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4 hours ago, john510 said:

I agree with this except for the part about teargas and violence.When you're asked to disperse and don't and then told to disperse and you don't,the violence is next.Leave and you don't get gassed,beat up,shot or arrested.And Biden does brag,he keeps telling us he has 47 years of service to this country and has the answers to everything.All politicians do it.Nothing new about that.


Not only that but the clearing of 'demonstrators' began about 10 minutes before the 7 PM??? curfew. You know what it's like in a bar just before closing? The only ones left are the drunken losers fueled on drinking all night, argumentative, abusive, often aggressive, probably unemployed to be out at 2AM. The ones the bouncers have to show the door and blood is spilt. Well at 6:50 these fucks should have been driving home so fuck their tears. 

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3 minutes ago, bottomwatcher said:

 his packed unmasked indoor rally's


They're outdoor.

Masks don't prevent the spread unless N95+ as virus is aerosol and generally not slobbering droplets that would be stopped by a trendy cutoff t-shirt or plexiglass face shield.

If you can smell a fart through your mask, you can still get sick.

Does close contact enable spread, yes.

Is it highly contagious, yes.

Does it have a high survival rate? definitely.

Should people with pre-existing conditions be cautious, absolutely.


Personal choice and freedom, it's still a thing for the time being.


America first, which I'd assume all nations would have a similar policy as they should. Not hard to understand.




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51 minutes ago, bottomwatcher said:

You obviously haven't spent much time outside of the US. The world is intertwined with goods and commerce. Depending on what you are driving odds are it wasn't mfg in the us. Nissans, chevys made in Mexico. Parts globally sourced. Businesses competing with foriegn companies outside of the US. I unfortunately have to work outside the US sometimes and Trumps shithole country comments caused backlash that made things difficult for US buisness, but the rest of the world was glad to step in. Namely China. Currently the prick is doing his best to spread covid with his packed unmasked indoor rally's while the rest of the world is getting somewhat of a handle on it and moving on. The sooner he leaves the better but like a sore loser in chess he is wiping the board clean so someone else has to clean the mess. The unfortunate part is the mess is so big and the cleanup crew so incompetent we will be wallowing in this mess for a long time.


he was born after NAFTA and only a couple years before the battle in Seattle so all he has ever know is other countries like China and Mexico making American goods .. of his 11(?) vehicles he currently owns the newest is 1987 .. and newest he ever owned was 1991 


 I do believe if McPumpkin Spice did say “shit hole countries” ,, it wasn’t directed at any countries that the government actually VALUEs their population other than feed into the meat grinder as a way to line their own pockets. 


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1 hour ago, Draker said:


They're outdoor.

Masks don't prevent the spread unless N95+ as virus is aerosol and generally not slobbering droplets that would be stopped by a trendy cutoff t-shirt or plexiglass face shield.

If you can smell a fart through your mask, you can still get sick.

Does close contact enable spread, yes.

Is it highly contagious, yes.

Does it have a high survival rate? definitely.

Should people with pre-existing conditions be cautious, absolutely.


Personal choice and freedom, it's still a thing for the time being.


America first, which I'd assume all nations would have a similar policy as they should. Not hard to understand.





I am so glad the Left is doing everything possible to prevent the spread! 


Now put on your mask, facist!! 


Federal Arrests Show No Sign That Antifa Plotted Protests - The New York  Times


51 Protesters Facing Federal Charges—Yet No Sign Of Antifa Involvement


Antifa, Boogaloo boys, white nationalists: Which extremists showed up to  the US Black Lives Matter protests? - ABC News

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1 hour ago, Draker said:

I actually haven't studied fart particles.. so take that with a grain of salt. or fabreze.


1 hour ago, bananahamuck said:

I am currently waiting on the judges ruling . 


A fart by definition is a gas. So if you have particles in your 'fart' it isn't a fart. So you can breathe easier now.


THIS !!!! is not a fart...









some rallies were indoors.

masks reduce YOU from spraying particles when talking or coughing. They don't stop much.  



