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11 minutes ago, bottomwatcher said:

Conspiracy theory. Not that there isn't a lot of shitweasels in politics but claiming the election was rigged on a large scale without any real evidence is falling on deaf ears. Not your ears but the majority of the populations. Trump screamed crooked Hilary (and she is) but never did anything to follow through prosecuting her and he was the President. Next week politicians will be grandstanding the great atrocity of the Capital riots. Trump will be grandstanding the election was stolen and in the end nothing will really happen because if a politician is actually held accountable for something that would be setting a bad precedent and no politition wants that.


You didn't read the caption in red...


11 minutes ago, Dguy210 said:

They outright admit to rigging the election... in print.



... the part that says working behind the scenes to influence perceptions, change rules and laws, steer media coverage and control the flow of information. They were not rigging the election... they were fortifying it"

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29 minutes ago, bottomwatcher said:

Conspiracy theory. Not that there isn't a lot of shitweasels in politics but claiming the election was rigged on a large scale without any real evidence is falling on deaf ears. Not your ears but the majority of the populations. Trump screamed crooked Hilary (and she is) but never did anything to follow through prosecuting her and he was the President. Next week politicians will be grandstanding the great atrocity of the Capital riots. Trump will be grandstanding the election was stolen and in the end nothing will really happen because if a politician is actually held accountable for something that would be setting a bad precedent and no politition wants that.


I have no patience for you.

Edited by Mattndew76
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17 minutes ago, bottomwatcher said:

Your initial response was so much more entertaining.


Definitely was. 


You seriously are either purposely aloof or just dumb.


Is it like a convulsion to spit out talking points and parroting phrases the TV has assigned for you to say? As natural as breathing.  It literally is being bragged to be a and I quote "Conspiracy".  


Are you just willfully ignorant, but just want to be involved in an adult conversation?

Edited by Mattndew76
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I do try to stay a little aloof. The initial headlines from whoever are meant to stir emotions and get a rise out of people. It keeps people tuned in an watching their commercials which is how they make their money. The first reports are usually full of errors so really no reason to get riled. If a topic interests me I will then do some research and gather "facts" from the opposing sides and try to filter that out. The rigged election I was all ears, but as the months slipped by with no real proof except screams from the chief bafoon who had a track record that anything he said really had no credibility. The Georgia election was gone over 3 times but he still insisted it was rigged. Sooo really why even listen to him anymore. 


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7 minutes ago, bottomwatcher said:

I do try to stay a little aloof. The initial headlines from whoever are meant to stir emotions and get a rise out of people. It keeps people tuned in an watching their commercials which is how they make their money. The first reports are usually full of errors so really no reason to get riled. If a topic interests me I will then do some research and gather "facts" from the opposing sides and try to filter that out. The rigged election I was all ears, but as the months slipped by with no real proof except screams from the chief bafoon who had a track record that anything he said really had no credibility. The Georgia election was gone over 3 times but he still insisted it was rigged. Sooo really why even listen to him anymore. 



What is your defined meaning of rigged ( Fortifying )? Does that parallel Trumps definition, Q-Anon, or the 74,000,000? 


The Time article in fact brags or even raises its hand of involvement of the effort almost as a criminal returning to the crime to admire the work. They also outline the explanation I have given several times as to how the election was rigged ( Fortify ). They detail everything.


through introspection I realize I am truly the idiot for even to try an speak reason with anyone unwilling. 

Edited by Mattndew76
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1 hour ago, datzenmike said:


You didn't read the caption in red...



... the part that says working behind the scenes to influence perceptions, change rules and laws, steer media coverage and control the flow of information. They were not rigging the election... they were fortifying it"


You are still using the word rigged.

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4 minutes ago, datzenmike said:


You are still using the word rigged.


Its like people who think ANTIFA is good because their name says they're good. 


"Its in their name... A_N_T_I Fascism....duh." That means they're good.

Edited by Mattndew76
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OK all the 'mainstream media' are biased and on one side. Can you agree on that???

f/b, twitter, you tube censor posts that are critical of the Biden run up, during and after the election. Can you agree with that???



Well both limit and control the flow of information to the public. The public deserves to know about alleged corruption in their future president. This is election interference. Maybe we could call this rigging?

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Read full in TIME: https://time.com/5936036/secret-2020-election-campaign/

It is perhaps the beginning of the confession to “stealing the election” by the main stream media.


Following the secure transfer of power to president Joe Biden, TIME, a US top main stream media paper has surprisingly admitted to the covert “rigging” of the November 3rd US election to remove Trump and install Biden.



