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Covid-19 Prepared?

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It is not completely gone yet Mike, he got elected, but I would bet that if a certain party wins, that president will use an executive order to never let something like that happen again, the people will never again elect someone that is not one of them again.

Edited by wayno
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Yer in the boiler room of the Titanic shoveling coal in knee high water. It's been eroding faster and faster for almost 20 years. Freedom and democracy go hand in hand. If you have one you choose to have the other. In over 60 years I have never seen it so bad.  


The price of freedom, is eternal vigilance........................John Philpot Curran, given in Dublin in 1790. No it wasn't Jefferson who said it first. Better wake up all the passengers and either fix the problem or put on the life jackets. Knowing there is a problem is a start.

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20 hours ago, datzenmike said:

Yer in the boiler room of the Titanic shoveling coal in knee high water. It's been eroding faster and faster for almost 20 years. Freedom and democracy go hand in hand. If you have one you choose to have the other. In over 60 years I have never seen it so bad.  


The price of freedom, is eternal vigilance........................John Philpot Curran, given in Dublin in 1790. No it wasn't Jefferson who said it first. Better wake up all the passengers and either fix the problem or put on the life jackets. Knowing there is a problem is a start.


"Democracy will last until the people discover that they can vote themselves money"  de Toquevill, early 1800s on a visit to America.

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California just shutdown for 3 months. 

California State University's cancelled the fall semester. Piglosi is proposing TRILLIONS more, in a bill FILLED with their Agenda.

Are we using the virus as a Shield to bailout mismanaged states?

Is this about the virus..... Or the election?



Why is Nancy piglosi preparing a 3 trillion dollar covid19 relief Bill?



She wants you broke, afraid, isolated, and dependant on the federal government for your very livelihood 


She wants you to need her and her DNC terrorists cronies. She/ they want to steal the november elections 

Edited by gene knight
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5 minutes ago, datzenmike said:

The cure is worse than the disease....

Yes,we're starting to figure this out.I was not on board at first with shutting things down.I changed my mind and thought maybe we do need to isolate ourselves somewhat.Now i think we really fucked things up for no reason.As we isolated the infection spread and people still died.I think more have died since the shutdown than before it.

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16 minutes ago, john510 said:

Yes,we're starting to figure this out.I was not on board at first with shutting things down.I changed my mind and thought maybe we do need to isolate ourselves somewhat.Now i think we really fucked things up for no reason.As we isolated the infection spread and people still died.I think more have died since the shutdown than before it.


It's easy to think it's not that bad, but I do believe it would be a lot worse in terms of deaths and hospital overwhelming without the shelter in place orders. However, and hindsight is 20-20, things should have either been full lockdown to completely halt any chance of spread, or never should have gone this far - masks, distancing, whatever, fine, but no forcing businesses to shut down. People should have been able to keep working. Now we have an indefinite gray area where it can still spread but the economy is constantly being trashed. I certainly think things would be a lot different if it weren't a pivotal election year, especially if there was a viable candidate 😂

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2 hours ago, john510 said:

Yes,we're starting to figure this out.I was not on board at first with shutting things down.I changed my mind and thought maybe we do need to isolate ourselves somewhat.Now i think we really fucked things up for no reason.As we isolated the infection spread and people still died.I think more have died since the shutdown than before it.


 I don't know if I agree with the shutdown as it is, but what else could hammer this home like a drastic measure like that? People are idiots, absolute IDIOTS!!! I saw someone driving alone with a mask on! If bars and restaurants were open and sports arenas, schools it would be business as usual and unenforceable. At some point people get or got the message and some openings could have been tried. Probably before now. Opening schools before September is insane if that does happen. We have to learn new ways to deal with this problem. In some highly populated areas shutdown probably is for the best.


John, maybe more would have died if nothing were done.

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That's quite possible more could have died.We won't ever really know.My fear is what happens next time ? The world has never shut itself down over anything like this,not that i can remember.I find that kind of strange.

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9 hours ago, gene knight said:

California just shutdown for 3 months. 

California State University's cancelled the fall semester. Piglosi is proposing TRILLIONS more, in a bill FILLED with their Agenda.

Are we using the virus as a Shield to bailout mismanaged states?

Is this about the virus..... Or the election?



