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25 minutes ago, john510 said:

Definitely.A few other things also don't add up.

This $50,000 was for the Federal courthouse.  Not the entirety of the protests.  I take the blame for the wording.  Not my intention.

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59 minutes ago, banzai510(hainz) said:

yes the Tariffs went up?  I think they should go to 50% on certain Chinese made goods the are predatory in destroying industries but really has a TV gone up in price????   NO. 

Did your Harbour Frieght tools go up in price NO.

when Biden gets in office the Corp tax rate will go up and other taxes and youll pay the price for sure. As We all will ,as Im sure the Welfare programs is double and triple.

Look at Hawaii where my father is from .They all living off the state now. No travel no money coming in. And Half want to leave the United States. Go ahead. That will save the Federal Govt some money


But really I only see the left rioting in the streets. No never see conseravtives or regular people destroying property and saying I want to DEFUND the police.

Biden gets in I have a feeling the Riots will stop but underneath it all nothing is really going to change cause Obama didn't change anything. I didn't Riot and protest pull out my guns and shoot up people and burn cars in the street We he won.Matter of Fact I hated War Monger John McCain. I voted and my side one this time w/ Trump. You really think Biden is going to lower the Tariffs on China now that other countries see the realChinese  Communist Party coming out. Really. ?He will raise the tariff even higher on the last interview he had saying if they don't stop polluting/IP thieft/hacking  he will make them higher. work laws ect….Humane rights .  I thought I was at a Trump ralley when I heard this!!!!WTF


It will be settled in NOV 3 anyways.  If Binden Wins the right wont destroy the city and leave cars burnt and trash in the streets.. I lay money on that

If Trump wins?/ OH NO the Portland will burn .Seattle the Chop Zone again and killing each other. More Summer of Love


MTCA(Make Then Cry Again)

If Biden were to win, we would be stuck with higher taxes for sure.  We need to reduce spending and raise taxes for a long ass time to get out of debt.  It is unmanageable and Trumps camp is seemingly unphased by this?  Of course taxes need to go up.  Spending needs to get slashed.  Wars need to be ended.  This kind of fiscal nightmare ends marriages, and we see it happening to the US as well.  


Despite his promises, Trump pushes deficit past $1 trillion mark ...

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20 minutes ago, tr8er said:



Despite his promises, Trump pushes deficit past $1 trillion mark ...



This image, which relies on Congressional Budget Office data, shows annual budget deficits since the Reagan era. Red columns point to Republican administrations, blue columns point to Democratic administrations, and red-and-blue columns point to years in which the fiscal year was split between presidents from two different parties.


Pay particular attention to the right side of the image. Those shrinking blue columns? Those are the deficits in the Obama era. The growing red columns? Those are the deficits in the Trump era. (The $1 trillion deficit for this year is based on the latest White House projections, which may yet change.)

Edited by bastardo
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2 hours ago, tr8er said:


 That last article from NPR is full of conjecture and false implication. The occupation of the Malhuer bird reserve info center was not on sacred native american lands. That is an absolute load of shit. Nor was the group a pile of far right people either. The fucking false labels are nauseating. 

 If you want to dig into what happened to the family then you would find that the federal government targeted this family. The Feds tried force the Hammond family to sell their ranch because of what is in the ground. The Bird reserve and the ranch are parked above a huge uranium deposit. 


At what point do you start to question the Bull shit tr8er? No one from that occupation aside from 7 people with prior warrants spent any time in jail yet wiki only attributes that to the reserve which is false. They all spent time for either parole issues or outstanding warrants..  I have been to this ranch and talked with the Hammond family 


The amount of bias manipulation of things slanted to the left is so out of control. 


edit note: I do agree that there is an opposition group like the Boogaloo boys. Flat out theyre are not racists. They are a group of nihilist wanting to tear the whole system down too. Just for no other reason but to watch the world burn.

Edited by Mattndew76
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32 minutes ago, Mattndew76 said:


 That last article from NPR is full of conjecture and false implication. The occupation of the Malhuer bird reserve info center was not on sacred native american lands. That is an absolute load of shit. Nor was the group a pile of far right people either. The fucking false labels are nauseating. 

 If you want to dig into what happened to the family then you would find that the federal government targeted this family. The Feds tried force the Hammond family to sell their ranch because of what is in the ground. The Bird reserve and the ranch are parked above a huge uranium deposit. 


