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7 hours ago, datzenmike said:

Doesn't apply to Datsuns so....


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Vote for changes to the EPA then. Trump fucked them up good but now Joe potatoe head is in charge. I still won't give a shit.



Sure it does. It affects anyone who wants to do a motor swap or modify their EFI system, oem or aftermarket. Every time you talk about an aftermarket Weber you're breaking the law!

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Yup. It's all a federal offence but in reality it's left up to the individual states to enforce and most have better things to do, well except California.... that sticks it's nose into everyone's business. There are lots of things that are illegal but nobody cares because it isn't enforced or simply can't be enforced. So instead the EPA goes after the dealers instead of the buyers. Would you rather that they come to your home and pull your car off the road? 

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4 hours ago, datzenmike said:


More moaning.


If  you really think about it, it is more than just bad air and dirty water type shit, it is the subtle destruction of our culture. Just looking at it from another angle. 


Hot Rodding is as American as Apple Pie and Straight Porn! It is a huge culture that is mostly enjoyed by Conservative types. They know that most of it is very controlled and really has little impact on the environment, if anything, it creates jobs that are highly skilled and productive. But it is a lifestyle that goes against their narrative. 


The EPA has been a huge political stick for the left and Trump knocked down on their ass, now it is payback time! Man Made Global Warming is a Hoax! If it where real, and they where serious, they would be invading China and India to stop it! Two of the biggest polluters on the planet!! In the end, it is about power and, drum roll, money! Look how much they are pledging at the G7 Jerk Off Fest to fight Man Bear Pig! 


Just my two cents, your mileage may vary. 



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33 minutes ago, Dguy210 said:

Interesting premise here. Not sure if I totally agree with the conclusions, need to mull this one over a bit.



I like Tim but there is a lot of conspiracy theory mixed in. From my local perspective in Maine is the reason housing prices have shot up 37 percent in the last year is the mass exodus from the cities. Mainly New York. Many New Yorkers have family camps in Maine. During the pandemic many of these camps became refuges and with zoom they realized their offices were no longer necessary so even though it gets cold as fuck up here if it didn't mean commuting on a subway full of dirtbags and dealing with crime and high taxes they made a mass exodus. Shitty little houses sold for silly money but beats an apartment. Renting is a risky buisness since the gov thinks they can just drop the need to pay and fuck the landlord at a whim so I don't believe being a landlord is a very appealing position to be in now. Super low interest rates are helping drive the market. After the banks got spanked the last time with the high risk loans I am not thinking there is going to be a similar crash as 2009 but maybe a slowdown for sure in the future.

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19 minutes ago, bottomwatcher said:

I like Tim but there is a lot of conspiracy theory mixed in. From my local perspective in Maine is the reason housing prices have shot up 37 percent in the last year is the mass exodus from the cities. Mainly New York. Many New Yorkers have family camps in Maine. During the pandemic many of these camps became refuges and with zoom they realized their offices were no longer necessary so even though it gets cold as fuck up here if it didn't mean commuting on a subway full of dirtbags and dealing with crime and high taxes they made a mass exodus. Shitty little houses sold for silly money but beats an apartment. Renting is a risky buisness since the gov thinks they can just drop the need to pay and fuck the landlord at a whim so I don't believe being a landlord is a very appealing position to be in now. Super low interest rates are helping drive the market. After the banks got spanked the last time with the high risk loans I am not thinking there is going to be a similar crash as 2009 but maybe a slowdown for sure in the future.


Why would any entity pay more for something than they need to? Doesn't say so but maybe there was a bidding war? The only other explanation is they have to get rid of their money.  

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38 minutes ago, datzenmike said:


So the implied here is he was 'suicided' by Hillary? for something over and done with 5 years ago????? That makes absolutely no sense whatever. Need more info....


yes exactly ! 

they harrassed him for years. Prolly done by some low level fruit. Would one put anything past Loretta Lynch and her mob of goons, maybe the dude is in protective custody 

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2 minutes ago, datzenmike said:

What would be the purpose of harassment? You can't unring that bell.


using code words for the dudes children, cancelling his bank accounts, prolly got fallowed alot. I bet the dude is in witness protection. Hillary is dead as a doornail. 

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8 hours ago, datzenmike said:

What would be the purpose of harassment? You can't unring that bell.

To make his life as rough as the Clinton's after she lost the election ? Poor Bill probably dealt with the Devil for quite some time.Might still be.

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7 hours ago, pondking said:

and what about El Salvador now accepting bitcoin??

any opinions 

El Salvador is a third world shithole and i have no idea how bitcoin even works.It's a form of fake money right ? A ponzi scheme.

Edited by john510
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