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LED headlights on 81 720

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Just thought I would start this topic to try and provide info for other people trying to put led headlights in their 720. I know it took me and a buddy all night of trial and error to figure out how to do it. I will post up some pics and draw up a wiring diagram later to show you guys how I did it.

Basically you use the factory relay and fuse to activate two other relays that you have to wire in with fused battery power. And you connect those two relays to your lights. One acts as just power on but runs power through the second relay because you need to use 87 and 87a on the second relay as that one activates your high and low beams, but all the factory relay does is activate the ones you installed. This way everything is fused and the factory controls all work as normal including the high beam indicator. Only thing is if you want all four headlights to have low beam you will need to rob the low beam wires from another truck which I haven't done yet.

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here is a diagram I drew up of basically all the wiring you need to add to the truck then just figure out which wire is hot for low and high beam and hook those up to the relays and you are set. Factory controls and high beam indicator even works. Will take some pictures of the truck soon


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