At what point do you start to question the Bull shit tr8er? No one from that occupation aside from 7 people with prior warrants spent any time in jail yet wiki only attributes that to the reserve which is false. They all spent time for either parole issues or outstanding warrants..  I have been to this ranch and talked with the Hammond family 


The amount of bias manipulation of things slanted to the left is so out of control. 


edit note: I do agree that there is an opposition group like the Boogaloo boys. Flat out theyre are not racists. They are a group of nihilist wanting to tear the whole system down too. Just for no other reason but to watch the world burn.

Glad you at least read the references.  And you've met them, while I've only read on them.  So what can I say to that.  My understanding was that this was many years in the making and that they were ultimately not satisfied with the deal struck between the ranchers and the feds.  So they raised hell for years because courts wouldn't side with them.  So here we have a people who feel their rights were violated, and they violently protested with death threats and fires that threatened the lives of others.  I'm not contesting that I know less of the situation.  but perhaps you can see some parallels that you might not enjoy.  



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I have read the wiki and it is as skewed as the NPR reductive smear. The Hammond family back burned some grass to prevent a much larger fire disaster. Do you know much about how field burning needs to be done? SO the fed trespassed on the Hammond ranch a multitude of times to back burn into the refuge to prevent a much larger wild burn. When the Hammond family had to do the same the Feds charged them (Father and son) with crimes. The judge vacated the sentence because it didn't meet his standard as a crime. Well after there was no deal made to persuade the Hammond family to sell the property to the Feds. A state AG friendly to Hillary Clinton pushed for the Father and Son to be retried. They received some harsh penalties for doing what the Feds had done on multiple occasions. They got FUCKED. The Hammond's were offered a plea deal saying that if they sold their property to the feds that they would have their sentences commuted by the governor. 


This was connected to the uranium one deal....I wish you could speak to the family,


Tell me how you would react if you were given the option of getting fucked by a broom stick or a 2x4?  What do you think is the better offer?


I don't source wiki any longer because they participate in the info manipulation. 


I might lean left but I can see how even wiki isnt telling 'the story' but 'A story' - Circular confirmation


I see a parallel that people get fucked by the over reach of powerful people associated with each other.  I can also see the difference in the actual peaceful protesters and the group that starts to show up when the sun goes down. There is no conflation. They're two separate groups. One wants real reformative change where the others want radical communist rule. 


Another edit: I also see the parallel that the police shot and killed a man and then lied about the circumstance. 

Edited by Mattndew76
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1 hour ago, Mattndew76 said:

I have read the wiki and it is as skewed as the NPR reductive smear. The Hammond family back burned some grass to prevent a much larger fire disaster. Do you know much about how field burning needs to be done? SO the fed trespassed on the Hammond ranch a multitude of times to back burn into the refuge to prevent a much larger wild burn. When the Hammond family had to do the same the Feds charged them (Father and son) with crimes. The judge vacated the sentence because it didn't meet his standard as a crime. Well after there was no deal made to persuade the Hammond family to sell the property to the Feds. A state AG friendly to Hillary Clinton pushed for the Father and Son to be retried. They received some harsh penalties for doing what the Feds had done on multiple occasions. They got FUCKED. The Hammond's were offered a plea deal saying that if they sold their property to the feds that they would have their sentences commuted by the governor. 


This was connected to the uranium one deal....I wish you could speak to the family,


Tell me how you would react if you were given the option of getting fucked by a broom stick or a 2x4?  What do you think is the better offer?


I don't source wiki any longer because they participate in the info manipulation. 


I might lean left but I can see how even wiki isnt telling 'the story' but 'A story' - Circular confirmation


I see a parallel that people get fucked by the over reach of powerful people associated with each other.  I can also see the difference in the actual peaceful protesters and the group that starts to show up when the sun goes down. There is no conflation. They're two separate groups. One wants real reformative change where the others want radical communist rule. 


Another edit: I also see the parallel that the police shot and killed a man and then lied about the circumstance. 

Cool.  This was a side note on an article largely on another point.  I was never one to take a big position on this whole thing.  I do know a thing or two about fires.  I was a firefighter for several years and every summer it was brush/forest fires 90%.  I needed to change professions because of a shattered femur, but I miss it.  Can't hate on Wiki too much.  It's edited by readers.  


Oh, and I definitely choose broom stick.  100%

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23 minutes ago, tr8er said:

Cool.  This was a side note on an article largely on another point.  I was never one to take a big position on this whole thing.  I do know a thing or two about fires.  I was a firefighter for several years and every summer it was brush/forest fires 90%.  I needed to change professions because of a shattered femur, but I miss it.  Can't hate on Wiki too much.  It's edited by readers.  


