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1 hour ago, bottomwatcher said:

He is not a great leader he is a senile old Man. What can you expect, but he is trying to protect himself. Which we all should be doing. He is not disregarding guidelines and questioning medical experts like Dr. Trump does or put out some kind of message that masks are for sissies. Dumshit Trump ignored protocol and bashed the experts and guess what? He got infected! He got off lucky, Chris Christie not so much. Its all good. Looking forward to the next debate. Expecting more comedy gold!

chris christy is out of the hospital. 

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9 hours ago, wayno said:

7 Predictions: How 2020 comes to an     

Daniel Bobinski, M.Ed. is a certified behavioral analyst, best-selling author, corporate trainer, executive coach, and columnist. He’s also a veteran and a self-described Christian Libertarian who believes in the principles of free market capitalism – while standing firmly against crony capitalism.

For more great journalism, go to undercover.com

America is at a crossroads with revolution on our doorstep. On one side are the Patriots; those who seek to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution. On the other side are Marxist insurrectionists; those who believe that America is evil and the cause of so many problems in world.

The Marxist-friendly side is pulling for Joe Biden to be ushered into the White House. They don’t call themselves Marxists, but as the saying goes, if it talks like a duck and walks like a duck, it’s a duck.

I’ve been writing since January that the Globalists don’t care if there’s bloodshed in America , and in March I wrote that the Left is waging a scorched-earth war against Trump .

At the risk of sounding like I’m saying, “I told you so,” I told you so.

If you’ve been reading tea leaves from the news lately, you may have already figured out what’s coming at us in the next few months. If so, the following may simply affirm your observations. But I wanted to put this out there so everyone knows what to expect and therefore won’t be surprised.

My seven predictions for how 2020 comes to an end:

Prediction 1 : Trump will win the election in a landslide . I know, the media is telling you the polls are tight, but just look around. Trump rallies are packed to the gills while Biden can’t fill the bleachers at a high school football field. Trump supporters hold huge boat parades while we see NONE for Biden. Trump supporters hold freeway caravans around that country that take up all lanes of a freeway, while an attempted caravan for Biden in Las Vegas drew only 30 people. Just like in 2016, pollsters today are making it look like it’s a close race. This is gaslighting – they’re telling you something that runs directly opposite of what your own eyes are telling you, but they’re expecting you to believe what they say.

Prediction 2: On the evening of November 3, Joe Biden will not concede the election, even though the vote will clearly be for Trump. Hillary Clinton has publicly stated that Joe should not concede, so the seed has been planted in our minds to expect this. And, because we’re expecting it, we won’t be shocked by it.

Prediction 3: Massive mail voter fraud will create confusion and Marxists (e.g. Democrats) will insist that “every vote counts.” They know Americans want to be fair so Marxists will play on that. They will cry and wail and plead that every vote needs to get counted, so they’ll ask for sympathy for voters who didn’t follow confusing new election rules about how to cast their mail-in ballots. That will be their story, but many votes will be fraudulent. As they’ve demonstrated on America’s streets, Marxists don’t care about following laws; they care about power.

Prediction 4: Because of massive mail fraud ballots showing up late, election results WILL be delayed. The deceptive Mark Zuckerberg at Facebook and the clearly biased Jack Dorsey at Twitter have already announced they will flag any posts or tweets that claim a victory for Trump. They KNOW Trump will have more than enough votes to win, but as Zuckerberg already told us, we should expect results to take “DAYS OR EVEN WEEKS.” In other words, Facebook and Twitter are well-aware of the planned mail-in voter fraud, and they’re already providing cover for it. The planned vote count confusion will be dragged out as long as possible. The Marxists’ intention is to keep confusion swirling at least until December 14 in hopes that the electoral college won’t be able to identify a winner. Expect ballots to keep showing up out of nowhere.

