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86 d21 rough at idle and chokes


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 i purchased a 86 d21 today with i believe a z24 motor. Bought it being told that it was cammed and the carb was off, he said it ran rough at slow speed but good at high speed. I figured carb needed tuned. Tried driving it barely would move had to toast the clutch a little to get to move and it would pop repeatedly at what i would assume to be 4k rpms, the cluster doesnt work, i got it up to 57 before it got dead pedal and i couldnt go anywhere after pulling over the choke butterfly valves were stuck fully closed. Towed it home played with the carb got it what i think is close to dialed in but its still running rough. Gone through and the harmonic balancer seems to be lined up with top dead center correctly, the cam seems to be lined up with top dead center and i set the dizzy to eyeball where i think it is supposed to be. After doing that yesterday it would idle way smoother then before but very rough and would want to sputter out and die or choke under gas unless you feathered it and then in higher rpms it ran great. So i changed all the spark plugs, i have plug wires and coils coming in tomorrow at napa, i set the carb based on a video of some old gent explaining basic carb tuning and checked with timing light it was showing 20 btdc which i assume is off as im reading through all of yalls 720 threads but im fairly new and inexperienced so any advice would be great. I believe its a “stage 2 cam” is what i was told by the previous owner but it didnt seem like he knew much. The valve cover was leaking from the rtv and short valve cover bolts thank you for your time

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