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2 hours ago, bastardo said:



I meant Tr8r but decided not to edit it since you might be an indigenous Australian.


So you claim you really meant someone who has been actively participating in this thread?  Seems you are reaching to make a point that is false.


Besides, who are you to decide anyone's racial identity?  I might be Rachel Dolezal for all you know. 😉

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7 hours ago, bastardo said:

This whole forum is racist AF. Have you noticed that of the few PoC (nanners, colourbox, hobospyder; not sure about str8jackit) they rarely engage in any political discussion? That's because this place is a hotbed of Hawaiian shirted cross burners aching to bail out Rittenhouse for murder. 

Nanners I got your back against HRH and I'll use the boots he sold me to stomp him out. (I'm still biased against the natives for previously stated reasons)





3 hours ago, bastardo said:



I meant Tr8r but decided not to edit it since you might be an indigenous Australian.


Sheesh..... talk about your PoC. To get on your own list, aboriginal Australian would carry more weight.

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 I haven’t ever identified as colored person or native .. 

  None of my ancestors chased Gillian around no fucking island. 
   I am an American Indian 


although being shouted down and personally threatened with violence for expressing my views by an idiot whitey ( that literally compared Hillary’s loss to the Holocaust on this forum ) might qualify me as such . 





   FYI ..  me and Kohearts both voted 3rd party that year. 




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I can’t be racist ,, I’m a minority.. it says so in the book . Hahaha 


 but wait ,,,, isn’t using POC the same as calling someone colored which I thought was a derogatory term just a few decades ago?? 

The more things change ,, the more they stay the same. 

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I love all this tripping over our own dicks that North Americans do to be "not racist". Canada and the USA are some of the least racist places with regard to the general population on Earth overall. Probably due to the generally higher heterogeneity in the general population of those countries. [I suspect Australia too but not enough info to make a good comparison].


Go travel internationally, most countries are racist as fuck, especially if you go to parts of Asia. And they do not give a fuck about being racist, not one fuck at all. Yet, we bend over backwards to prove "hOw NoT rAcIsT" we are as it is used as a cudgel by certain groups to push their agendas. The great irony being those who push it are some of the most racist pieces of shit around with their "whitey savior complex" and "low expectations" of non-white people. I literally know people in real life (unfortunately- 'cuz Portland) who say in one breath how they support this or that and white privilege, muh socialism, etc... and then go and stereotype crudely a whole group of people while acting exactly opposite to their stated beliefs.


So Fuck it. I no longer really give a shit and will use the time honored method of generally disliking most people and judging them based on how they act instead. 


Short form: Don't be a piece of shit to your fellow humans but don't be a thin skinned little bitch either.

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i got the blood but not the papers. my 1/2 brother has the papers but is butthurt because he thought he was the only papoose to spring from our injun father's whiskey soaked sacred gnards - not even kidding. he offered to give me a DNA match test but then took back his offer. that makes him some kind of native American offer taker backer i think.

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2 minutes ago, Mattndew76 said:


Firefox warned that a social media tracking device was trying to gain access to my computer.


Barr's gone anyway. Does Trump appoint another? seems he would have done something about this a long time ago. He must have a fall back position planned.

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Just now, datzenmike said:


Firefox warned that a social media tracking device was trying to gain access to my computer.


Barr's gone anyway. Does Trump appoint another? seems he would have done something about this a long time ago. He must have a fall back position planned.


Once the Pardons start for Snowden or Assange then the fight is over. 


I am very pessimistic that anything is to be done. The machine will win.

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