Prediction 5: If Marxists cannot keep up the façade until December 14, some states will obfuscate the electoral process by choosing not to follow the rules laid out in the 12th Amendment. In fact, both may happen. Either way, by attempting to throw the electoral college into confusion, Marxists (again, the Democrats) will make a push for the electoral college to be eliminated. Believe me when I say you don’t want this. Students of the Constitution know that if the electoral college is eliminated, the Republic will be gone.

Prediction 6: Expect Nancy Pelosi to be acting all patriotic and concerned about the Constitution during the chaos, but rest assured, it’s a passive-aggressive act. She is among the Marxist vanguard in both houses of Congress orchestrating the whole mess. You will also see some Marxist-friendly governors making a lot of noise.

Prediction 7: While Marxists in Congress are messing with the electoral process, Marxists on the streets (Antifa and BLM) will intensify their violence by burning, looting, and murdering even more than what we’ve seen to this point. There’s already a movement that seeks to lay siege to the White House. Not only do the puppet masters want all the street chaos to distract our attention from what’s going on in the electoral process, the street Marxists see this election as their only chance to either grab power or put up with Trump for four more years. The protestors have been trained to instigate violence, and copy-cat wannabes will want to join in. Street Marxists will view these riots as the fight of their lives: it will get intense.

To perpetuate the riots, puppet masters like George Soros will continue pouring money into organizations that fund them. Also remember that Antifa and BLM have threatened to go into the suburbs. Their purpose for doing so is to trigger the Soccer Moms who wants peace at all costs. Marxists will hope that these suburban moms will apply pressure on their elected representatives to give in to the Marxists so the violence will end. Life on American streets will be unpredictable and dangerous.

How does it end?

The Marxists are desperate, so the fighting will be like nothing the country has ever seen before. I predict we’ll see horrific things happening in our cities and on our streets, and traditional media (read: Marxist-friendly media) will be spewing twisted truths and lies about everything listed above. And we can’t forget that social media giants favor the Marxists in this revolution, so they will be squelching debate in whatever ways they can.

The final months of 2020 will be an emotional roller coaster, but in the end, I predict Trump prevails. It’s not going to be pretty, and many who are now thinking life will return to normal after November 3 will be sadly mistaken. They will be wondering what happened to the country they once knew.

Whether the Democrats implode or not after all this happens remains to be seen, but it is my prayer that when the dust settles, all the Marxists plotters and schemers be exposed and truth will be recognized as truth. And then … maybe then … Trump can get on with his promise to drain the entire swamp.


Sadly, I do not share Mr. Bobinski's optimism. I predict that Trump will lose. I will vote for him and I've tried to enlist others to vote for him, without success. The battle lines have been drawn, but the election  raucous  will fade away, before the end of the Biden's first year. And Biden or Harris, isn't relevant, the same socialist/communist policies will gallop forward, without regard of  jockey.

The new Democrats will fight to end injustice, both in perception and in reality, not by helping the weak, so they are stronger, but by attacking the strong, so they are weaker. The new Democrats are bold with their attacks on masculinity, and men. The liberal media and Hollywood machine,  keep pumping, girl power, gay power, minority power, black power, as positive role models. Did you notice any excluded groups? Hint: it's not Trans.

I wish the extreme predictions of Mr. Bobinski would materialize, because that would be a man's fight. A fight for freedom that put it on the line. Live free or die. But, Democrats of today have abandoned any resemblance to the men and women who took this land. When in control, the Democrats will do what they have been saying they will do. I have previously posted on the ramification of these laws.

In the likely event of Biden Presidency, I will be sad, keep my head down, hope and wait. If all the gun restrictions and speech restrictions, proposed by the new Democrats become law, then  I will have hard decisions to make. It will be time to evaluate, the importance of principle, obligation to family, obligation to self, obligation to friends, obligation to community. They are questions, that I am unable to resolve;  questions I do not like to think about, because until forced into the situation, the answer is unknowable. The unknowable answer, is how far will I go or how much will I take. Yet, I want to know. It is a question that festers, like a splinter in my mind. If Trump wins, the splinter will remain, but the spreading infection will heal. The fire alarm, in my head, will silence.

