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5 minutes ago, john510 said:

One guy here said nobody cares.I also don't care what Trump's sister,niece,whatever she is thinks.It's an obvious money grab and surprises nobody.It's probably a safe assumption a lot of Americans don't care either.Why would you think i know everyone elses values when you're the one spouting off on what Trump supporters are ? Too funny claiming we ignore an awful lot.


You're ignoring that his niece wrote the "money grab" book, and that the recordings of his sister were in private and not connected to the book at all except for source material for the niece. Fine, you don't care that even his own family and a former federal judge finds his actions appalling.

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6 minutes ago, john510 said:

Mike,if this country is so fucked up and broken why are so many trying to get here ? Are we fucked up or are we privileged ? Can't be both.


Absolutely can be. Perhaps for all it's 'fucked  up and broken' ness it's still better than what's behind them.

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5 minutes ago, john510 said:

The asylum thing is the best tool those people have to get what they want.Asylum from Mexico ? or even countries farther south ? Give me a break.These people aren't coming from terrorist countries in the Middle East.


There's a lot of turmoil in latin American countries

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38 minutes ago, Thomas said:


 It's the family separation by matter of policy that bothered me. 


Didn't I already address this concern? Look back through the thread. In sum, it is policy for everyone that exists to protect children, it is actually a policy (when applied to Americans) championed by liberals.

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3 minutes ago, datzenmike said:

A money grab? So she's telling the truth (perhaps as she sees it) but this doesn't matter because she's doing it for the money??? Or are you saying she decided to make a bunch of shit up but it doesn't matter because she's doing it for the money? It would seem to me that families are all ripe with internal turmoil and drama and simply writing about it is way easier than making it up. Made up stuff isn't real so can''t be backed up. Truth has a chance of being backed up by a witness.


The sister wasn't even involved in the book. She was the one secretly recorded; I posted a link earlier to the recordings, but yeah, the guy was right: no Trump supporter cares. 🙂

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8 minutes ago, frankendat said:



The world of the democrats is a world without freedom, without justice. A world of fear. The police in Portland were so afraid of rioters  that they abandoned their stationhouse. The police, which I assume have training and access  to a substantial  weapons and ammunition, turned tail and ran. Why? Are they all scared chickenshit bastards?  Yes and No, they are scared, not of the rioters, they are scared if the rioters are put down, meaning, dispersed and controlled, likely a number killed/hospitalized,  AS IT SHOULD BE when a protest becomes a riot. The public, the State and local government, will second guess the police, analyze and criticize, even fire and incarcerate.





 "Give them a whiff of grape" .............. Napoleon Bonaparte (look this up)

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5 minutes ago, Thomas said:


The sister wasn't even involved in the book. She was the one secretly recorded; I posted a link earlier to the recordings, but yeah, the guy was right: no Trump supporter cares. 🙂


Selective blindness.

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3 minutes ago, frankendat said:


Didn't I already address this concern? Look back through the thread. In sum, it is policy for everyone that exists to protect children, it is actually a policy (when applied to Americans) championed by liberals.


I appreciate your candor, but I don't share the same viewpoint. I don't see this as an apples to apples thing. 

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2 minutes ago, Thomas said:


I appreciate your candor, but I don't share the same viewpoint. I don't see this as an apples to apples thing. 


Thank you for the clarification. Whether or not people are "apples to apples" , whether they should be and who, if anyone, is responsible for any disparity, may very well be the crux of the discussion.

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1 hour ago, datzenmike said:

Maybe fix the problem causing this mass migration?


I'm up for it, let's invade. Canada can pitch in and we'll carpet bomb the known or suspected Cartel areas. Hopefully, we have learned something from the Middle East debacle and will put our neighbors under heel. As mentioned in this thread rule under a strict United States would be better than the current reality. Make them all taxpaying American citizens, confiscate all property, bank accounts, from the Cartels to recoup the cost of the invasion. Sorted. Vote for Trump

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11 hours ago, Thomas said:


You're ignoring that his niece wrote the "money grab" book, and that the recordings of his sister were in private and not connected to the book at all except for source material for the niece. Fine, you don't care that even his own family and a former federal judge finds his actions appalling.

You're using a book deal from a family member of Trump as some sort of argument as if it really matters.I'm thinking if Trump said good morning to you it would be appalling.What's to ignore ? 

Edited by john510
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8 hours ago, KoHeartsGPA said:

Back to the top, seems the lefties here don't care for facts about their candidate...


Re: Mike's Theorum


... anymore than the righties don't care about 'facts' about theirs. There's a cosmic symmetry about this.

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I think Canada should take up most of the immigrants heading up towards the US..

Take the 1miliion a year



As for the take in your poor MOTTO  That's when the USA didn't have FREE everything but FREE(cheap) land for you to WORK on.  was not free health care, housing  Cuba and and other countries claim this

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Thomas was bragging about Europe.

I lived there 3 years Beautiful place and wonderful people

How ever ,Rules and regulations.  Gas is in the 6-8 $ range and people for get the 19% value added tax.    !!!!!!!!!!!  A Mercedes build in Germany is actually cheaper in the US as we don't pay the 19%

Why do you think all all want to move here.  LOW TAXES!!!!!!!!!!!!


Most of the Datsuns WE driving would not be legal to drive on German roads ect. cracked windshield?????? No renewal of your TABS   Bam your done!!!!!!!!!!

this is what happen when to many Liberal control the ecomomy and the strings of power. You have NONE!!!!!!!!


Hunting fishing License?? Same thing years of school and 2000$ Your almost a Game Warden when your done and just to catch a fingerling or shoot a rabbit

Motorcycle license? same thing


This is why we have the greatest ecomomy around and the left wants to destroy it with Communism/Social ism

Edited by banzai510(hainz)
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16 minutes ago, banzai510(hainz) said:

I think Canada should take up most of the immigrants heading up towards the US..

Take the 1miliion a year



As for the take in your poor MOTTO  That's when the USA didn't have FREE everything but FREE(cheap) land for you to WORK on.  was not free health care, housing  Cuba and and other countries claim this


FUCK Vancouver. I don't like people and would never live in a city or even in a small town. I hear the prices there are nuts. Take an angle grinder to the Statue of Liberty and get rid of the motto.

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