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So I grew up as a military brat.  We ended up in Virginia and I never quite understood the obsession either way with the flag.  For starters everyone knows the confederacy lost and frankly will never return.  Yet for some reason the perpetually offended can't let it go.  People in the south don't look at it as a symbol of a time forgotten either.  To them its just a southern thing that they mistakenly argue as a part of their heritage.  Honestly you typically don't see it all that often until the perpetually offended come out of their mothers basements to cry foul and suddenly it is flown everywhere.  Sorta like one whiff of gun control and everyone lines up at the gun store to by guns and ammo.  Now again I mention I was a military brat and went to DoD schools till we left Europe shortly after the fall of the Berlin wall.  So, when I got here I couldn't figure out what was all the fuss over the flag of a failed rebellion until I got older.  I see it as merely a theatrical prop to increase division.  You see the left will call it a symbol of hate and brand everyone that has one even a black person for that matter as being a racist kkk lover.  The right rallies everyone to take up the cause and fly one while seemingly falling for the trap and says I have minority friends so im not a racist.   The left in turn uses that as proof positive that they are racists.  Then the right responds by.....  see the pattern?  It is all smoke and mirror theatrics designed to trap both sides into a tit for tat argument with no end.

  Now I don't think that most of the people on either side are actually <insert boogeyman name calling here>  but I do believe that the people pulling the strings behind both sides that are delivering the messages stand to gain from our division.  In the end neither race, gender, sexualr preference, religion, or some flag has any bearing on the fact that we are Americans.  A single fact that unites us and is part of our very fabric of life.  A fabric that I imagine these puppeteers would love nothing more than to destroy for their own gain. 


Its long overdue for people from both sides to stop arguing and to start looking closely at their leaders actions rather than worrying about what the other side is doing.  I suspect that will never happen though.

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On 5/7/2021 at 9:10 PM, jbirds510 said:

Not a lot of honesty left in politics. about as useful as a mosquito.  


I'll be 65 in August.


I was still in 3 cornered pants, puking pablum and pooping green, suckin' on my mama's tit and there wasn't any honesty in politics then.




Nothing's changed, except the national debt.


They are all a bunch of crooked liars who are only in it to serve their own interests. Fuck 'em all, eh?




Edited by Racer X 69
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Americans love underdogs. They love the least likely to win who struggles even if in vain. It's nice to win but there is glory in the trying. To me, neither yank nor reb, the confederate flag is a symbol of striving against the odds to preserve a way of life. It's as relevant then as it is now.

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I've been a political junkie since 1995. Followed it with a passion like a Dallas Cowboys fan in 1993 or a dead head chasing Jerry Berry and the crew in a VW bus. Fake news on the left and the right is the norm now. Limbaugh was a diehard conservative but you could trust what he said. Bill Maher was once his peer on the other side of the aisle. Now, I really don't know who to trust. Some of those fruit loops on Newsmax TV (not all) are slinging elephant crap with the same gusto CNN is hawking donkey doo-doo. Pic unrelated.



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16 minutes ago, a.d._510_n_ok said:

I've been a political junkie since 1995. Followed it with a passion like a Dallas Cowboys fan in 1993 or a dead head chasing Jerry Berry and the crew in a VW bus. Fake news on the left and the right is the norm now. Limbaugh was a diehard conservative but you could trust what he said. Bill Maher was once his peer on the other side of the aisle. Now, I really don't know who to trust. Some of those fruit loops on Newsmax TV (not all) are slinging elephant crap with the same gusto CNN is hawking donkey doo-doo. Pic unrelated.



I agree with you on Newsmax.Pretty much the opposite of CNN even though not as extreme with the hatred and name calling.What they do report are some of the things our typical media wouldn't touch regarding Biden and his ilk.That's the reason i check into it occasionally.

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2 hours ago, Racer X 69 said:


I'll be 65 in August.


I was still in 3 cornered pants, puking pablum and pooping green, suckin' on my mama's tit and there wasn't any honesty in politics then.




Nothing's changed, except the national debt.


They are all a bunch of crooked liars who are only in it to serve their own interests. Fuck 'em all, eh?




Yeah, its tragic how some folks could be so destructive in the name of personal gains.

