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2 hours ago, datzenmike said:


 I'm somewhat elderly now, newly retired and looking forwards to when I can begin shitting my pants again for someone else to clean up and not give two fucks. 

And that's what I'm attempting to do here, clean up the shit in the pants of those who are unable to see that flying the confederate flag is a giant turd.


congratulations on retirement, now you have so much more time to push your pedals and monitor the infants of Ratsun. 



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On 6/17/2020 at 9:02 PM, bastardo said:

Well, if nothing else this thread serves as an index of who the Ratsun troglodytes are. 


download (2).gif



Also the next victim of the cancel culture left






But what we should really ask ourselves why the sudden need to remove black people from these products. Aunt Jemima is not a negative depiction, hell it is a great story, she ends up their spoke person and goes from starting life as a slave to being well off. Isn't that the American Dream? Shouldn't we be celebrating that?

All of the POC safe spaces, neo-segregation, white liberals "speaking for black people" and the racism of soft-expectations by reducing qualifications or scores for colleges is being pushed by one political side, and it is heavily racist. Really it is the left that has gone full supremacist insanity.


Edited by Dguy210
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9 minutes ago, bastardo said:

a person who is regarded as being deliberately ignorant or old-fashioned.


It means cave dweller. 

The second definition is a relatively new addition and is what you are referring to. It is an allusion to someone being so primitive they still live in caves. However, you are tying to mean values you disagree with are outmoded. Just because someone does not agree with your opinion does not make it wrong, just different.


Definition of troglodyte


1: a member of any of various peoples (as in antiquity) who lived or were reputed to live chiefly in caves
2: a person characterized by reclusive habits or outmoded or reactionary attitudes


Edited by Dguy210
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4 minutes ago, Dguy210 said:


It means cave dweller. 

The second definition is a relatively new addition and is what you are referring to. It is an allusion to someone being so primitive they still live in caves. However, you are tying to mean values you disagree with are outmoded. Just bec

Definition of troglodyte


1: a member of any of various peoples (as in antiquity) who lived or were reputed to live chiefly in caves
2: a person characterized by reclusive habits or outmoded or reactionary attitudes


same difference


PhD, Piled higher and Deeper

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24 minutes ago, bastardo said:

Dave Patterson sends his regards


Your username is pretty new, but I take it you are likely a new alt with an old name around here? Or an oldtime lurker finally getting around to posting?

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Maybe already covered in this thread somewhere... the confederate states were formed by the democrats succeeding from the union. So all those statues of confederates and flags and shit..  that’s them erasing their past. 

oh and the kkk, yeah same. All that really racist shit.. uh huh, same.


13th amendment, aka freeing the slaves, failed the first time it was voted on. It was basically a party line vote. All Republicans voting to pass and thus free the slaves, Democrats voting no.


second time around 13 dems flipped and voted yes. Amendment passed.

Projection is a hell of a drug. 


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Every word specious and facile.

1 hour ago, Draker said:

Maybe already covered in this thread somewhere... the confederate states were formed by the democrats succeeding from the union. So all those statues of confederates and flags and shit..  that’s them erasing their past. 



Statues commemorate lauded figures, statues don't teach, books and research is how knowledge is gained.


The parties of 150 years ago are not the parties of today. Because of Truman's integration of the troops, Kennedy's (and LBJ's) civil rights record, and The Southern Strategy (Republican party appeals directly to racists of The South) there is a clear pandering on the part of one party to hate and intolerance, the modern Republican party.

1 hour ago, Draker said:

13th amendment, aka freeing the slaves, failed the first time it was voted on. It was basically a party line vote. All Republicans voting to pass and thus free the slaves, Democrats voting no.


second time around 13 dems flipped and voted yes. Amendment passed.

Same answer as above.


However Draker's whole statement is purely a red herring because what we have been discussing is that the confederate flag is a hate symbol.


I guess he just really misses the SuperSonics.

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1 hour ago, bananahamuck said:

         You still got that yellow 521? 


Sold it while I was in school after I finished the build. Never WAS able to tune the Mikunis. 


Now I drive a 9-2x. Datsuns were nice to learn on though and I would love to put a 521 on an NB MX-5 chassis with a heavily modded EJ20 engine. instead I'll buy a Tesla.


