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Perception is everything. There was an appearance of fraud and this will not do. Too late! Too late! You could have looked into this but you didn't. You didn't even try. If ever something is done it will be like the the police investigating themselves and reported by their lap dog media. How can you expect fairness? You will NEVER convince me otherwise and I can't surely be alone in this.




"He that controls the media, controls the universe!!!"....................... Barron Vladimir Harkonen.

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Any of you left wing people on this forum condone this?


Watch the video instead of claiming Tim is a YouTube nobody... He has a larger audience than any of the media outlets. 


Your democrat members are literally calling for Nazi Germany actions against people outside your thought sphere.



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8 minutes ago, Dguy210 said:



None of the court cases were heard on the MERITS. They were all dismissed for procedural reasons. Hell you had one court say it was to early to file and when they refiled based on that the court said it was to late.




When people do not get their day in court to lay out their case they get PISSED. 


Don't you realize yet, it is what people BELIEVE is what is actually important. What actually happened is almost unimportant, but there sure as hell was a lot of people screaming look at these irregularities, look at this video of PULLING FUCKING BALLOTS OUT FROM UNDER A TABLE WHEN EVERYONE HAD GONE HOME. Changing the laws illegally to benefit the Democrats without going through the legislature in certain states. Statistical improbabilities in Biden's vote counts etc....


Or ask yourself, if the election was totally legit WHY THE FUCK DID THE LEFT NOT WANT AN AUDIT. What were they afraid would be found?

But it doesn't even matter what the actual scenario is at this point anyways, it is too late. Faith in the election system has been fundamentally broken and many people are very very angry and being deprived of a voice through censorship of social media etc... and now the Left wants to double down on attacking these people. NO outlet has been given to them, they don't have their day in court, and they have no way to redress their grievances. This really only leaves them one outlet: VIOLENCE and it is all the fault of the Left in their insatiable grab for power that they can't even listen to the other side or give them a platform. 



Simply 100% incorrect dude. Court cases were dismissed on procedure? uhhhh Who told you that? and 42 cases because of procedure? 

Doesn't matter what people believe - facts are all that matter. 

People weren't pulling extra ballots out from under tables.

It wasn't "the left" who did not want an audit. 12 senators lead by Ted Cruz wanted an emergency audit - and after how many court cases and times they were told  they were wrong and there wasn't enough evidence to support the claims?


Again, you don't get to go on and on forever just because you don't like all the previous results. You gotta take the L sometime. 

People have a right to be upset and angry. 1000000% percent. I'm not happy Biden got the presidency, but I will deal with it. Where is the "censorship" that people are experiencing though social media? Example: For creating and spreading fake news and having their posts removed like Trumps last tweets? 

Can you show me where "the left" are doubling down and attacking these people?

Can you explain you now believe it's ok for people to be violent because they don't feel heard - but for other protests it wasn't? 

Why is it suddenly OK to destroy federal property? 

Can you also explain why its ok for the rioters were in the capital building chanting "hang Mike Pence" yesterday? Or you cool with that and the rest of the garbage that went on in the capital building? 

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6 minutes ago, datzenmike said:

Perception is everything. There was an appearance of fraud and this will not do. Too late! Too late! You could have looked into this but you didn't. You didn't even try. If ever something is done it will be like the the police investigating themselves and reported by their lap dog media. How can you expect fairness? You will NEVER convince me otherwise and I can't surely be alone in this.




"He that controls the media, controls the universe!!!"....................... Barron Vladimir Harkonen.


This is never going to deescalate now. The Cathedral is making moves to go full authoritarian now. 

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7 minutes ago, BrothersGarage said:

Simply 100% incorrect dude. Court cases were dismissed on procedure? uhhhh Who told you that? and 42 cases because of procedure? 

Doesn't matter what people believe - facts are all that matter. 

People weren't pulling extra ballots out from under tables.

It wasn't "the left" who did not want an audit. 12 senators lead by Ted Cruz wanted an emergency audit - and after how many court cases and times they were told  they were wrong and there wasn't enough evidence to support the claims?


Again, you don't get to go on and on forever just because you don't like all the previous results. You gotta take the L sometime. 

People have a right to be upset and angry. 1000000% percent. I'm not happy Biden got the presidency, but I will deal with it. Where is the "censorship" that people are experiencing though social media? Example: For creating and spreading fake news and having their posts removed like Trumps last tweets? 

