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Need some no start electrical help


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A few days ago in the early (dark) morning, I went to start betsy when i saw a flash under the hood. the motor did not even crank over once. It seemed like a dead battery, so I placed a jumper battery on it and it did a similar event. although, now there seemed to be no power to the ignition system. it seemed odd, I jumped in a another car and went to work. Today, i removed and tested the starter (worked), replaced the chewed up fusible link with a fuse holder (red+50amp) and tried it all again. this time the ignition seem to reset and work but then did the same exact thing. I'm stumped. It almost seems like a short of some form. but oddly resets with some time. I inspected the whole engine bay for melted wires. Nothing. Please point me in the right direction.  Thanks in advance 

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It's one of your battery clamps/post. The starter draws hundreds of amps and if the posts and clamps are corroded the sudden load on them 'pops' the connection and why you saw a flash. Start by thoroughly cleaning posts and cable clamps to eliminate this first.


If it still has a problem (I doubt it) at least it's not the battery connections.

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14 hours ago, DwayneOxford said:

There'll sometimes be continuity when cables are loose/dirty but not have adequate contact to run starter load.

yep huge difference between actual continuity and a good connection. Im experiencing a similar issue with a trailer fixing the brakes and I had continuity tracing wires but was loosing 10v between the truck and the trailer which means that there is a bad connection somewhere. A battery connection can look fine but sometimes they devolop corrosion only on the inside. Another thing to look for if Im understanding this right that there is no cranking sometimes Son is the signal wire to the starter, mine was original and it was very loose on the starter and would wiggle off sometimes untill i replaced it.

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