I never hacked Pmpkn210 he GAVE me his credentials


                   ~He-Who-Must-Not -Be-Named

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8 hours ago, bastardo said:

First to directly address your question, no I like rap.


Now to address the subtext of the question. not liking rap is like not liking documentaries, it's a genre of a medium in this case music. it's purely a personal taste issue.


It doesn't really matter if something is offensive I can turn away if I don't like it. Hate-speech isn't just offensive, it's hurtful. Hurting people is wrong.


Do I mind that some black people and other people of color use the N-word? No. They are removing the power from the word and reassigning it to their own purpose. That is their right afforded them through the centuries of oppression they have endured. It's a lot like some women using bitch in an empowering way, you still don't call your wife one... I hope. 


Now what you are trying to falsely equivocate is the use of hurtful language and a genre. Just because some country music is racist and uses hurtful language is all country music bad? Not because certain individual artists use hate speech. I love Jell Biafra and he uses the N-word in Holiday in Cambodia however it is contextual and he is portraying a negative character in the use of the word. However David Allen Coe's song about a black man named Leroy is directly hateful and uses hurtful language intended to harm. It further supports my argument if you want to bring up Johnny Rebel.



Nobody wants to erase your precious confederate past, we want to provide context for future generations and illustrate the backwards ways and misrepresentations depicted in the movie.


Exactly and the problems with that fiction is what I addressed in my earlier statements.


Even the ICP got it right, and those guys are strictly clown shoes.

Insane Clown Posse Burn the Confederate Flag with Their New T-Shirt

"I can turn away if i don't like it" Exactly ! You just exposed what i thought you might.Hypocrite.I don't have a Confederate past,i live in San Diego.Not a lot of southern pride here dipstick.You're one that's been told what to think and bought into it.You make a horrible argument.Thank you.Do you know why Rap doesn't offend me ? because i can turn away if i don't like it ! The same thing you can do regarding a flag,movie,statue or a bottle of Aunt Jemima.Such a hypocrite.

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11 hours ago, john510 said:

Does Rap offend you ? 


I hate having to listen to it more than I could ever describe.. second only to Country (music), because there I can more easily avoid it. Rap (the c is silent) is pretty much the only 'expression' (won't call loud thumping and shouting vulgar rhymes, music) that is forced on me without my consent. With some bass added you could be shouting Shakespeare but it wouldn't be music. Only thing vile and offensive about the 'lyrics' is having to endure 'muthafuckas and 'hos" in public spaces. Driving around spewing this is no better than vaping douchebags reveling in their own filth.

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Man, I jumped into this late.  There is a lot of stuff going on in America.  Doesn't matter what side of the fence you're on.  What matters is that people just live their fricken lives to their full potential.  Help one another and do something you can be proud of.  Build a Datsun and drive the damn thing!  If you want to talk about something, get the facts right.  I wish people would stop throwing the propaganda ideas around.  A lot of people want to state their opinion, but not listen to the other side.  It's reasonable man theory that folks should consider, but people don't like to be wrong and that's why they yell, fight and do what's happening.  There is much more equality in this country now then there ever has been.


As far as the flags, monuments and names in history go.....It is our nations history and it means something.  Heck, all the bridges, great dams and buildings (Regardless of the name attached to it) means something to somebody because they or their relatives built it.  Are we just going to control, alt, delete every generation because they don't like what the previous gen did?  This is not a video game, it is our history and our heritage.  This is part of why people flock to America!  


Everybody has an opinion, I get it.  Be constructive, work for it and do something real with it!


Just my two cents.


I love this commercial because it brings back great memories and goes back to the roots of goodness!



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Pandering.. like” I always carry a bottle of hot sauce in my purse “ pandering?


not the party of today..  everyone forget about Robert Byrd? A Clinton mentor.. the second longest elected democrat senator.. former kkk member. 


The left is erasing their history because it doesn’t favor them. 


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Except it isn't just confederates, they are tearing down statues of Jefferson and Washington in Portland now. 


These "protests" no longer have anything to do with justice, or addressing police brutality, or any form of positive reform.


This is pure destructive revolutionists trying to tear down America. The people who tore down the Washington statue were identified as Antifa on site although that has not been confirmed.