Oh, and I definitely choose broom stick.  100%


I wish they had other options than those two. Lol. 


I did wild fires here in Oregon once, and it was fun to be around those guys but the work wasn't pleasant in 100+ heat. Sorry about your leg. 


I know wiki is reader edited but the largest portion of their readership and editing is done by one side of the ideological isle. The skew is too far off center. the premise of the site is a great idea though. A massively reader curated encyclopedia of knowledge. Just the balance of the rewriting history or events is not favorable to anyone right of center. That is not a good thing when looking for information.


I think what sux is that we are stuck getting information slanted to either side. Without a firm grip on literacy, the complex ways of writing English, and a hunger for the truth its hard to see when an article or wiki entry spins into an editorial position. 


Shit I get lost in the propaganda shuffle a lot.

Edited by Mattndew76
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27 minutes ago, Mattndew76 said:

I know wiki is reader edited but the largest portion of their readership and editing is done by one side of the ideological isle [sic]. The skew is too far off center. the premise of the site is a great idea though. A massively reader curated encyclopedia of knowledge. Just the balance of the rewriting history or events is not favorable to anyone right of center. That is not a good thing when looking for information.


Without a firm grip on literacy, the complex ways of writing English, and a hunger for the truth its hard to see when an article or wiki entry spins into an editorial position. 

I know he can't see me but is he suggesting he has a firm grip on literacy?

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39 minutes ago, Mattndew76 said:

I think what sux is that we are stuck getting information slanted to either side.


I think I said about the same thing earlier. I think it was Mikes Theorem "For every true fact there is an equal and opposite fact that is also true."

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10 hours ago, banzai510(hainz) said:

Yes it was until the Virus .

Lowest unemployment rate ever.

the economy was moving no matter how you like it

getting better trade deals

Nato ripping us off


Obama had 8 years  why didn't he address all these issues? plus the Defunding the Cops why didn't they do it then. They just hate Trump cause a outsided made it in the first time around. Yet now Obama hang with the RICH(RicaardBranson) best new buddy taking there money and doing the Capitalist thing as writing books and getting the Money.

If Amazon Facebook Google care about BLM why do they hiring H1B1 visa holders instead of hiring local black folk????  I think this would be a better option to uplift fellow americans. Biden is only going to bring more in and say he cares for BLM and only give out free shit.


this ^ our economy was the best it has been in a long time before this VIRUS !!!!!!

we reduced the getting fucked by others by alot 

trump is doing a great job despite all the efforts to stop him and all the other bullshit going on right now ( MY OPINION  ) because im sure some people dis agree 

also I will quote wayno because i think he makes some valid points even though i ran out of breath reading it 

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7 hours ago, wayno said:


It was better before the Democrat politicians got control of the House back in 2018, since then this country has went down hill, they have been dividing this country since Trump won the election, and put the dividing of this country in overdrive since 2018, then the failed impeachment(more dividing).

I remember election day back in 2016, the Democrat politicians and Democrat elite thought it was going to be a landslide for Hilary(they believe their own polls and still do), I never in my life ever seen these Democrat politicians and elite speechless, they just talk on and on(it appears they like to hear themselves talk) believing every bit of the diarrhea coming out of their mouths, they were stunned when the results were coming out, a totally clueless bunch of people, and absolutely nothing has changed.


As for China designing this virus, read this below, I am not saying it is true, but where there is smoke there is fire.