The anti Trump arguments, focusing on his general buffoonery, are inessential to the point of absurdity. Those entertaining such, as important information, are engaging in political masturbation. 

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4 hours ago, frankendat said:


Sadly, I do not share Mr. Bobinski's optimism. I predict that Trump will lose. I will vote for him and I've tried to enlist others to vote for him, without success. The battle lines have been drawn, but the election  raucous  will fade away, before the end of the Biden's first year. And Biden or Harris, isn't relevant, the same socialist/communist policies will gallop forward, without regard of  jockey.

The new Democrats will fight to end injustice, both in perception and in reality, not by helping the weak, so they are stronger, but by attacking the strong, so they are weaker. The new Democrats are bold with their attacks on masculinity, and men. The liberal media and Hollywood machine,  keep pumping, girl power, gay power, minority power, black power, as positive role models. Did you notice any excluded groups? Hint: it's not Trans.

I wish the extreme predictions of Mr. Bobinski would materialize, because that would be a man's fight. A fight for freedom that put it on the line. Live free or die. But, Democrats of today have abandoned any resemblance to the men and women who took this land. When in control, the Democrats will do what they have been saying they will do. I have previously posted on the ramification of these laws.

In the likely event of Biden Presidency, I will be sad, keep my head down, hope and wait. If all the gun restrictions and speech restrictions, proposed by the new Democrats become law, then  I will have hard decisions to make. It will be time to evaluate, the importance of principle, obligation to family, obligation to self, obligation to friends, obligation to community. They are questions, that I am unable to resolve;  questions I do not like to think about, because until forced into the situation, the answer is unknowable. The unknowable answer, is how far will I go or how much will I take. Yet, I want to know. It is a question that festers, like a splinter in my mind. If Trump wins, the splinter will remain, but the spreading infection will heal. The fire alarm, in my head, will silence.

The anti Trump arguments, focusing on his general buffoonery, are inessential to the point of absurdity. Those entertaining such, as important information, are engaging in political masturbation. 


If true about the Dems, why didn't they do this before 2016? And if they were why did they loose to trump?t

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48 minutes ago, datzenmike said:


If true about the Dems, why didn't they do this before 2016? And if they were why did they loose to trump?t

I think they were somewhat doing that before 2016,they lost to Trump because that's how weak they were.And damn it Mike it's "LOSE" 😊.Now the Dems have gone even farther in the wrong direction,i think.If they want to win back a Presidency they need to come to their senses.I will be shocked if they win this time around,and scared also.Like Hainz keeps telling us,prepare for economic catastrophe and get your retirement funds in a safe place.

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Coronavirus: WHO backflips on virus stance by condemning lockdowns

Lockdowns have been used to control the coronavirus around the world, plunging millions of lives into chaos. Now the WHO has changed its mind.



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6 hours ago, datzenmike said:


If true about the Dems, why didn't they do this before 2016? And if they were why did they loose to trump?t

John510 hit it on the head. New Democrats were amazed that Trump won in 2016 and decided the loss was not based on their contempt for American values. Rather, the new democrats take-away lesson, was lack of commitment to socialist/communist agenda. The new democrats are turning into the slide. The policies and laws, supported by the new democrats, make Bill and Hilary look like  centrists.

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Well I’m glad we are finally getting somewhere in this thread. Where that is I have no fucking idea. 

I’ve missed you ladies because I been driving a Cranberry picker around but it’s storming enough no one wants to work ,, so I’m here ,,, in the swamps. waiting for them to drain.... literally. 

pic from yesterday  for attention 





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32 minutes ago, datzenmike said:

Don't you flood the bogs and let dem berries float to the surface?


no ,,, only pedophiles and sexual deviants flood pick . 

we pick like men 


Edit .. that picker is one of our older ones.. check out build date 




Edited by bananahamuck
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