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Covid-19 Prepared?

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26 minutes ago, john510 said:

Just follow along with the program to eliminate Covid,the program that in reality hasn't stopped a damn thing but is wrecking the mental health of so many.


Not all peoples mental health has been effected some are still as bat shit crazy as before, they just have a new subject and audience to annoy. In fact isolating them from the general public may have been a bonus to humanity. 

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2 hours ago, Dav said:



Perception is funny. You might think calling my straight up reposts from mainstream media as being shrill, but they really have no emotion in them, as I’m a sociopath. Also means I don’t care what others post (have you been diagnosed too?). Most posts are intended as humorous (to me) arguments to counter at least some the bullshit.


See, no emotion.


Your reposts are from mainstream media?? How can we tell, they had no source quoted. Still say they were from NE


Understand 'intended as humorous (to me) arguments to counter at least some the bullshit.' Can't think of a single thing I believe in and thus am free to poke everything to let the gas out in a large fart sound.





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1 hour ago, john510 said:

I un-ignored the tick for a post or two and am kind of shocked how weak minded some people can be.Damn the media and the government have really messed some people up.Just follow along with the program to eliminate Covid,the program that in reality hasn't stopped a damn thing but is wrecking the mental health of so many.When you have this problem you definitely need to stay away from the news and even the internet.It's more dangerous than the virus itself.


Ah ha ha ha recently had PM asking how to work the ignore Dav feature.

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Ok, the day is coming if not here already when labs will be able to engineer a virus to accomplish specific goals.

When that is achievable you could create a highly pathogenic version and a version that is highly transmissible but low pathogenic, so you could infect your enemy and then protect your own populace.

Are we seeing that now?


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2 hours ago, Ooph! said:

Ok, the day is coming if not here already when labs will be able to engineer a virus to accomplish specific goals.

When that is achievable you could create a highly pathogenic version and a version that is highly transmissible but low pathogenic, so you could infect your enemy and then protect your own populace.

Are we seeing that now?


"Ok, the day is coming if not here already when labs will be able to engineer a virus to accomplish specific goals."

Already doable and not even all that hard to do for the more crude approaches.

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On 1/7/2022 at 2:56 PM, bottomwatcher said:

No offense Matt and sorry to hear you are sick again but I remember you saying getting natural antibodies was superior to the vaccine. That may still be true but you getting it a second time confirmed in a few months means this shit isn't going to end. Hope you feel better and the rest of your family dodges it this time.


Omicron is also not Alpha or Delta. 


If you had Alpha then Delta wasn't an issue, It wouldn't infect you. Omicron on the other hand is being shown to have not even spawned from the Original Novel lab made virus. Its likely a common Covid virus with just more virality. Thus the reason its only causing Cold like symptoms ( Cough, Fatigue, scratchy throat. ) I am also not the one saying natural immunity is better. I am repeating what a major portion of independent biological scientists are saying, not the corporate paid cucks. 


Now with all the evidence. I am saying that it is 100% better not only 100 but 1300 - 2400% better


Natural Immunity IS better than Pfizer, Merk, and J&J. A healthy diet and exercise is better than the jab.  Has been and always will be. 




Edited by Mattndew76
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10 minutes ago, john510 said:

I heard some lady from the CDC today on the radio.She said 75% of Covid deaths were from people with 4 or more comorbidities.


So if got diabetes, halitosis, one foot in the casket and another on a banana peel you are at greater risk of death.

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7 hours ago, Mattndew76 said:


Omicron is also not Alpha or Delta. 


If you had Alpha then Delta wasn't an issue, It wouldn't infect you. Omicron on the other hand is being shown to have not even spawned from the Original Novel lab made virus. Its likely a common Covid virus with just more virality. Thus the reason its only causing Cold like symptoms ( Cough, Fatigue, scratchy throat. ) I am also not the one saying natural immunity is better. I am repeating what a major portion of independent biological scientists are saying, not the corporate paid cucks. 


Now with all the evidence. I am saying that it is 100% better not only 100 but 1300 - 2400% better


Natural Immunity IS better than Pfizer, Merk, and J&J. A healthy diet and exercise is better than the jab.  Has been and always will be. 




Just saying you seem to have this crap more than most and I believe what you say since you have experienced this first hand. I have done the jab + booster who knows if it does any good. I live fairly isolated and mask up around other people and haven't been sick of any type since this whole shit started. I am in Florida now and it seems a free for all. Whatever, gonna stay away from people,  don't like them anyway and thanks for the honestly posts.