Can you show me where "the left" are doubling down and attacking these people?

Can you explain you now believe it's ok for people to be violent because they don't feel heard - but for other protests it wasn't? 

Why is it suddenly OK to destroy federal property? 

Can you also explain why its ok for the rioters were in the capital building chanting "hang Mike Pence" yesterday? Or you cool with that and the rest of the garbage that went on in the capital building? 


The inability to see things critically only allows you to see a group of people as a two dimensional image. They all blend together.  Enjoy your "Moral" superiority?


I am also hoping for a peaceful nation divorce, and you stay within the Blue Nation. They need people like you to keep their infrastructure standing..

Edited by Mattndew76
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1 minute ago, BrothersGarage said:

Simply 100% incorrect dude. Court cases were dismissed on procedure? uhhhh Who told you that? and 42 cases because of procedure? 

Doesn't matter what people believe - facts are all that matter. 

People weren't pulling extra ballots out from under tables.

It wasn't "the left" who did not want an audit. 12 senators lead by Ted Cruz wanted an emergency audit - and after how many court cases and times they were told  they were wrong and there wasn't enough evidence to support the claims?


Again, you don't get to go on and on forever just because you don't like all the previous results. You gotta take the L sometime. 

People have a right to be upset and angry. 1000000% percent. I'm not happy Biden got the presidency, but I will deal with it. Where is the "censorship" that people are experiencing though social media? Example: For creating and spreading fake news and having their posts removed like Trumps last tweets? 

Can you show me where "the left" are doubling down and attacking these people?

Can you explain you now believe it's ok for people to be violent because they don't feel heard - but for other protests it wasn't? 

Why is it suddenly OK to destroy federal property? 

Can you also explain why its ok for the rioters were in the capital building chanting "hang Mike Pence" yesterday? Or you cool with that and the rest of the garbage that went on in the capital building? 


Trump's group file I believe it was 3-4 lawsuits. The biggest adjacent was the Texas Supreme Court case (filed by others) which was dismissed with a ruling of lack of standing (procedural). List me which lawsuit actually went forth by Trump based on merit then?


That politifact "debunk" was itself debunked. It is in fact a blatant lie as the news agency said itself that people were told to leave. I've posted the video that says that "debunk" is itself bullshit before.


The Left are doubling down by asking for "truth and reconciliation councils" list of Trump supporters to ban, the House filing a measure to declare supporting House Reps as traitors, and the motherfucking videos I've posted showing this many times.


Once again as you don't seem to understand:


People are not angry they lost, people are angry because they feel cheated without their voice being heard. 


What People believe and act on is more important than the truth. So it doesn't matter. This thread is full of evidence showing voter irregularities and states playing fast and lose with their election laws. I know no evidence I present will change your mind, or that won't result in you moving the goal posts. The shit is obvious as day and I don't really give a fuck if you choose not to listen anymore. If you truly were centrist as you claim you should be just as interested in investigating election fraud as anyone, but obviously you are not. 



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2 minutes ago, BrothersGarage said:

Doesn't matter what people believe - facts are all that matter. 



10 minutes ago, datzenmike said:

Perception is everything. 


In a court of law maybe but in the real world no one lets facts get in the way.  If you were the pilot of the Lolitta Express I wouldn't stand close to you.

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Just now, Dguy210 said:


Trump's group file I believe it was 3-4 lawsuits. The biggest adjacent was the Texas Supreme Court case (filed by others) which was dismissed with a ruling of lack of standing (procedural). List me which lawsuit actually went forth by Trump based on merit then?


That politifact "debunk" was itself debunked. It is in fact a blatant lie as the news agency said itself that people were told to leave. I've posted the video that says that "debunk" is itself bullshit before.


The Left are doubling down by asking for "truth and reconciliation councils" list of Trump supporters to ban, the House filing a measure to declare supporting House Reps as traitors, and the motherfucking videos I've posted showing this many times.


Once again as you don't seem to understand:


People are not angry they lost, people are angry because they feel cheated without their voice being heard. 


What People believe and act on is more important than the truth. So it doesn't matter. This thread is full of evidence showing voter irregularities and states playing fast and lose with their election laws. I know no evidence I present will change your mind, or that won't result in you moving the goal posts. The shit is obvious as day and I don't really give a fuck if you choose not to listen anymore. If you truly were centrist as you claim you should be just as interested in investigating election fraud as anyone, but obviously you are not. 