If a community doesn't like a statue they should go through the lawful procedures to remove it. Allowing a lawless mob to destroy public property they don't agree with is not right. 








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Stolen from elsewhere:


Things are moving in a very bad direction. BLM has become the strongest political party in the USA. Dissenters are silenced with the label of "racist". Tow the line or be physically assaulted, have your business looted, or even burned to the ground.


Capitalism is demonized. Business are shuttered, labeled as greedy or evil. People are left jobless and the only means of survival is government largess. The people are being conditioned to be dependent on the large state for handouts. People's ability to survive is being shifted from a private, capitalist model, to a public, socialist model.


The police are being disbanded. Criminals are being released and property crime enforcement eliminated. Violence against "racists" is tolerated. Looting is justified as retribution against greedy corporations. And if you wrap yourself in the banner of protest you are free from prosecution.


The Bill of Rights is under attack. Our founders are personally under attack and their monuments destroyed, soon to be followed by the destruction of their legacy, the Constitution. Watch for "Bad Man = Bad Ideas" being brought forth. The masses will swallow this whole. Our republic is collapsing.


There is no leadership. Republicans are silent, or even falling in line (Romney). We need leadership. Anyone who does not follow the party line is marginalized, called a "hater", and pelted with ad hominem attacks. The masses are silent in fear.


This model played out in Germany with the rise of Nazism. The SA/Brownshirts terrorized the people and the police were effectively replaced over time with political thugs. The population was disarmed. Political dissension was eliminated. And the only way to have any voice was to go along. The SA may have had slightly different politics, but the end game was the same...power through fear and intimidation.


Now we have Antifa who are wrapping themselves in a self righteous mission to defeat virtually non-existent fascism in America. What they really want to do is destroy capitalism. They are the SA of BLM. They are embolden with the cover of anti-fascism, anti-racism, anti-capitalism. But what they really are are thugs, defending a violent revolution.

Edited by Dguy210
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Two things 


Draker , just by this avatar most likely does NOT miss the SuperSonics .. 


What I’m thinking Draker is saying is.. The democrates are all for the tearing down of statues ( and taking down portraits now) as it erases THEIR history as extreme racists ..
   Kinda like the Nazi would do ,, to erase their involvement in the extermination of the Jews as to give them a reason to be able to argue not that it didn’t happen .. but it was someone else that did it.. 

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2 hours ago, Dguy210 said:

Stolen from elsewhere:


Things are moving in a very bad direction. BLM has become the strongest political party in the USA. Dissenters are silenced with the label of "racist". Tow the line or be physically assaulted, have your business looted, or even burned to the ground.


Capitalism is demonized. Business are shuttered, labeled as greedy or evil. People are left jobless and the only means of survival is government largess. The people are being conditioned to be dependent on the large state for handouts. People's ability to survive is being shifted from a private, capitalist model, to a public, socialist model.


The police are being disbanded. Criminals are being released and property crime enforcement eliminated. Violence against "racists" is tolerated. Looting is justified as retribution against greedy corporations. And if you wrap yourself in the banner of protest you are free from prosecution.


The Bill of Rights is under attack. Our founders are personally under attack and their monuments destroyed, soon to be followed by the destruction of their legacy, the Constitution. Watch for "Bad Man = Bad Ideas" being brought forth. The masses will swallow this whole. Our republic is collapsing.


There is no leadership. Republicans are silent, or even falling in line (Romney). We need leadership. Anyone who does not follow the party line is marginalized, called a "hater", and pelted with ad hominem attacks. The masses are silent in fear.


This model played out in Germany with the rise of Nazism. The SA/Brownshirts terrorized the people and the police were effectively replaced over time with political thugs. The population was disarmed. Political dissension was eliminated. And the only way to have any voice was to go along. The SA may have had slightly different politics, but the end game was the same...power through fear and intimidation.


Now we have Antifa who are wrapping themselves in a self righteous mission to defeat virtually non-existent fascism in America. What they really want to do is destroy capitalism. They are the SA of BLM. They are embolden with the cover of anti-fascism, anti-racism, anti-capitalism. But what they really are are thugs, defending a violent revolution.

 Truth, and you know what they say...."it hurts"

Romney is a "pussy" btw


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