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73 headlight switch

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Hey guys. New owner of a '73 and I'm trying to wrap my head around some basic stuff regarding the interior switch gear. Thankful for any help. 


Headlights appear to be a 3 position switch - Off/parking/beams. How do the high beams get engaged and is the knob supposed to rotate to dim the gauge lights or something? Mine doesn't twist and I don't see a floor switch or anything for the highs, nor do I have any cluster lights although I do have a random bulb hanging from under the dash which comes on when the headlights are on. 


My hazard light switch is missing the knob. Is that something that can be easily repaired or do I need to find a whole switch assembly? They don't look to be readily available. Is there any known cross compatibility with other makes/models? 



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The headlight switch arm flips back and forward to get high and low beams. I don't remember which way is which though. If I remember correctly, on the dash is a knob that rotates for a dash light dimmer switch. Dad bought a 1973 brand new and since he is gone now I have it, though the motor hasn't run now for over ten years. So, I am very slowly making it over into a diesel powered vehicle.



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55 minutes ago, 620slodat said:

The headlight switch arm flips back and forward to get high and low beams. I don't remember which way is which though. If I remember correctly, on the dash is a knob that rotates for a dash light dimmer switch. Dad bought a 1973 brand new and since he is gone now I have it, though the motor hasn't run now for over ten years. So, I am very slowly making it over into a diesel powered vehicle.



Thanks, Don. Just for clarification, when you say the headlight switch arm "flips" do you mean rotates? 

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1 minute ago, bilzbobaggins said:

Should be a stalk on the steering column that goes back and forth for high and low beams.





OK. I didn't notice anything on the column except the turn signal stalk on the left and the hazard switch on the right. Maybe the cover isn't original. I'll check again when I have a moment. Thanks. 

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That.  flip it forward for high beams and back fer lows.

1 minute ago, Negative Ghostrider said:

OK. I didn't notice anything on the column except the turn signal stalk on the left and the hazard switch on the right. Maybe the cover isn't original. I'll check again when I have a moment. Thanks. 


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*Smacks forehead* Ah. I finally got it. Thanks. 

This is the first vehicle I've owned that was older than me. My 79 square body came damn close but that had the dimmer incorporated into the headlight knob and a stomp switch for the high beams so I have been using that as a frame of reference. I'm sure I will have a few more bonehead questions throughout this process and I appreciate your patience. 


Any thoughts on the hazard switch?

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I will go look at one when I go for a smoke.  I think the 620 come on and off by holding the shaft and pushing in and twisting?


nevermind.  Guess the hazard is different than the other switches.




This like yours?


Edited by bilzbobaggins
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I should have thought to mention that the turn signal stalk also is the high/low beam switch, but I didn't. My bad. I'm having to work from memory here since I haven't driven the 620 for so long, and a poor memory it is.



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  • 2 weeks later...

So did the 73 not come with a dimmer switch? I'm looking at photos of dashboards and the ones I can see with dimmers are on the right hand side, lower edge, below the cigarette lighter. Mine apparently had a choke cable there, which has since been removed because the truck has a Weber on it now. I grabbed a junkyard dimmer before I figured all this out. Is it going to be relatively easy to integrate? I don't see any obvious plug and play options going on. Should I just skip it? 

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Wa ha ha ha ha christ! Nissan put the weakest bulbs they could find in their Datsun dashes. A dimmer is just a cruel joke. I constantly cannot read the mileage when driving at night and can't help grabbing the dimmer and try turning them brighter!!! But NO! It's always at full 'brightness' so I reach down for my flashlight.


No dimmer on the '73 but the-'74-'75 had dim-able heater controls and wiper knob only. Only from '76 on did they dim the dash lights comply with DOT regs. 


Early Datsun dimmers were a 2 wire rheostat... a coil of wire with a wiper to vary the resistance. These were large and gave off a lot of heat. Later '78-'79  were 3 wire solid state or transistorized.






This is a lot of bother to make something dimmer that can't be seen properly without a flashlight.


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Yes indeed. I got mine (for my 710) from amazon....https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B073XKZ9QH/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o07_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1


Some are too tall and will plug into the plastic base but then can't be screwed into the cluster. I test fit them into a spare cluster and while most LEDs are polarity sensitive but these will work no matter how you plug them in. I'm guessing $12 US. LEDs are not (easily) dim-able.

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