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1 hour ago, john510 said:

I agree with you on Newsmax.Pretty much the opposite of CNN even though not as extreme with the hatred and name calling.What they do report are some of the things our typical media wouldn't touch regarding Biden and his ilk.That's the reason i check into it occasionally.

My CNN vaccine is Bill O'Reilly. I even paid to get his information sent to my email. Funny, back in the day, I liked him, but thought he was extreme right wing. Nowadays, he seems "moderate".

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10 hours ago, frankendat said:

My CNN vaccine is Bill O'Reilly. I even paid to get his information sent to my email. Funny, back in the day, I liked him, but thought he was extreme right wing. Nowadays, he seems "moderate".

Yes,O'reilly is pretty fair.Tucker Carlson also.They both would pick on a Republican if warranted.

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17 hours ago, john510 said:

I agree with you on Newsmax.Pretty much the opposite of CNN even though not as extreme with the hatred and name calling.What they do report are some of the things our typical media wouldn't touch regarding Biden and his ilk.That's the reason i check into it occasionally.

This is why I pretty much look to Epoch News as they tend to be more in the middle on issues...  That said I don't think there is just one perfect choice anymore.  You pretty much have to pool from sources to get an idea of what is really going on.

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33 minutes ago, G8KeaPoR said:

 You pretty much have to pool from sources to get an idea of what is really going on.

And even then you really don’t know what the whole story is.

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You can never ever know the whole story, even if you were there. You have to rely on the entertainment news agencies for information/opinion and sift out the opinion items. If you like a certain news source it's probably because they are telling you what you want to hear, it's what they do for a living. Find their antithesis and see what their version is. Recognize that both have an agenda. See if your preferred source can stand up to their rivals. It may take months of doing this on many and varied topics to find they have a fault.

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On 5/12/2021 at 7:44 AM, datzenmike said:

When I was a teen back in the '60 you could walk the 8 blocks down town in the shade of mature maple trees. In the '70s the town cut almost all of them down. Summers were intolerable from the hot sidewalks, pavement and blinding light. New trees were planted and now 40-50 years later it's pleasant to walk those streets again.


Years ago a co worker had a new neighbor move in beside him. The guy was an ex logger. Within 6 months he felled all the trees in his back yard, because ex loggers are simply made that way. Bigish trees, larger than you can reach around. Now the sun bakes both their yards relentlessly in the mid summer for the lack of shade, fewer birds, no deer want to hang out there. Then in 2 years the logger moves on. Moves in fucks shit up that took a century to grow and then leaves. So, sometimes there is a good reason for a community to want to involve themselves in what the members are doing on their property.


Myself... if it's yours you have a right to do with it what you want. But, some people, they just want to fuck shit up.


I do not deny that, some, even most, humans suck, but if all the trees cut were on his property and thereby his trees, I support his right "to fuck shit up".  Presently, the owners of the property next to mine are endeavoring in the opposite direction. They have planted over a dozen, different varieties of fruit trees, on their 0.1 residential acre. I grew up with fruit trees and the greatness of picking fresh (considerably smaller) fruit, is undermined by the bugs and the rotting fruit. The bugs were bad with two apple trees at my parents house and we used "real" pesticides, not the "natural", fluffy bunny, wholesome, insect deterrents, that are notoriously ineffective. But, like, it's their yard, man and they are free.( read that last line, like "The Dude",) I don't even bitch about their chicken coup, which brings many mice.

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But what about the rest of the community that benefits from the cooling effect of the trees, the shade, the privacy screen, and the animal habitat. Not to mention the esthetic of the greenery in an urban setting and what about the effect on your neighbor's property value? Land ownership demands that we be responsible with what has been entrusted to us because we can't keep it, only pass it on when we leave. Aren't we obligated to improve our land while we temporarily own it, or at least do no harm? This is like a child seeing a wildflower and running over and picking it. There are laws in place now that prevent this or levy huge fines for stupidity like this. You can still remove a tree with permission if you have just cause such as a danger of falling, disease, if building. For this you need an arborist to sign off.  In most cases you have post a bond and plant a replacement tree somewhere on the property. If the tree is still living after 3 years your bond is returned.

