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Need registration/ pink slip

Javier Gomez

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Sorry not parting out a 320, but I just went through the process of getting paper work on a 521 that had no paper work. I found a licensing company that can do 90% of what the DMV could do. Started off by running the VIN to make sure there were no issues with the truck, then just had to sign a bunch of stuff and wait patiently for our wonderful California DMV to do their thing. Took about a year because our DMV is a joke, but it was legal and now the truck is in my name.

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@Javier Gomez - sometimes all you need is a bill of sale. I have gone into DMV with a good story and a hand written bill of sale and walked out with a title, many times. The truth is never a bad story, but don't get caught in a lie. If the seller didn't have the title, just tell the clerk that he never gave it to you and now he won't answer the phone. They will have you fill out an affidavit and file for a lost title, or maybe not even that.


One time I completely made up a name and practiced his "signature" a few times before I went to DMV. They gave me a document for him to fill out, which I did on the hood of my car just around the corner from DMV.


Less paperwork can sometimes be better too. Don't walk in with a stack of papers showing five different owners and no bill of sale. The desk clerk will loose their shit.


If all else fails, use a registration service. I use a guy here in NorCal who does nothing but registrations and VIN verifications. His company is called Peninsula Registration Service, but I don't think he services SoCal, so depending on where you are, this guy may be able to help. He charges about $250 to push all the paperwork through, which is a bargain when you consider the time spent running back and forth to DMV.

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My journey to get a title was a lot longer in Colorado. I had to have the car inspected by a State Trooper. Then I was granted permission to fill out a form to contact the last registered owner using a certified letter. That came back undelivered, which is the same as them stating they have no leans or interest tied to the vehicle. From there, I got a title, but it was not able to be registered. It was listed as a "non operational vehicle". (I moved to Nevada) I then had to have the car inspected by a certified repair shop where they had to make sure the car was road worthy. With that certification, I could then get another VIN inspection to have it registered as a "salvage title".


I hope yours is smoother and with fewer steps.

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3 hours ago, Stoffregen Motorsports said:

Yeah, that is essentially what he would be doing if he went that route. It happens a lot, and I'm surprised more people aren't caught.


I should imagine the 320 has the serial number stamped on the frame like all the trucks.

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