make it a rear sump as well as the oil pick up tube bracket. while i was looking at the pan my dad decided he also wanted to see the harness i had ordered from wiring specialties. looks as i have gotten 75% of the harness figured out and am now looking at the harness ill need to splice for the in cab side of the harness. i see that the can am box is now unavailable (not a problem) just wanted to see if anyone has a  diagram of the harness as this Chilton manual is not 100% accurate as it is broad on how many cars/motors are in it. as far as i see on the can am box its just a few relays and fuses to cover those circuits so you can use the ign., coil, and main power supply the engine if I'm not mistaken. that sems to be my last hang up on the project as  i will use a 240sx starter for the motor and will drop her in as soon i get the oil pan on. 

any info is appreciated! 

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I have a can am box. Works great. Sorry they are no longer available. Twisting all the hots together works but can overheat the ignition switch and it ain't right. The separate fuse for each circuit and led light to let you know which circuit is energized. Anyways if mine ever failed I would try to replace it with a 4 channel arduino box. These things are cheap and fun to play with. 



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10 hours ago, bottomwatcher said:

I have a can am box. Works great. Sorry they are no longer available. Twisting all the hots together works but can overheat the ignition switch and it ain't right. The separate fuse for each circuit and led light to let you know which circuit is energized. Anyways if mine ever failed I would try to replace it with a 4 channel arduino box. These things are cheap and fun to play with. 



would you by any chance have a diagram of that harness so i could wire it up to the 720?

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The how to wire a ka into anything thread and your specialty wiring harness diagram should be all you need. Not sure what wiring you are talking about. The engine ends up stand alone from the truck wiring except for the ignition switch. I had my engine up and running on the computer on a test stand before install. Made life a lot easier trouble shooting the wiring.

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