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Fusable Link for 1986 nissan 720 4x4


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  • Joecar changed the title to Fusable Link for 1986 nissan 720 4x4
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12 minutes ago, datzenmike said:

What color is the bad one? Black or Green? You can buy fusible link from auto parts stores or on line.


Nissan color code or mm2 specs for fusible link wire...




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I dont know which one is bad but the truck doesnt start /crank only lights and stereo and my battery has 12 volts

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You probably have three links. A Black and Green together and a separate Green.


The headlights are the only thing on the separate Green link. If headlights work this one is OK


Horn, brake lights, dash, marker lights, tail lights, parking lights, horn, clock, interior lights are on the Black link. Try the horn and brake lights. If they work then this one is also OK


The remaining Black link goes only to the ignition switch which sens power to fuses that are switched on with the ignition such as radio, wipers, back up lights, ignition and gauges. 

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7 minutes ago, datzenmike said:

You probably have three links. A Black and Green together and a separate Green.


The headlights are the only thing on the separate Green link. If headlights work this one is OK


Horn, brake lights, dash, marker lights, tail lights, parking lights, horn, clock, interior lights are on the Black link. Try the horn and brake lights. If they work then this one is also OK


The remaining Black link goes only to the ignition switch which sens power to fuses that are switched on with the ignition such as radio, wipers, back up lights, ignition and gauges. 

https://www.google.com/search?q=1986+nissan+720+fusible+link&client=ms-android-verizon&prmd=sivn&sxsrf=APq-WBs5eiGuXQEH9XoVGohdHUaGvywWrg:1649042576606&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwia0P2nuvn2AhVfD0QIHff6BlgQ_AUoAnoECAIQAg&biw=412&bih=837&dpr=2.63#imgrc=OB61JjcgwWN6eM&imgdii=tn4Mpd7DqLvNoM it looks just like this one

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Just to be sure the '86 was the change to the new D21 Hardbody. You have the 720 correct?


This would have the Z24i engine April through October build dates? with throttle body fuel injection. The air filter has two wing nuts holding it on???


The Nissan part number should be 24022-80W01







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Check this out,just get a connection like I have on my positive side and  connect these wires then your good to go...This is what is on my 85 720,I have a brand new extra one.but going to keep it,just get these fusible link wire's from OReilly's and the copper piece like you see in my picture.The white pieces that are at the end of the wire that they connect to white piece on the fusible link went bad so,I use regular yellow connectors as you see. .https://www.oreillyauto.com/shop/b/lighting---electrical-16777/fuses-16615/fusible-link--universal--17516/12af23bde667/v/a/8242/automotive-truck-1986-nissan-720-pickup24022-10W00



Edited by Thomas Perkins
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The 86 z24i fusible link is a little different than the standard z24. I think there is one extra wire. Pretty sure one of the connectors on the z24i has three fusible links and the z24 doesn't have a 3 wire connector. Not 100% sure about that though. I'll have to check one of my parts trucks.

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6 hours ago, datzenmike said:

Just to be sure the '86 was the change to the new D21 Hardbody. You have the 720 correct?


This would have the Z24i engine April through October build dates? with throttle body fuel injection. The air filter has two wing nuts holding it on???


The Nissan part number should be 24022-80W01







Yes it has the Z engine

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6 hours ago, datzenmike said:

Just to be sure the '86 was the change to the new D21 Hardbody. You have the 720 correct?


This would have the Z24i engine April through October build dates? with throttle body fuel injection. The air filter has two wing nuts holding it on???


The Nissan part number should be 24022-80W01







Also it says it out of stock and no other place sells them

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6 hours ago, datzenmike said:

Just to be sure the '86 was the change to the new D21 Hardbody. You have the 720 correct?


This would have the Z24i engine April through October build dates? with throttle body fuel injection. The air filter has two wing nuts holding it on???


The Nissan part number should be 24022-80W01







And yes its a 720 4x4 

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14 hours ago, datzenmike said:

Yes they had Z series engines but should be a Z24i EFI engine. Two wingnuts on the air filter. The '86 D21 Hardbody also had the Z24i. Just making sure.

So should i just replace all the wires?


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15 hours ago, datzenmike said:

Yes they had Z series engines but should be a Z24i EFI engine. Two wingnuts on the air filter. The '86 D21 Hardbody also had the Z24i. Just making sure.

Sorry my mistake i just relized it doesnt have two wing nuts. Instead it has 3 latches around it holding it down and it says z24 electric ingection 

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On 4/3/2022 at 9:32 PM, Joecar said:

Hmm doesnt look like the one i have. it has 3 white connectors and 1 black one


OK the '86 Z24i may be different than the other years 720. Sometimes colors fade, make sure the white isn't yellow or something. As to the fusible links, NEVER use higher rated links. If its 50 amp don't go higher than that. I don't know what white fusible link is rated for. Could it have been replaced already???


If you can find a link that matches buy it. If you search maybe someone had an '86 FSM factory service manual. That would definitely show the fusible link rating. Then go find similar rated fusible link wire and make your own.

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2 hours ago, datzenmike said:


OK the '86 Z24i may be different than the other years 720. Sometimes colors fade, make sure the white isn't yellow or something. As to the fusible links, NEVER use higher rated links. If its 50 amp don't go higher than that. I don't know what white fusible link is rated for. Could it have been replaced already???


If you can find a link that matches buy it. If you search maybe someone had an '86 FSM factory service manual. That would definitely show the fusible link rating. Then go find similar rated fusible link wire and make your own.

Its all original never touched before. And it still has the color so thats good. Red green and black

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