We're never going to see eye to eye on the court cases. I literally linked you one which goes into great depth of all the court cases and there's a huge discrepancy in how many cases alone.

The SCOTUS has no obligation to hear every case. Only one wrote that they should allow to hear it but still believed that it had no merits. You can read the rulings yourself. The only person that believes that it was dismissed on procedure is Trump and that's what Kayleigh McEnany was pushing on Fox / TV. 

Here's the rulings: That Texas does not have the right to decide how other states vote. 


Your video isn't based on facts. The Feds even looked into it. Hell even if they did then it wouldn't change the outcome of the election (and they should all see charges for election tampering and I would root for it). 

"Truth and reconciliation council" is a good thing. If AOC or someone else was blatantly lying and causing division in our government then they should be removed from office. Period. Just so happens Cruz and 11 idiots wanted to tie their names to Trump and go down with the ship. This isn't "the left" doubling down, it's actions have consequences - like me running into a movie theatre and yelling "fire" would have. 

Again. Like I said last time. I UNDERSTAND that people feel like their voices aren't heard. But answer the questions that I posed to you already. Why do these voices suddenly make violence OK? Looting OK? Where is calling for Mike Pence to be hung, OK because someone's fucking feelings are hurt?  

Shit's not OK and it's pretty easy to say it's not OK - just like saying the BLM rioters weren't OK in doing that shit either. 

I hope that "what people believe and act on is more important than truth" hold up in federal court for all the idiots that stormed the capital and posted pictures of their faces on social media... 

And nah dude, I just accepted reality. I want any form of fraud fully investigated. Be it from insider trading fraud done by our politicians, to voter fraud. All of it. Anyone guilty should be punished to the fullest extent of the law.  But I'm not going to be an idiot and not listen to the facts that every single government agency that looked into it  - do not believe that there was enough voter fraud to over turn the 81 million votes for Biden. I accepted that it sucks and that we're stuck with him for 4 years, just like when I wasn't happy that Trump was our president, and we were stuck with him for 4 years (again in my opinion). 


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ya gotta put the pee dough krawts somewhere


actually Texas is some huge AF base


something to do with Greenland or Hundoras


6000 usa aircrafts flying around right now, seems a little high for a lock down


unless Im reading this shit wrong 60,000 foot altitudes ???


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2 hours ago, BrothersGarage said:

Nah dude. Fuck that. I completely condemn all rioting and have from the start. No hypocrisy here. Don't care if it was BLM or now. All this shit is fucking wrong. 

Difference is I understood why BLM was rioting. Police abuse the shit out of them, they peacefully protested, cops and BLM escalated, cops lash out and beat the shit out of them again, and the cycle spirals out of control. None of that shit is right, but again I understand how it happened and fed itself. They want equality and repercussions for cops who are bad at their job.

Yesterday a mob of people got whipped into frenzy and descended on the capital where they were not met with the same force. And their reasoning for doing so isn't equality, nor is anything close to repercussions for bad actors. It's based on the belief of the words of a single person - Donald Trump vs that of the "fake news" media / numerous state governments / the federal government / the SCOTUS / 81 million Americans / reality / critical thinking. It's fucking bonkers what happened yesterday and everyone should be condemning the actions of these people being incorrectly labeled as "patriots". (Not talking about everyone who protested, but the rioters, and looters.)

Also please explain how "the left" kept pushing and pushing and how suddenly that makes it OK to storm the capital - destroying federal property - and shouldn't be seeing the same charges threatened against "the left"? 

Again to remind everyone here. I am NOT a lefty or liberal. 


Yesterday a mob went into a building demanding a voting recount, break one window and someone died by the hands of the Capital police. The Democrats scream bloody murder and demand justice! 


Some black guy dies of his own stupidity and some cops not really giving a shit anymore, and the world gets set on fire.  The Democrats look the other way and condemn the Right as the instigators. For months, they have talked shit about the right, called us names and blamed it all on us, while ignoring the what Black Lies Matter and Anquiffa did, and said it was all peaceful. 


The Double Standard is glaringly obvious, but you choose to ignore it. 


Again, FUCK BLM!! They have done more harm to Blacks than the KKK! But then again, the Democrats started the KKK, so I guess that is the real culprit in all of this. 


And i am done dealing with you, it is like trying to teach a rock to jump rope. 