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4 hours ago, datzenmike said:

But what about the rest of the community that benefits from the cooling effect of the trees, the shade, the privacy screen, and the animal habitat. Not to mention the esthetic of the greenery in an urban setting and what about the effect on your neighbor's property value? Land ownership demands that we be responsible with what has been entrusted to us because we can't keep it, only pass it on when we leave. Aren't we obligated to improve our land while we temporarily own it, or at least do no harm? This is like a child seeing a wildflower and running over and picking it. There are laws in place now that prevent this or levy huge fines for stupidity like this. You can still remove a tree with permission if you have just cause such as a danger of falling, disease, if building. For this you need an arborist to sign off.  In most cases you have post a bond and plant a replacement tree somewhere on the property. If the tree is still living after 3 years your bond is returned.

Your point would be well taken, a few years back and the argument of land stewardship has merit. But, wide strokes  about community are ineffective, to sway your critical thinking southern neighbors. It is ok, if you don't see it, and truthfully (hopefully) the real ugliness will manifest, after we are long dead. (My nightmare is it will come to fruition, when I am "nearly" dead and unable to fight) I am not talking about revolution, Americans continue to demonstrate a lack of spine. So, freedom and autonomy, will be slowly squeezed to death by the python of bureaucracy. The attacks on education, forcing division, by pitting citizen against citizen, is encouraged by the Left, because their goal is total control. Bankrupting America will create conflict for resources. Former illegal aliens, now freshly minted citizens  immigrating to America do not embrace it as a "melting pot" rather, they are intent to reform it in their image. Unauthorized, uncontrolled, entrance to America is not immigrant salvation, it is invasion. Without question, there will be increased and increasingly violent, conflicts and many will be settled with a firearm. The left will use, government created conflict, to further demonize white men and fuel their gun confiscation, "relinquishment" arguments. Since truth in reporting is no longer required or missed, President Biden will sign more gun legislation mirroring Federal laws that are pretext for weapon confiscation; "relinquishment" enforced by Federal troops. I have lost faith in America's youth and believe new generations will regard freedom, as some arcane religious belief, usually argued at family dinners with grandpa or heard mumbled on government transit, by old men, who need a comb and a shower.

Once America is mostly disarmed and sufficiently, subjugated, abuse and horror will follow. It will take lifetimes of death and suffering, before differences between American citizens are again dismissed and the "melting pot" is restored, along with a healthy serving of Nationalism.

The tree removing requirements bullshit, in I assume Canada, (or BC?) and is one more reason against living there. "You can still remove a tree with permission if you have just cause such as a danger of falling, disease, if building. For this you need an arborist to sign off.  In most cases you have post a bond and plant a replacement tree somewhere on the property. If the tree is still living after 3 years your bond is returned."

'(W)ith permission", "just cause","arborist sign off" "Bond posting" "new tree", three years of monitored tree growing,etc. Navigating that level of bureaucracy to remove a tree on owned private property, would be a welcome addition, and new level, in Dante's journey to hell. I am curious, if like communist Russia, trivial bureaucratic inconveniences are easily and quickly, suspended for the upper class, or if funds mysteriously manifest in the pockets of select government officials.

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Politics aside.....



Originally this was all rain forest. Or semi rain shadow rain forest. Any town without some green or stripped of trees is naked, ugly, hot and sweaty. All sharp angles and concrete. Surely you can see the wisdom of some control over their removal. It's for the betterment of all even if at times a bother for the few.

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11 hours ago, datzenmike said:

But what about the rest of the community that benefits from the cooling effect of the trees, the shade, the privacy screen, and the animal habitat. Not to mention the esthetic of the greenery in an urban setting and what about the effect on your neighbor's property value? Land ownership demands that we be responsible with what has been entrusted to us because we can't keep it, only pass it on when we leave. Aren't we obligated to improve our land while we temporarily own it, or at least do no harm? This is like a child seeing a wildflower and running over and picking it. There are laws in place now that prevent this or levy huge fines for stupidity like this. You can still remove a tree with permission if you have just cause such as a danger of falling, disease, if building. For this you need an arborist to sign off.  In most cases you have post a bond and plant a replacement tree somewhere on the property. If the tree is still living after 3 years your bond is returned.

