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Covid-19 Prepared?

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Watch that video I just posted.


this virus has not one but three perfect protein hooks from three different virus types of Covid virus..... that doesn’t happen in nature.



Edited by Mattndew76
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I am waiting to see how this turns out, 2 years ago(flu season) 61,000 died from the flu, last year(flu season) 37,000 died, if less people die this time in the USA then this was an over reaction as they didn't give a shit about the 98,000 people that died from the flu the last 2 flu seasons, I don't know about every state, but the 3 blue states on the west coast and the blue states on the east coast are freaking everyone out with all their gloom and doom, they are going to collapse this countries economy(might be worse than 2007/2008), the one person I have talked to in a red state says no one is freaking out right now about the virus, but I suspect they are freaking out about losing their retirement and jobs.



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There are about 50,000 deaths a year in auto accidents. No one 'gives a shit' about them either or cares to drive slower and more carefully to drop this number..


If you guys are going tin foil maybe this should be closed. This is about being prepared and what to do/not do.

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So, tin foil hat shit aside, is there anyone here who is or knows someone with the Virus, who is currently sick or recovering?


Most folks I know are being cautious, not in a panic, just cautious. Avoiding large crowds and keeping tabs on their own health. 

Allergies are still in effect and can make you sniffle and cough, so that is not it. A high fever and a very dry and constant cough are apparently it. 




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Based on previous observation on this website, if a thread does not warrant closing by the powers that be, the only person whom can request a thread to close ( and achieve that end) is the person what started it.

Edited by dhp123166
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3 hours ago, datzenmike said:

There are about 50,000 deaths a year in auto accidents. No one 'gives a shit' about them either or cares to drive slower and more carefully to drop this number..


If you guys are going tin foil maybe this should be closed. This is about being prepared and what to do/not do.


2 hours ago, Jesse C. said:

So, tin foil hat shit aside, is there anyone here who is or knows someone with the Virus, who is currently sick or recovering?


Most folks I know are being cautious, not in a panic, just cautious. Avoiding large crowds and keeping tabs on their own health. 

Allergies are still in effect and can make you sniffle and cough, so that is not it. A high fever and a very dry and constant cough are apparently it. 





My sister in law was" told" she has the Corona virus via doctors , and to go home/self quarantine. I really can't confirm this as I wasn't there and she feels like shit.. She describes the fever as nothing like the flu , and almost like pneumonia on steroids.


My old neighbors are both sick , and went to the hospital. They couldn't get officially tested for Corona,  so they were examined tested for everything else. Once the results were in , the doctors said they need to quarantine themselves as its a high probability that they have coronac since all else was ruled out. Im sure medical staff are saying that to a lot of suspected but not confirmed cases. Both describe it as awful,  but they are older people... (50's-60's). 


I also believe discussing the economic impact should be relevant and included in this thread. Just yesterday,  I heard both my brother in laws were laid off immediately. Encouraged to FILE for unemployment immediately. People are scared for their jobs. I even walked across the street to talk to one......just one neighbor.....she knows 10 different people that are laid off for the foreseeable future. My company believes well be working as a skeleton crew until next summer...., we are structuring to do so if need be.....worst case scenario thing.....


The spread/speed of this virus , the effect on our economy , and the fallout of all things related is all still in its infancy. 


Over-reaction , knee-jerk reaction or not , these events are hapoening.... 


***The area in which I live , was just ordered into a "shelter in place" until 3/31/2020. ***


My vote , Keep the thread open , opinions are opinions. 

Edited by I'm BLUE
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                      Here in VA,they've banned groups of over 10 people.

Restaurants are supposed to have no more than 10 people.I've 

wondered how the'll enforce this,as the business has been cut

drastically.The cops are supposed to enforce this,but how?

             Do they just ask you to leave,write you a ticket,or arrest you?





            "What are you in for?"


             "I was the 11th person in the resturaunt".  

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We curtailed our restaurant outings a while ago.


I definitely do not want others preparing my food right now.


Are rubber gloves being worn 100 % of the time?


Is frequent hand sanitizing being practiced?


Have all the cooks beards been shaved, and do they no longer sweat profusely?


I would tend to doubt it ( given my past 23 experience in the food business).


Edited by dhp123166
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I have just been informed that the hotel I was going to stay at in Tokyo next month cannot admit me for my 1 week stay until I self isolate myself in some other hotel for 14 days after arrival in Japan !  Not going to happen.  Thankfully the hotel has no cost cancellation policy and the air line will also cancel or reschedule at no cost.  It is only March but this is the third reschedule for this trip.   Maybe I should just take the money and wait to see if the Olympics get cancelled or postponed before I restart my trip planning [and just cancel, not reschedule this current trip].  I had planned the trip around the Cherry Blossoms blooming and the Olympics crush.

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1 hour ago, gene knight said:

VFR800: just watched the 1 hour 9 minute video  you posted  10 hours ago  very interesting and very true


If I said that a UFO came down and took me away for a day there would always be some nuts that would believe me because they want to believe. We have our own biases and these tin foil hat you-tube posts play into that. Cherry picked facts and slices of interviews telling you what you want to believe. You have to carefully examine ANYTHING said or shown on them.... and then see them as what they are.... entertainment. 

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The church I work for had a gentleman in his 80s die on Tuesday. We only found out he had COVID-19 the Thursday before. We're not having any gatherings now. Even bible study groups are meeting via the internet. I also have a daughter with a few health issues. She's been down with a cold for the last few weeks, but the doctor cleared her yesterday (as I suspected). A lot of people are pretty scared here, especially my Chinese friends. We're trying to stay positive but it's super weird. Up until Wednesday, my job description was assistant pastor looking after families, kids & youth with outreach and music too. In 24 hours, I've suddenly become an online content producer. Ie. recording vids and editing them for the new YouTube channel we're going to host our services on. I've done YT vids before, but this is pretty different. Trying to schedule people for filming, etc, etc. Going to get good at it, but it's strange.


Anyhow, stay safe and keep praying. This thing will run it's course and then we'll be back to normal.

Edited by slowlearner
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20 minutes ago, Mattndew76 said:

Great promise with an old pharma malaria remedy.




This is considered a prophylactic method or even a therapy. If working with infected or working around the china virus infected.



Best guess for mode of action is as a zinc ionophore inhibiting viral replication. Sources at end.


Hydroxychloroquine is already approved for use in humans (side effects are more mild than chloroquine but still can cause retinal damage at high dose). The study presented looked promising but was a small sample size with some issues with loss of patients in the study (i.e., removed as they died or transferred out). However, it does seem reasonable and more data is needed, as this can be prescribed off-label this makes it an attractive target.


There are some supplements that seem to have similar modes of action (quercetin) which are also being investigated for effectiveness (although usually as combination therapy).


Personally my opinion is that as quercetin is a cheap and easily available supplement with minimal side effects it would like not be an issue to start taking it prophylactically until further data comes in along with a zinc supplement.  





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I’ve got n95, p100, organic vapor, full face. Went golfing today. Social distancing at it’s finest. 

gotta admit, pretty weird times.


picked up another 60 rounds of .223, 20 9mm varmint rounds, 150 9mm.  

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