In the detailed editorial, the paper described multiple processes involving the elite, social media giants and all deep state agencies in cooperation to manipulate the entire electoral process and remove Trump.

The article stated:


“Their work touched every aspect of the election. They got states to change voting systems and laws and helped secure hundreds of millions in public and private funding. They fended off voter-suppression lawsuits, recruited armies of poll workers and got millions of people to vote by mail for the first time. They successfully pressured social media companies to take a harder line against disinformation and used data-driven strategies to fight viral smears.”



See Brookings’ “How to rig an election in three not-so-easy steps” article of 2017:

How to rig an election in three not-so-easy steps– RIGGING THE SYSTEM

The second way to “rig” an election is to create a system that works in favor of one candidate or one type of candidate. The general election was “rigged,” if you will, more than 200 years ago when the Founding Fathers wrote it into the Constitution and, by giving each state (no matter how small) a congressman and two senators, gave small states more clout than large states. They have the same clout in the Electoral College. Read full on Brookings.edu

Another highlight from the TIME piece:

The views expressed in this article belong to the author and do not necessarily reflect the editorial policy of NewsRescue
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8 hours ago, Dguy210 said:

Read full in TIME: https://time.com/5936036/secret-2020-election-campaign/

It is perhaps the beginning of the confession to “stealing the election” by the main stream media.


Following the secure transfer of power to president Joe Biden, TIME, a US top main stream media paper has surprisingly admitted to the covert “rigging” of the November 3rd US election to remove Trump and install Biden.





I believe this  to be true. And hey? why aren't conservatives smashing businesses and screaming in the streets ? Cuz liberals are a bunch of fucking whining PUSSYS! Great move by Trump our killer military.

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10 hours ago, datzenmike said:


Ears don't match and they are as unique as fingerprints.

Just needs an ear ring bro.




Still need a sarcasm font.

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1 hour ago, datzenmike said:

So... are the Democrats now a dictator for life or can the GOP use the same tactics to secure a future win?

I don't think the GOP is that power hungry and would stoop to that level even though i hope they do.

Edited by john510
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3 hours ago, DaBlist said:

Hmmm, what would it take for the military to act independently of current administration?


Otherwise there will be such a break down I'll be learning how to pronoun Amerixico


 Already have that covered. Going to make out like a bandit when he implodes.


22 hours ago, datzenmike said:

I'm buying civil and military disobedience and unrest. Going ta short squeeze the Biden administration.


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21 hours ago, Mattndew76 said:


What is your defined meaning of rigged ( Fortifying )? Does that parallel Trumps definition, Q-Anon, or the 74,000,000? 


The Time article in fact brags or even raises its hand of involvement of the effort almost as a criminal returning to the crime to admire the work. They also outline the explanation I have given several times as to how the election was rigged ( Fortify ). They detail everything.


through introspection I realize I am truly the idiot for even to try an speak reason with anyone unwilling. 


While I firmly believe the Democratic party is focused on destroying individual freedom and embracing socialist/communist values, that will bring suffering, corruption, and death. The "spin" on the election is an awesome political move. Tacitly admitting to "quasi legal" (or at least ethically questionable) election influence, but insisting actions were necessary to "save" democracy.


I reaffirm my prediction of a Biden/Harris or Harris, second term, by votes of millions of new "citizens" allowed under Biden's open immigration policies. If possible, the new citizens will be installed in swing states, to ensure they stay blue. Or, if the electoral college is abolished, then the millions of new "citizens" will tip the scales, favoring blue. The Democrat strategy will be employed once again, in the next election. The Democrats will admit to co-opting excessive immigration, but only to "save democracy" and their interpretation of American ideals, e.g. the instruction carved in the base of the Statue of Liberty and cherry picked, quotes from the founding fathers and the Constitution, (out of context) that support Democracy based purely on the will of the majority.


The Democrats will continue to accuse opposition, any opposition, by labeling the ideas, as racist, sexist, homophobic, trans phobic etc.etc.etc.

It will be easy to insert the "one person, one vote", concept. The simplicity of one person, one vote is appealing, until the cost of open boarders, and free healthcare for the world is realized. As I have said, those flooding into America will not be neighbors of the rich democrats.


Those who dissent, even in academic forums or in open and free debate, will face social sanctions, e.g. negative media attention, resulting in loss of employment and/or social ostracization. Eventually, as the aforementioned tactic becomes ineffective at quelling dissent, and following the path of other socialist/communist governments, those in opposition will disappear. 


My father worked with some "former" KGB. They found those who insisted on questioning actions, odd. The "leader “of the group said, "If you have a man, with a problem, remove the man, remove the problem."

Edited by frankendat
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