I’m likely to go to Fb jail over this, but I think this needs to be said. Is it just a coincidence that Remdesivir is made by Gilead the “CURE” for COVID-19... here’s where it gets interesting China holds patent on the drug through an agreement with Gilead’s drug patent sharing subsidiary branch, UNITAID who has an office near Wuhan. Guess who are the main financial investors in UNITAID..George Soros, Bill & Melinda Gates, & WHO. It’s just a coincidence isn’t it? Don’t forget the other coincidence that Gilead & UNITAID were financial supporters of Hillary Clinton. I forgot one more coincidence Fauci was the one authorizing millions to be sent to The Wuhan Institute of Virology specifically for the “study” of Coronaviruses.. I sure am it’s all just coincidences!
The Best Coincidence is when you Follow the money.
First we have a Bored Multi-Billionaire (& wife) who hates President Trump, with has made his billions in owning stock as well as In electronic software & program development. Whom is currently in a battle with Amazon over a 10 billion contract for the JETI CLOUD. The court case is currently held up due to....yep you guessed it, the pandemic.
This key player Bill Gate & his wife who are world class power players & major stock holders in many companies such as.. you guessed it, WALMART . Now as mom & pop shops around the country were forced to close “For safety reasons” one huge company didn’t fall under that rule. As hard working men & woman locked doors & turned away their customers they stand to lose everything. Furniture stores ( provide home comfort items) salons (who sell hair care products)which now must be purchased at you know where....kind of liking those roll back prices are we? Oh & if you’re looking for clippers (are sold out), craft stores (who sell what some would call necessity items, like cloth for making clothes) no worries, Walmart has a large selection of pre-made garments, bait & tackle shops & tobacco shops are now closed, among other retail shops designed to make a living for their owners. Don’t get me wrong, I go to Walmart because it’s one of the few stores open where I can GET EVERYTHING. While the Pandemic has shut down many of its competitors, Walmart continues to sell NON ESSENTIAL items
I’m not ok with the mom& pop shops being closed because I believe they could offer the same abilities that Walmart does as far as safety compliance in a pandemic. But the powers that be have decided that’s not the case. here’s a news flash for you.....Do you know how many WALMART employees out of the 2.2 million that work in the busy retail stores have tested positive for Covid 19? I’m not a gambler but those odds seem a little.......well as daddy always said, if it walks like a duck & quacks like a duck, it probably doesn’t hold huge stock options in a supercenter that shelves more than 61% of its products from......YEP! CHINA! (ok daddy didn’t say that but Bill Gates portfolio does) No wonder Mr.Gates is so ticked off at President Trump, I guess I would too if I had all that money tied up and then someone says “Nope, if you want to bring those products into our country, you’re going to have to pay.” Hmmmm that extra charge must have put someone’s panties in a bunch.
Let'd not forget about Facebook. Lol We’ve generated more trash sitting at home posting memes than we ever did going to work. I guess those little Debbies wrappers are now lining the landfills. DON’T DESPAIR though, Mr. Gates is on it! While you & I are popping paper (Walmart Receipts mainly) in our pockets, he is lining his with cash, as his investment in Waste Management is thriving as an “Essential Business”. Ok people,by now you must know where I’m going with this, WOW I could actually hear my Democrat friends chanting HELL, lol coincidence? I think not. now in the mist of the Pandemic, we have turned over our rights as Americans to those who we have to believe have our best interest at heart, but in reality, isn’t it THEIR BEST INTEREST? we now sit back as media sources decide what they may or may not show us, shop where they may or may not allow us, ration what we may or may not need to purchase & determine who & how far we must be from each other. Anyone else feel like that Antelope in Wild Kingdom? You know, the one separated from the herd that you know will be sacrificed so that the others have a chance of escaping? Lol hmmm it must be just me (NOT). We are singled out on Facebook, put in time out for asking questions, voicing our opinions (that whole freedom of speech thing is bs unless your a spoiled a Swedish girl Gretas.
here’s what’s probably going to get this post 86’d.
MY BELIEF (I said “MY” beliefs):
I believe that Covid 19 is a man made disease, which had an “Accidental Intentional” release with perfect timing . like Nancy Pelosi when she timed the delivery of those impeachment papers to the Senate (she knew wouldn’t pass). I believe that she also had inside knowledge as well as others that the pandemic was about to take place & her home among others were well stocked with provisions. The Democrats & their donors, which include Bill Gates, & of course all our wonderful Facebook Stock Holders & management with all of the Democrat owned media have decided that they will provide us with information regarding the pandemic destruction & they will provide you with a vaccine for Covid 19 which CHINA holds the patent too & created by a company Bill Gates owns. (Did I mention Ironically he also owns part of the lab where the virus was created?) Am I the only one thinking “How nice of them all to take care of all of us like this?” I honestly believe that all of this is FEAR DRIVEN! Not just by the people who are on the receiving end of fake news, mis-information who are likely to now lose their homes, jobs & freedoms as the pandemic rocks the world, but by those in power, who are struggling to stay there!
Bottom line, at a time when President Trump is at an all time high, the economy is the best it’s ever been in the history of America, impeachment paperwork is nothing more than scratch paper, & the likely hood of a majority of Democrats being politically retired come November third as they face an unstoppable force (Hint: Think Red) they tossed up a Hail Mary.......guess what.... it didn’t take. This country has been built with the blood of Americans who were much better men & women than those serving this country now under a Democratic flag. I will tell you to get the tissues ready as the Republicans who believe in what this country stands for are going to take matters in their hands, & NO Mrs. Pelosi, it won’t be by licking a self addressed mail in ballot(may contain Covid 19). We see through everything that you’re party has put this country through over the last 30 years, & come November 2020 no pink hat wearing walking vagina & an creepy Alzheimer patient backed by the wives of the two worst Presidents in history are going to undo what President Trump & his administration have worked hard to repair. Make no mistake, shit is going to hit the fan, but luckily people are well stocked on toilet paper! Oh & on behalf of my mask wearing peeps & I, & out of respect for my young readers “Kiss My Grits”. P.s. if you stop killing off unborn babies perhaps your party would have a better chance at survival. This is probably why all you have to chose from is a limited gene pool. Wives of ex presidents and a geriatric “genius” who can sniff better than a coke addict, Come on....
Well after I post this, it’s likely to disappear like a Clinton Witness.