Why is Nancy piglosi preparing a 3 trillion dollar covid19 relief Bill?



She wants you broke, afraid, isolated, and dependant on the federal government for your very livelihood 


She wants you to need her and her DNC terrorists cronies. She/ they want to steal the november elections 


Los Angeles just shut down for three more months, not all of California 


Pelosi is trying to run the narrative on this Bill by looking like the Good Guy, while loading it with more Liberal Funded Bullshit and hoping nobody notices. The plan is to make it look like that if anyone opposes her Magic Bullet, you must be a Racist Right Winger who hates everyone and wants people to die!  Fuck the Corona shit, there is a Narrative to be pushed up our asses or shoved down our throats! 


San Diego is opening up more stuff, carefully, but at least they are trying. The Mayor sent Newsom a letter telling him to ease up on us since we have played it pretty well here. 


We shall see how that goes. 




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39 minutes ago, datzenmike said:


 I don't know if I agree with the shutdown as it is, but what else could hammer this home like a drastic measure like that? People are idiots, absolute IDIOTS!!! I saw someone driving alone with a mask on! If bars and restaurants were open and sports arenas, schools it would be business as usual and unenforceable. At some point people get or got the message and some openings could have been tried. Probably before now. Opening schools before September is insane if that does happen. We have to learn new ways to deal with this problem. In some highly populated areas shutdown probably is for the best.


John, maybe more would have died if nothing were done.


South Dakota never locked down. They suggested proper distancing and hand washing. All the stuff needed to help prevent it. The state is 30th in 50 states of cases. Guess they could be an example of how things could have gone with no lock down. 


The original reason for the shut down was to flatten out the graph curve on new cases. Avoid overwhelming the medical system.... Well the first happened and the second never even came close to overwhelming anything aside from peoples fears.. 


People are idiots for sure, but the nut bag driving solo with a mask on is the type we want for idiots. He is being stupid in the right direction. We really should have a program in place to be focusing on our retirement age people, and not blanketing everyone. The high density populations should have much of the same precaution. Take care of the high risk and practice viral educate. 


No more lock downs. No more business restrictions. We are free people and our risks should be our wager. 



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ND isn't really an international flight destination or a port, I'm sure it's nice and all but who the fuck goes there? The population is under 900,000 so not very densely settled. California is 40 million.  NYC over 8 million. Where there's lots of people things will spread. So apples and oranges. 




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11 minutes ago, datzenmike said:

ND isn't really an international flight destination or a port, I'm sure it's nice and all but who the fuck goes there? The population is under 900,000 so not very densely settled. California is 40 million.  NYC over 8 million. Where there's lots of people things will spread. So apples and oranges. 




 By this frame of view all sample studies are garbage then.

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Yes indeed some for sure are garbage because a certain result was wanted in advance. I have no idea what studies were done, who was qualified enough, who is professional enough, who is un-biased enough, who has access to accurate data, nor if you and everyone else would agree with the methodology or the results. If it doesn't fit someone will whine bullshit. For every study there is a conflicting one to muddy the water. To be sure I wouldn't believe anything I hear or see or read these days. Maybe in ten years from now someone will get a billion dollar grant and wade through all the bullshit and sort it out. Maybe the 'true' results it will be sealed away for 100 years like the Warren Commission Report..





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I'd rather not know.  Sweden didn't close down  like the US however Swedes since 1970 have had voter turn out of 81% or better and have an average of 86.87% turn out. This is because Swedes are engaged in their government and who they choose to run their country. If you carefully pick someone to advise and govern you, you are more likely to follow those recommendations after all you are looking after your own self interest. 


What's the US turn out? Well from '72 it's been on average 53.675% so almost half don't give a shit or the other half won't let them, or the government doesn't give a shit because 30% more voters might throw them out on their asses!!!. So when those in authority say shelter in place, social distance and close your business at least half are going to say 'fuck you this is the land of the free, I can do whatever I want, this ain't Nazi Germany don't tell me what to do, too much government interference, the American Dream is to make MONEY, I have rights!!!."  So here we are with a country with the highest covid rate @  1.4 million and death rate of 84,000. Next I'll hear that the death rate was exaggerated countered by 'it was underestimated' and the testing was fucked up and no good. So I don't believe a thing anyone says.


Our turnout is 68.62%. I sit back and watch.

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