Avoid crowds, really avoid them if indoors. Mask up on planes, trains and buses. For many it's unavoidable so do what you can. It's winter, start wearing gloves when out. Don't touch shit! Distance yourself.

Wash/sanitize hands every opportunity you can if you just have to be out and about. Carry a small bottle of sanitizer.

Sanitize hands after you get in your car. While hands are still wet rub steering wheel, door knob, seat belt buckle and gear shifter. When you get home do a thorough job of sanitizing then relax. You don't have to be anti trump doing this.


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2 hours ago, bottomwatcher said:

You obviously haven't spent much time outside of the US. The world is intertwined with goods and commerce. Depending on what you are driving odds are it wasn't mfg in the us. Nissans, chevys made in Mexico. Parts globally sourced. Businesses competing with foriegn companies outside of the US. I unfortunately have to work outside the US sometimes and Trumps shithole country comments caused backlash that made things difficult for US buisness, but the rest of the world was glad to step in. Namely China. Currently the prick is doing his best to spread covid with his packed unmasked indoor rally's while the rest of the world is getting somewhat of a handle on it and moving on. The sooner he leaves the better but like a sore loser in chess he is wiping the board clean so someone else has to clean the mess. The unfortunate part is the mess is so big and the cleanup crew so incompetent we will be wallowing in this mess for a long time.


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22 hours ago, HRH said:

Pssssst.....hey......guess what?



































Oh, and here's a good article about those suitcases.  Keep grasping at straws though.  https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-election-2020/georgia-suitcase-video-ballots-trump-b1766363.html


Post physique

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29 minutes ago, datzenmike said:


some rallies were indoors.


Yes, true. Early on in the campaign they were. Then moved to airport hangers.


not gonna argue it’s a good idea. I wouldn’t be seen at any event with a crowd. 

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1 hour ago, Draker said:

Yes, true. Early on in the campaign they were. Then moved to airport hangers.


not gonna argue it’s a good idea. I wouldn’t be seen at any event with a crowd. 

But it sounds better to say they were outdoors.  

and are you still thinking Masks are to protect the wearer?   

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29 minutes ago, tr8er said:

But it sounds better to say they were outdoors.  

and are you still thinking Masks are to protect the wearer?   


Outbreak in a medical facility here (not treating covid patients), where everyone is strictly wearing masks.  Among those being a friend of the wife, who was wearing a mask the whole time (1 day) she was there.  Bah humbug.  

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1 hour ago, tr8er said:

But it sounds better to say they were outdoors.  

and are you still thinking Masks are to protect the wearer?   


I think like 2 were indoors. He could hold them in an elevator for all I care. Already stated opinion on masks and personal freedoms.

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6 hours ago, HRH said:



If you would like to talk to me in person about my crybaby antics, I welcome it.  But it's entirely possible that I will give up communication and resort to simpler measures, fair warning.




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15 hours ago, bananahamuck said:


First off,, I don't care if Biden won .. I've said it many times on here and in real life. Whoever is president makes NO difference in my life whatsoever. 


You're welcome 


I couldn't agree with this part of your comment more!!! But that "Hillary Boy" thing posted later? Ouch that almost hurts?! I just had to look in the mirror and I don't look like Hillary!

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11 hours ago, bottomwatcher said:

You obviously haven't spent much time outside of the US. The world is intertwined with goods and commerce. Depending on what you are driving odds are it wasn't mfg in the us. Nissans, chevys made in Mexico. Parts globally sourced. Businesses competing with foriegn companies outside of the US. I unfortunately have to work outside the US sometimes and Trumps shithole country comments caused backlash that made things difficult for US buisness, but the rest of the world was glad to step in. Namely China. Currently the prick is doing his best to spread covid with his packed unmasked indoor rally's while the rest of the world is getting somewhat of a handle on it and moving on. The sooner he leaves the better but like a sore loser in chess he is wiping the board clean so someone else has to clean the mess. The unfortunate part is the mess is so big and the cleanup crew so incompetent we will be wallowing in this mess for a long time.

Yea sure.

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