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49 minutes ago, bottomwatcher said:

Just saying you seem to have this crap more than most and I believe what you say since you have experienced this first hand. I have done the jab + booster who knows if it does any good. I live fairly isolated and mask up around other people and haven't been sick of any type since this whole shit started. I am in Florida now and it seems a free for all. Whatever, gonna stay away from people,  don't like them anyway and thanks for the honestly posts.




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58 minutes ago, bottomwatcher said:

Just saying you seem to have this crap more than most and I believe what you say since you have experienced this first hand. I have done the jab + booster who knows if it does any good. I live fairly isolated and mask up around other people and haven't been sick of any type since this whole shit started. I am in Florida now and it seems a free for all. Whatever, gonna stay away from people,  don't like them anyway and thanks for the honestly posts.


I live socially isolated. As far as other people go I don't have anything to do with them. I rarely go into town, maybe once a week I walk in down the RR tracks. It's inevitable that I run into people but it's a minimum amount. My wife on the other hand is out and about and her work involves socializing mainly older and elderly. We have both had the 3 jabs and have neither had any unexplained symptoms. As there are often no symptoms who knows? 



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New conspiracy theory - cats cause COVID vaccinations! (Should be a cross post with daily randomness - cats burning down their abodes).


Generic news story - Daughter told me about a workplace where they had workers in three buildings, one of which had resident cats. Workers were told they had to get vaccinated or they would not be able to work in the building that had the cats. 4 of the 5 workers who were not COVID vaccinated, and did not want to be, got the shot so that they could continue to work with the cats.


Moral of the story - DON’T TRUST A CAT!


Now the conspiracy theory - it all has to do with a virus that cats get and give to their victims called toxoplasmosis. Read stories about mice who are infected not being afraid of being near a cat (now cat food). Also read about people not being afraid of traffic and walking into traffic (dead). Imagine this, another thing was that humans who are infected do not mind, and might even like, is the smell of cat piss. Wow!


So, toxoplasmosis reduces your fear. CDC should recommend all those who are afraid of a COVID vaccination hang out with cats for a while, maybe it could be a national program.


Lastly, a poll. If you have a cat, do you not mind the smell of cat piss? If you don’t mind the smell, have you been vaccinated?

Edited by Dav
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8 minutes ago, Dav said:

New conspiracy theory - cats cause COVID vaccinations! (Should be a cross post with daily randomness - cats burning down their abodes).


Generic news story - Daughter told me about a workplace where they had workers in three buildings, one of which had resident cats. Workers were told they had to get vaccinated or they would not be able to work in the building that had the cats. 4 of the 5 workers who were not COVID vaccinated, and did not want to be, got the shot so that they could continue to work with the cats.


Moral of the story - DON’T TRUST A CAT!


Now the conspiracy theory - it all has to do with a virus that cats get and give to their victims called toxoplasmosis. Read stories about mice who are infected not being afraid of being near a cat (now cat food). Also read about people not being afraid of traffic and walking into traffic (dead). Imagine this, another thing was that humans who are infected do not mind, and might even like, is the smell of cat piss. Wow!


So, toxoplasmosis reduces your fear. CDC should recommend all those who are afraid of a COVID vaccination hang out with cats for a while, maybe it could be a national program.


Lastly, a poll. If you have a cat, do you not mind the smell of cat piss? If you don’t mind the smell, have you been vaccinated?

You play with mercury as a kid dude? Ride the short bus to school?

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I live near RR tracks and the train horn was annoying. After several months you start to not register it. If asked if you heard it today you would answer maybe, I don't know, I guess so. I worked in an insecticide factory and the chemicals used were very smelly. You only noticed them, (maybe) on Monday mornings. You have to work with radio playing the most annoying Queen or Abba tunes nixed in with basically elevator music. After a few weeks you find yourself tapping your foot along with the songs.


These are examples of constant external stimulus over time having less and less effect or reaction. The odd becomes the norm. Do cat owners notice cat piss???? I would say no, not nearly as much as a non cat owner coming into your house. 


Toxoplasmosis is rarely a problem for cats or humans with healthy immune systems. In almost all cases no treatment needed. Have never heard of fear mitigation from toxoplasmosis. It must be exceedingly rare.


Have 5 neutered indoor cats at present. I know what cat piss smells like and when located, the very odd time, I clean the affected area. I don't like to find it, I don't want it, but it happens even cleaning the 3 litter boxes at least 3 or more times a day. So I guess yes I mind it. Three vax so far.

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