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46 minutes ago, Jahva Jef said:



6000 usa aircrafts flying around right now, seems a little high for a lock down


unless Im reading this shit wrong 60,000 foot altitudes ???



Fighter jets can fly above 50K but not easily. Turbo prop KC130 is 30K. Galaxy is 34K. .... and so on. 

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3 minutes ago, Jesse C. said:

Yesterday a mob went into a building demanding a voting recount, break one window and someone died by the hands of the Capital police. The Democrats scream bloody murder and demand justice! 


Some black guy dies of his own stupidity and some cops not really giving a shit anymore, and the world gets set on fire.  The Democrats look the other way and condemn the Right as the instigators. For months, they have talked shit about the right, called us names and blamed it all on us, while ignoring the what Black Lies Matter and Anquiffa did, and said it was all peaceful. 


The Double Standard is glaringly obvious, but you choose to ignore it. 


Again, FUCK BLM!! They have done more harm to Blacks than the KKK! But then again, the Democrats started the KKK, so I guess that is the real culprit in all of this. 


And i am done dealing with you, it is like trying to teach a rock to jump rope. 

Sounds like they wanted a voting recount doesn't it? 

That idiot that died at the hands of the capital police - climbed though a broken window ion a barricaded door where secret service were protecting government officials. Sucks she died buuuuuuut that's a fuckin Darwin award submission if I've ever heard one. 

That's like some black guy pullin a gun on a cop and the cop shoots him. Fuck around and find out / play stupid games win stupid prizes. 

Not the same as what you suggest though. Cops don't get to be executioners just because you resist arrest or are running from them. That shit needs to change. 

Again, "some black guy is running from the cops and rams a cops vehicle and the cop shoots him" sure, arguments can be made for that as opposed to "Some black guy was resisting arrest so they kneeled on hi neck for 5 min while people recorded." Not really the same thing is it? 

Democrats look the other way and condemn the right as instigators? Have examples of that please? 

93% of BLM protests have been peaceful.


The vast majority of demonstration events associated with the BLM movement are non-violent (see map below). In more than 93% of all demonstrations connected to the movement, demonstrators have not engaged in violence or destructive activity. Peaceful protests are reported in over 2,400 distinct locations around the country. Violent demonstrations,4 meanwhile, have been limited to fewer than 220 locations — under 10% of the areas that experienced peaceful protests. In many urban areas like Portland, Oregon, for example, which has seen sustained unrest since Floyd’s killing, violent demonstrations are largely confined to specific blocks, rather than dispersed throughout the city (CNN, 1 September 2020).


Just like the majority of Trumps has as well.

But again - it's not goddamn hard to say "Those idiots shouldn't have been breaking into the capital building". and now violence and looting is ok? 



Again, FUCK BLM!! They have done more harm to Blacks than the KKK! But then again, the Democrats started the KKK, so I guess that is the real culprit in all of this. 

That's one of the most retarded things I've seen ever posted here dude. Hope you didn't learn that from a meme or Twitter. 

I'll leave it to Trevor Noah to explain:


“Every time I go onto Facebook I see these things: ‘Did you know the Democrats are the real racist party and did you know the Republicans freed the slaves?’” Noah joked. “A lot of people like to skip over the fact that when it comes to race relations, historically, Republicans and Democrats switched positions.”

Here's a history lesson for ya: 

tl;dr "Southern Democrats" are the Republican party of today. 

Also BLM has done mroe damage to Black people than the racist organization bent on reversing the rights given to blacks and participated in terrorist attacks like that on 'black wallstreet' ,burn crosses and lynching people, and blew up black churches and shit. Just absolutely stupid fucking thing to say. Hands down. 

Anywho - what double standard is there that you're trying to explain exists that apparently I'm too stupid to pick up on? 


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4 hours ago, john510 said:

We've been at "catastrophic" for about six months now,IMO.The left has achieved their goals at this point.They worked hard for four years getting to that goal.I have a feeling that long after Trump is gone he'll still get blamed for so many things when things don't go as planned.

It’s True.  I will.  He added so much to our defecit and debt.  More than Obama and that’s without CoVid expenses considered.  So as long as I’m paying for his bullshit, I’m going to bitch.  Don’t even think he’s conservative because he ran as a Republican and hates those he sees below him.  He’s the biggest welfare president in history giving money to big business.  

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