How come none of what you said applies to "green" solar power companies that are building solar plants in wooded areas.  Case in point the EPA and green energy consumer alliance approved Spotsylvania VA solar plant where they purchased 9000 acres of land from loggers.  3000 were already completely cut to the dirt at the time of the sale.  The plant then took that 3000 acres of barren wasteland and called it a wildlife preserve and cut down the other 6000 acres of land to the dirt, burned ALL of the cut trees, and put up their panels.  Panels mind you that even if the electricity needed to manufacture them came from non fossil fuels still takes 20-25 years to be carbon neutral never mind they have a 20 year lifespan.  That by the way isn't taking into consideration that the materials needed to make them of copper, gold, molybdenum, and most importantly lithium for the batteries can only be strip mined and have more devastating effects on the environment than nuclear but I digress. 


The point is was anything you said morally wrong?  No, but if that standard is only applied to the individual then it becomes amoral. 


EDIT:  Just so you know my frustration isn't at what you said or at you.  My frustration is with a system that penalizes its citizens while catering to organizations that can afford to provide handsome campaign contributions needed to sway legislation in their way.

Edited by G8KeaPoR
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This only applies to a town or urban setting.  If you choose to live outside the city limits where you have little impact on your neighbors then whatever. If you choose to live amongst others for convenience then you really should consider them also. You have to. If you think you live in a vacuum, the town has to.

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       Maybe Hamas should have started shooting rockets at the Jews in December ( that Biden payed 75 million for them to buy) so we could have been fully open months ago 




. #rocketthejews



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10 hours ago, datzenmike said:

Politics aside.....



Originally this was all rain forest. Or semi rain shadow rain forest. Any town without some green or stripped of trees is naked, ugly, hot and sweaty. All sharp angles and concrete. Surely you can see the wisdom of some control over their removal. It's for the betterment of all even if at times a bother for the few.

Well, you didn't take the bait.


Anyway, maintaining a utilitarian/socialist environmental position is problematic at best and "lets the nose, of the communist bear, in the tent". I know we are both older farts and history was still considered important in our education. So, you are aware of the corruption, suffering and death, that has flowered in every communist country. As your country continues to grow, albeit not as dramatically as the United States, it would be interesting to know, which of us embrace the dark side first, but I would (and I am) betting such events transpire, after my death. (I might need to revisit that favorable supposition, after Biden (more likely, Harris's) second/third term.


Truthfully, I am first to gather signatures and raise the red flag, when developers start surveying my neighborhood for "multi-unit housing development". But, there are differences in the fight. The proposed developments will benefit some and bother many. For some odd reason, the patchouli oil, birkenstock crowd, chant support for these projects under a claim of "housing shortage". There most certainly is NOT a housing shortage in Idaho. There are desired areas with only high dollar units available, but wanting something rare or unique and being unable to afford it, is not an indication of a "shortage". There isn't a housing shortage the same as there isn't a gold shortage.


But, I digress. Returning to trees, there are thorny locust trees on my property, that I dislike. Over the decades, I have chopped them down, on multiple occasions, poisoned, had the stumps ground out and poisoned again. Now, I have to worry, about the government forcing me to keep, those sticky, thorn ridden weeds. What one desires is often junk to another and laws, based on subjective standards are ripe for abuse.


2 hours ago, datzenmike said:

This only applies to a town or urban setting.  If you choose to live outside the city limits where you have little impact on your neighbors then whatever. If you choose to live amongst others for convenience then you really should consider them also. You have to. If you think you live in a vacuum, the town has to.


Took a while, but that's a valid point. I can only counter with, it is a matter of degrees and it is a path that will, eventually, lead to loss of individuality, autonomy and entry point for communism, and violence. Maybe, the tree hacking logger had a traumatic tree encounter in his past, maybe he, or his wife, are avid sunbathers. We don't know, but for whatever reason, Dude wasn't keen on trees. Now if the tree hater was informed of the neighborhood tree policy, before purchasing the land, my support for him evaporates. But, forcing compliance is problematic. Make no mistake, it is forced. I am not up on foreign law, but in the States, fines for property violations are attached to property, by way of interest acquiring lien and/or forced compliance by sheriff. Property laws have teeth. How far are you willing to go, to save trees, owned by another?


As I have said, your position has merit; enough, to sway others. The enforcement arm, of a socialist government, is it's unavoidable communist element. Once enacted, it remains, often dormant, but always there. 

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42 minutes ago, bananahamuck said:

Although they didn’t have money to buy them in December.. so maybe us not giving them money was keeping peace 🤔 




Where's the outrage and criticism for this ? 

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