this too 

take a breath wayno LOL

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The deficit was down as Reagan won the Cold War and the military budgets were getting cut they old man Bush and Clinton benefited from this which was fine with me.clinton was actually more Rebuplican at the time since both houses got taken over after he did the assault weapons ban.Clinton wasn’t bad.

i hate the bush family and everybody should thank Trump for putting them out of business. The 20 years war has gotten to me and they don’t want us there

Deficit spending will continue even if Biden wins and will accelerate. Taxes will go up it has to or the economy has to be in double digits to make up for this.but free college and Repriations free child care ect won’t help the country 

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10 hours ago, tr8er said:


I refuse to call any of them right wing.

Boogaloo proud boys etc are bomb throwing anarchists that attached themselves to the right as a way of legitimizing themselves, Alt-right my ass.


What do the belief systems of Boogaloo, Proud Boys, White supremacists and Nazi's have that make them right wing?

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1 hour ago, Ooph! said:


I refuse to call any of them right wing.

Boogaloo proud boys etc are bomb throwing anarchists that attached themselves to the right as a way of legitimizing themselves, Alt-right my ass.


What do the belief systems of Boogaloo, Proud Boys, White supremacists and Nazi's have that make them right wing?

How to you justify your labels of Democrats then?  There are large factions associated with political leanings who we don’t like associating with.  They are pretty close to 100% right wing.  But that in no way makes a right winger racist.   I despise those who run that agenda.  And there are many.  

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7 hours ago, Ooph! said:


I refuse to call any of them right wing.

Boogaloo proud boys etc are bomb throwing anarchists that attached themselves to the right as a way of legitimizing themselves, Alt-right my ass.


What do the belief systems of Boogaloo, Proud Boys, White supremacists and Nazi's have that make them right wing?

To answer that last question,the media has painted them as right wing.I never even knew they existed (Boogaloo and Proud Boys) until the media told us about them.That's how relevant they were,not many even knew of their existence.I label them as extreme anti liberal nuts.They have just about zero influence and get no support from anybody but themselves.

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6 hours ago, tr8er said:

How to you justify your labels of Democrats then?  There are large factions associated with political leanings who we don’t like associating with.  They are pretty close to 100% right wing.  But that in no way makes a right winger racist.   I despise those who run that agenda.  And there are many.  


To my knowledge there are no left leaning groups that are excised from the left except the KKK and that only happened in the 60's as what we now call progressives very successfully changed things around to appear to support equal rights when in fact they had fought against it.

The left is great at projecting to appear virtuous as it does the very things it states are wrong, it is part of the belief that to take power by any means necessary is justified and since 2016 it has come closer to a fever pitch because they are either close to complete control or are on the precipice of losing the grasp of it.

Just as an example of projection David Duke was a Democrat that ran as a Republican because he was unsuccessful in gaining the Democrat seat and there was no republican running, he was denounced by many Republicans even the President and yet if you look at Wiki in the first sentence it states he is a far right politician and yet a former Grand cyclops or whatever of the Klan was a senator, mentor and friend of Hillary Clinton and whose wiki entry has been whitewashed senator Robert Byrd. Even the Wiki entry for KKK states it is a far right organization which to those of us old enough to have seen it  know it was a Democrat group.



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Wiki should only be used for working out what engine will fit in your datsun, nothing else.

That reference to it above has had half a dozen edits in the last few months, my wife was arguing about this systemic racism bullshit with her friend and the friend drops, "well it says this and these are "facts" on wiki" . Had a quick look and it had over 50 edits since the GF episode a week or two before.

You may as well use the guardian or other pulitzer prize winning propaganda outlet for your reference material. 

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